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Early Readers 1 Targets: Listen to and join in with stories, rhymes and poems Suggest how a story might end Show an interest in the pictures in books Early.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Readers 1 Targets: Listen to and join in with stories, rhymes and poems Suggest how a story might end Show an interest in the pictures in books Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Readers 1 Targets: Listen to and join in with stories, rhymes and poems Suggest how a story might end Show an interest in the pictures in books Early Readers = EYFS 30-50 months Early Readers 2 Targets: Show some awareness of how stories are structured e.g. beginning, middle, end or a happy ending Show an interest in the print in books and in print all around them Handle books with care and respect Know that print carries some meaning

2 Pink A Target: Show where the title is Turn the pages and understand that the left page comes before the right Use the pictures and the language pattern to predict the story Know a few common words when reading Pink B Target: Use the pictures, the language patterns and some letters to read words Match spoken and written word using finger Know some common words when reading Sound out and read a small word in the text from left to right. Red Level Target: Find and remember the title Match spoken and written word in a variety of books Start to read more quickly across a sentence Sound out and read small words in the text from left to right. Check that the words make sense Repeat words, phrases or sentence to check or change what they’ve read so it makes sense

3 Yellow Level Target: Follow print with eyes using finger only at tricky bits Take notice of full stops, question marks and exclamation marks Cross check between pictures and words quickly Use knowledge of words and spelling patterns to attempt new words Notice links between different books Predict a story in more detail Blue Level Target: Move between pictures and text quickly Correct mistakes more quickly Re-read to clarify meaning and to improve phrasing Using the letters and the story try different pronunciations to find new words Chunk longer words and sound out parts separately to read new words Read a wider variety of texts e.g. non-fiction, poetry and stories Discuss the text in details

4 Green Level Target: Read fluently using punctuation well Solve new words quickly by looking at the word and thinking about the meaning of the sentence Follow print accurately where there are several lines of print on a page Talk about the characters and the plot in more detail Use a contents page and glossary in non-fiction books to find information Orange Level Target: Read without relying so much on the pictures Choose which part of a non-fiction book to read using the contents page Read longer and more complex sentences Blend the sounds in new words much quicker Search for and use familiar syllable within words to read longer words Infer meaning from the text even when it isn’t obvious Be able to talk about the genre of a book e.g. information book, traditional story etc

5 Turquoise Level Target: Talk about the meaning of the text without relying so much on the pictures Have the confidence to read different genres Use punctuation and layout to read with expression in your voice Be able to read paragraphs with confidence Tackle a wider range of vocabulary using different strategies Use alphabetically order texts such as glossaries, indexes and dictionaries. Purple Level Target: Predict content and story development in a range of books Read silently or quietly Read more unfamiliar words on the run Be able to read poetic and non-fiction language with confidence Be aware of different effects used by fiction writers and the more formal language used in non-fiction Begin to use reading vocabulary to extend spoken and written vocabulary

6 Gold Level Target: Look through a range of books and predict the story and content independently Understand the different features of non-fiction books Read silently or quietly at a quicker pace Talk about the language the writer has chosen and why Find information, read and discuss it using a non- fiction book Make more effort to use vocabulary learned in reading in their speech and writing White Level Target: Read silently most of the time Read longer books over a longer period of time, coming back to them after a break with confidence Talk about the spelling patterns they notice in unfamiliar words Talk about the choice of vocabulary and how it affects the meaning of the story Compare texts and offer opinions of the books they read Talk about how the characters relate to one another Suggest alterative events, actions or endings. Discuss feelings created by stories Retell stories clearly and concisely

7 White + Level Target: Be able to talk about the deeper meaning in a story e.g. the moral of a story When talking about a text refer back to it to demonstrate their ideas Come up with a question to search for the answers in a non-fiction book Learn to read in different ways, e.g. scanning to find particular information and more in depth to gain a fuller understanding Compare and contrast work by different authors or books on the same subject Read aloud with expression and intonation taking account of the punctuation used Talk about the point of view of an author (White+ is Level 3) White ++ Level Target: Persevere with longer and more difficult books Use deduction and inference with more mature stories and poems Look at the way an author develops a plot and their characters Distinguish fact from opinion, point from example, and relevant from irrelevant Summarise a text using only key points Refer to the text to explain their own opinions Identify the main theme of a book Talk about the word choices of an author Talk about why the author wrote the book (White++ is Level 4)

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