Tracking and Reporting Electronics Stewardship If You Can’t Count It, It Doesn’t Count Jeff Eagan Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance U.S. Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking and Reporting Electronics Stewardship If You Can’t Count It, It Doesn’t Count Jeff Eagan Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance U.S. Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking and Reporting Electronics Stewardship If You Can’t Count It, It Doesn’t Count Jeff Eagan Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance U.S. Department of Energy Federal Environmental Symposium-East June 6, 2009

2 1  DOE is the first federal agency to document its performance in green procurement, operation and disposition of electronics at both the agency and facility levels.  DOE incrementally improved its Pollution Prevention Tracking & Reporting System (PPTRS) to meet Executive Order and DOE Order electronic stewardship tracking and reporting requirements.  Because DOE can track and report agency performance in achieving its electronic stewardship goals, it can calculate associated reductions in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.  Agencies can build on their current reporting systems to meet electronic stewardship requirements and compute environmental benefits. Overview

3 1 Overview of DOE Data Collection System  Gathering data by DOE sites using site-specific data collection systems was time consuming and costly.  The DOE data entry website was developed as an interface between sites and the central data collectors.  The user-friendly website is continuously improved and updated annually to address newly designated products and new data needs and operating practices.  DOE sites annually input their data for green computing procurement, operations, and end of life practices. DOE submits a single agency and facility report to the OFEE.

4 1 PPTRS Overview

5 1 PPTRS Site Profile

6 1 Data Entry for EPEAT

7 1 PPTRS Allows DOE to Track EPEAT Purchases 96%+ of 52,000 electronic assets purchased or leased by DOE in FY08 were EPEAT registered. Almost all were Silver or Gold.

8 1 PPTRS Tracks Operating and Disposition Practices  Lifespan Extension: 95% of DOE sites extended electronic asset lifespan to 48 Months or more.  Power Management: 90% of DOE sites employed power management practices (e.g., enabled Energy Star features).  Environmentally Responsible Disposition: 98% of DOE end-of-life or surplus electronics were reused or recycled in FY 08.

9 1 Data Collection Allows Calculation of Environmental Benefits DOE saved money, energy, and reduced its carbon footprint through green computing in FY08:  Saved $16,000,000 in operating costs.  Saved 171,000,000 KwH of electricity.  Prevented 33,000,000 kg of GHG emissions (CO 2 ).  Prevented 21,000 kg of solid waste.  Prevented 63,000 kg of hazardous waste. Data calculated using the FEC 2.0 Electronics Benefits Calculator.

10 1 DOE Green Computing Reduces Greenhouse Gases Total Metric Tons of GHG Emissions (as CE) Equivalent Volumes 33,000 (33,000,000 Kg) 21,899 vehicles removed from the road/year 12,500,000 gallons of gasoline (EPA GHG equivalency calculator) saving electric power needed by 14,300 households/year 24,000 acres of pine or fir forest needed to uptake this much carbon/year (EPA GHG equivalency calculator)

11 1 Lessons Learned 1.DOE incrementally improved annual site reporting on a variety of EO requirements such as recycling and procurement. Moving to an on-line, web-based approach was essential. 2.DOE Order 450.1A, Environmental Protection Program, pushed tracking requirements down to operating facilities who report annually on electronics stewardship performance. The Order also established an awards program to encourage and recognize exemplary performance by DOE sites in electronics stewardship. 3. Federal agencies can expand current purchasing and recycling data collection by incrementally building up their reporting systems. Agency-wide data is vital to calculate GHG reductions and other environmental/energy benefits.

12 1 Contacts for Electronics Stewardship Reporting Information at DOE Pollution Prevention Reporting and Tracking System - Reuse and Recycling Josh Silverman, HS-22 202-586-6535 EPEAT and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Recycled Products – Don Lentzen HS-22 202-586-7428 Jeff Eagan, HS-22, 202-586-4598

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