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Presentation on theme: "INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLANNING MARCH 3, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 TODAY’S OUTCOME Work with peers to begin development of 2016-17 campus improvement plans and prepare for leading campus teams in completing the work

3 NEED FOR ALIGNMENT District Improvement Plan CIP Dept Plan District Plan Department Plan Campus Plan Four Big Goals Objectives? Strategies? Actions?

4 IMPROVEMENT APPROACH Improve alignment between district, campus, and department plans Reduce plan length by focusing on fewer, broader-based strategies Deliver the DIP in a timely manner as to allow campuses ample time to begin or complete CIPs with campus staff prior to school opening Provide opportunities for principals to collaborate on CIP development to improve end products and minimize redundant design efforts

5 IMPROVEMENT PLAN ORGANIZATION Goal Performance Objective Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Goal Action Action Action Strategy Action Action Strategy Timeframe 2015-20162016-2017

6 DIP GOALS Goal 1: All students will achieve their full potential by taking ownership of their learning and setting high academic goals. Goal 2: All students and staff will demonstrate personal responsibility and integrity reflective of noble character by using their unique gifts and talents as productive members of the global community. Goal 3: All students and staff will learn and work in a safe and responsive environment. Goal 4: All levels of the organization will systematically improve performance by increasing efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Today’s focus

7 STANDARDS SCHMANDARDS Approximately 2 items Level II Final Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 1


9 Index 1 Achievement Index 2 Progress Index 3 Closing Gaps Index 4 Postsecondary Percentage of tests in which students met the Level II standard Percentage of tests in which students met or exceeded progress in reading and math Percentage of tests in which students from economically disadvantaged and lowest performing race/ethnicity subgroups met Level II or Level III standard Percentage of students meeting Level II final standard on two or more tests Graduation rate, diploma plan rate, percentage meeting college/career readiness component (met TSI, advanced/dual completion, CTE sequence) Distinction Designations

10 DISTINCTION DESIGNATIONS ELA IndicatorsMathematics Indicators

11 GOAL 1 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 1.1. Increase performance on Index 1 (Student Achievement) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (District in 2015 = 81) 1.2. Increase performance on Index 2 (Student Progress) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (2015 = 36) 1.3. Increase performance on Index 3 (Closing Performance Gaps) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (2015 = 43) 1.4. Increase performance on Index 4 (Postsecondary Readiness) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (2015 = 72) 1.5. Increase the total number of campus distinction designations earned by 10% as compared to 2016. (2015 = 80)

12 EXPECTATIONS FOR CAMPUS PLANS Perform a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) including summary, strengths, needs (OFIs), and data sources (Data Documentation) Demographics Student and staff background (see 2015 TAPR or Fall 2015 PEIMS reports) Attendance, discipline, dropout/graduation Student Achievement State accountability, including indexes, distinctions, and safeguards State assessments (STAAR, TELPAS) Other assessments (STAR Reading/Math, CBAs, SAT/ACT/PSAT/AP) Identify key areas of focus for 2016-2017 Title I campuses must identify areas where expenditures are planned

13 EXPECTATIONS FOR CAMPUS PLANS Enter plans into plan4learning CNA/Data Documentation Goals – copy from district plan Performance objectives for Goal 1 Copy from district plan for Objectives 1 – 4 (based on 4 indexes) Modify Objective 5 for your campus (e.g. Increase number of distinctions earned by 2) Use district Strategies and Actions to create aligned campus strategies and actions Start focusing on Goal 1 Use the Evidence that Demonstrates Success field in plan4learning to capture actions


15 DIP/CIP TENTATIVE TIMELINE April 25, 2016Present draft DIP to TEE for feedback and possible approval July 28, 2016Present DIP as Information Item at Board Meeting August 25, 2016Present DIP as Discussion/Action item at Board Meeting for possible approval September 5, 2016Draft CIPs submitted to central administration for compliance review September 12, 2016Present approved DIP to TEE committee September 22, 2016First reading of CIPs as Information Item at Board Meeting October 2016Select campuses share CIPs at Board carousel October 27, 2016Board Discussion/Action Item and possible approval of CIPs

16 PLANS FOR TODAY Model development of campus Goal 1 strategies and actions based on district strategies/actions Collaborate with peers to develop shared or unique strategies/actions Review all district Goal 1 strategies to improve understanding of how they may be applied at the campus level

17 1.1.1 MODEL, THINK, COLLABORATE 1.1.1.Support implementation of Tier 1 Priorities within each content area A. Refine and implement a process for providing campuses with actionable feedback relative to Tier I priority implementation. B. Develop and implement a plan to increase leadership density throughout the system around Tier I priority implementation. C. Provide necessary resources to implement Tier I priorities. D. Evaluate the efficacy of the implementation of Tier I priorities. E. Support campuses in use of screener data to provide differentiated Tier I instruction.

18 COLLABORATION TIME Study and Circle Study DIP strategy and actions Circle key words Decide and Write Decide: Keep district strategy Change wording in district strategy Make action into strategy Write campus strategy Specify and Refine Write campus actions Look at district actions and make a decision: revise, add, delete Refer to Tier 1 Priority Implementation Plans for actions that can transfer Refer to Learning Expectations Rubric for actions that can transfer

19 1.1.2 MODEL, THINK, COLLABORATE 1.1.2. Develop a district-wide approach to embed literacy instruction in all content areas. A. Research and define literacy and its relationship to the new generation of assessments. B. Identify grade level and content-appropriate strategies to address literacy. C. Clarify the role of literacy in the Tier I priorities in each content area.

20 COLLABORATION TIME Study and Circle Study DIP strategy and actions Circle key words Decide and Write Decide: Keep district strategy Change wording in district strategy Make action into strategy Write campus strategy Specify and Refine Write campus actions Look at district actions and make a decision: revise, add, delete Refer to Tier 1 Priority Implementation Plans for actions that can transfer Refer to Learning Expectations Rubric for actions that can transfer

21 1.1.3 MODEL, THINK, COLLABORATE 1.1.3. Align specialized services to general education Tier I instruction to enhance student performance as appropriate to individual student needs. A. Define and standardize processes for making decisions regarding programming, assessment, supports, and accommodations for all students receiving specialized services. B. Provide necessary resources to implement Tier I priorities for students receiving services in specialized settings as appropriate to individual student needs. C. Provide training to general education teachers to support the learning of students receiving specialized services. D. Provide information to staff, parents, and community about specialized programs. E. Ensure that all teachers providing specialized services receive training in Tier I priorities and strategies aligned to program requirements. F. Evaluate the current RtI model. G. Utilize recommendations from the RtI evaluation to make program adjustments.

22 1.1.4 MODEL, THINK, COLLABORATE 1.1.4. Align and revise the comprehensive professional learning plan to address the needs of adult learners. A. Perform a needs assessment to identify gaps in meeting the needs of adult learners. B. Develop a framework that facilitates personalized learning for staff. C. Allocate resources to support the professional learning plan. D. Develop processes to manage evidence of learning.

23 COLLABORATION TIME Study and Circle Study DIP strategy and actions Circle key words Decide and Write Decide: Keep district strategy Change wording in district strategy Make action into strategy Write campus strategy Specify and Refine Write campus actions Look at district actions and make a decision: revise, add, delete Refer to Tier 1 Priority Implementation Plans for actions that can transfer Refer to Learning Expectations Rubric for actions that can transfer

24 REMAINING GOAL 1 STRATEGIES Perf ObjStrategies 1.2. Increase performance on Index 2 (Student Progress) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (District in 2015 = 36) 1.2.1. Design and implement a system of classroom continuous improvement. 1.3. Increase performance on Index 3 (Closing Performance Gaps) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (District in 2015 = 43) 1.3.1. Develop a district framework that builds strong, equitable, and responsive learning environments to close learning gaps and create learning opportunities. 1.4. Increase performance on Index 4 (Postsecondary Readiness) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (District in 2015 = 72) 1.4.1. Develop and implement a plan to design student tasks and assessments aligned with the rigor of the standards. 1.4.2. Develop and implement a plan to increase the number of students earning postsecondary credit or certifications while in high school. 1.4.3. Develop and implement an articulated plan to ensure that students at-risk of not graduating remain in school and receive an appropriate diploma to meet or exceed their postsecondary needs. 1.5. Increase the number of campus distinction designations earned by 10% as compared to 2016. (All campuses in 2015 = 80) 1.5.1. Develop and implement a district-wide program to increase student and staff attendance.

25 COLLABORATION TIME Study and Circle Study DIP strategy and actions Circle key words Decide and Write Decide: Keep district strategy Change wording in district strategy Make action into strategy Write campus strategy Specify and Refine Write campus actions Look at district actions and make a decision: revise, add, delete Refer to Tier 1 Priority Implementation Plans for actions that can transfer Refer to Learning Expectations Rubric for actions that can transfer




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