Scottish Education Keeping children safe, healthy and happy.

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Education Keeping children safe, healthy and happy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Education Keeping children safe, healthy and happy

2 LEGAL FRAMEWORK AROUND CHILDREN Children and young people need special attention because they are more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Safety and child protection measures in place to ensure their wellbeing.

3 KEY POLICIES IN SCOTLAND The Early Years Framework Curriculum for Excellence Additional Support for Learning Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 More chances, more choices UNCRC Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Getting it right for Every Child (GIRFEC)

4 GETTING IT RIGHT FOR EVERY CHILD Brings together the right services to assist children, young people and their families. Places children and young people's needs first. It ensures that they are listened to and they understand decisions that affect them, get more coordinated help, where this is required. Requires that all services for children and young people - Health, Education, Police, Social Work, Housing and voluntary organisations - adapt and streamline their systems and practices, to improve how they work together. Helps those facing the greatest social and health inequalities. It also encourages earlier intervention by professionals, to avoid crisis situations later.

5 GIRFEC – KEY FEATURES Named Person One point of contact that children and families can go to for advice or support if they need it. In most cases this is likely to be: Birth to primary school – Health visitor Primary school – Head teacher Secondary school - Head teacher/Guidance staff

6 GIRFEC – KEY FEATURES Child's Plan - single plan for each child aimed at identifying child’s wellbeing needs and setting out how services and parents can collaborate to support children and young people Lead Professional - where a number of services need to cooperate to help support children and their families, a Lead Professional is appointed to ensure there is good coordination. Information sharing - expressed views of children, young people their parents and relevant services are gathered and considered to ensure these views inform the Child’s Plan and access to the right help at the right time


8 Role of Children’s Commissioner’s Office: To promote and safeguard the rights of children and young people, having regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)’

9 CHILDREN INFORMED ABOUT THEIR RIGHTS Survey commissioned by the Scottish Government indicates: 93% of EM children involved had heard about children’s rights Younger age group demonstrated better awareness 97% of those aged 9-15 stated that they knew of ‘children’s rights’, compared to 85% of those aged 16-18 Teaching rights introduced with Curriculum for Excellence

10 PARENTS INVOLVED Parents can raise cultural awareness through involvement in schools e.g. parent councils. influence local/national policy and decision-making processes. Further information about GIRFEC and the other policies is given in the resources handout.

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