Characterization of manufacturing (Wright, Ch1-2) Technology –Production Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization of manufacturing (Wright, Ch1-2) Technology –Production Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization of manufacturing (Wright, Ch1-2) Technology –Production Technology

2 Production Technology Manufacturing Construction "Processing” Service? Other?

3 Manufacturing = “systems that transform materials into products in a central location (factory)” (Wright, p.25)

4 Manufacturing = “A series of interrelated activities and operations that involve product design, and the planning, producing, materials control, quality assurance, management, and marketing of that product” (Biekert, p.348)

5 Manufacturing = “Building and servicing products that are not attached to a site”

6 Manufacturing systems Systems approaches List the subsystems of manufacturing

7 Modeling manufacturing systems IPO; Universal Systems Model DPUA PTUD Production Technology Cycle (Ritz)

8 IPO Input --> Process --> Output Goals Feedback

9 DPUA Design Produce Use Assess

10 PTUD Procurement Transformation Utilization Disposition

11 Procurement (getting) Harvesting Extracting

12 Transformation (changing) Separating Combining Conditioning Forming Casting and Molding Finishing Other

13 Utilization by industry by end consumer reuse

14 Disposition (getting rid of) Reusing Recycling Storage –Air –Land –Water –Space

15 "Production Technology Cycle” Materials Formation Extraction Materials Processing (primary) Transformation (secondary) Marketing Servicing Recovery (back to Materials Formation)

16 Benefits of Production Technology Economic Growth Employment Meeting consumer wants Creating a diversity of products Product improvement Other

17 Drawbacks of Production Technology Material resource depletion Energy Depletion Pollution Short-Life Products Materialism (Throw-away attitudes) Technophobia Other

18 The goals of manufacturing Classic, capitalistic: “To increase the profits of the company” “To improve the well-being of humans” (Ritz, p.39) What would be a better goal?

19 Major Stages in the Evolution of Production Systems Household (within the home; no surplus) Handicraft (home or shop; surplus) Factory (centralized; mass production) Automated (automated machinery) Cybernetic (totally controlled by computer) [What might the next stage be?]

20 Classification Lot size –Individual –Batch –Continuous Specifications –Stock –Custom

21 Manufacturing contexts Cultural Industrial/non-industrial Economic Environmental Other

22 Manufacturing inputs: People Legal considerations Ethical considerations Labor capabilities

23 Manufacturing inputs: Information Product design Product specifications Regulatory information Other

24 Other manufacturing inputs Materials Environment Tools and equipment Energy –Environmental considerations –Supply Finance

25 Manufacturing support systems Potential demand Storage Transportation Distribution Utilities and services

26 Manufacturing support systems Information network Management Timing Legal framework Other

27 Manufacturing processes Materials processing review Energy processing review Information processing review Synthesis of processes

28 Manufacturing outputs Products Services Energy Information Waste Other

29 Impacts of manufacturing Effect on the consumer Culture and society Effect on the worker Environmental impacts Other

30 Manufacturing Engineering (ME) Purpose –Responsibilities Coordination –A variety of approaches Personnel –Training

31 ME: Principles 1 Precision –Accuracy (stop watch exercise) –Tolerance Contamination Standardization and Interchangeability

32 ME: Principles 2 Continuity –Redundancy Synchronization Efficiency Flexibility Experimentation and Testing

33 ME: Facility Siting –Transportation –Storage –Legal –Proximity Technical requirements –Utilities and Access Design Implementation

34 ME: Quality Assurance Purpose Total quality management Inspection and sampling Statistical process control

35 ME: Equipment Tools and Machinery Tooling Materials Handling Safety Testing and Measuring Other

36 ME: Common Types of Tooling Jigs & fixtures Patterns & templates Gages Other

37 ME: Concepts in Tooling Registration Accumulation of tolerances Effects of wear and fatigue Vectors Chip removal Other

38 ME: Tooling Purpose Design Installation Evaluation Maintenance Alternatives

39 ME: Materials Handling Engineering Storage Transport Inventory Safety

40 ME: Transport Equipment Gravity Fed –Hoppers –Tubes and Rails Pressurized –Pipelines Motorized –Conveyors –Lifts –AGVs

41 ME: Inventory Parameters Tracking systems

42 ME: Impacts of Manufacturing on Design Design for Manufacture Design for Assembly Rapid Prototyping Near Net Shape Processing Other

43 ME: Workstation Design Human Requirements Physical Needs –Anthropometrics and Limitations –Ergonomics –Worker Safety –Special needs Social and Psychological Needs

44 ME: Maintenance Engineering Scheduled maintenance Unscheduled maintenance Scheduled upgrades Service contracts

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