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Please take out your DBQs. Register for AP test! Turn in BYOD surveys please Agenda Harlem Renaissance extension Fluency Facts Great Depression introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take out your DBQs. Register for AP test! Turn in BYOD surveys please Agenda Harlem Renaissance extension Fluency Facts Great Depression introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take out your DBQs

2 Register for AP test! Turn in BYOD surveys please Agenda Harlem Renaissance extension Fluency Facts Great Depression introduction and the Bonus Army Objectives: students will be able to… Define key aspects of the Great Depression Describe the effects (social impacts) of the Great Depression Were the demands of the Bonus Army reasonable?

3 The “New Negro”: Extension

4 Fluency Fact list In your google drive: “Fluency Fact List 14-15” Step 1: identify the fluency facts you need to work more on (how to tell: do you know the who, what, when, where, and why important)? Step 2: Research TWO of the fluency facts you identified in step 1. Figure out the who, what, when, where, and why important Step 3: Oral fluency fact review

5 The Great Depression Economic growth of the 1920’s Black Tuesday, 1929

6 Unemployment during the Great Depression + social effects “A jobless man was a lazy good for nothing…these men suffered from depression. They felt despised, they were ashamed of themselves” –Nathan Ackerman, psychiatrist who studied coal miners

7 Bonus Army Herbert Hoover (president from 1929- 1933) – Laissez-faire response to the Depression What is the “bonus”? – 1924 act of Congress that promised $1 bonus for each day in U.S. army $1.25 bonus for each day overseas – Bonus not to be paid until 1945

8 The Bonus Expeditionary Force marches May 1932 17,000 veterans march on Washington D.C. demanding their bonus and unemployment relief We will be using the Bonus army as a case study to learn about the effects of the Great Depression

9 Modern Connection: The Occupy Movement What do we know? Starts September 2011 as a response to the “Great Recession” Barack Obama is President – Provides economic help to businesses and banks but average American sees little benefit Protesting social and economic inequality – “We are the 99%!”

10 Discussion What does the Bonus Army tells us about the effects of the Great Depression? Similarities between the Bonus Army and Occupy Oakland? Differences? Were the Bonus armies’ demands reasonable? Were Occupy Oakland justified?

11 Aftermath Bonus Army demands rejected Shantytown and government response Election of 1932 1936 veterans given their bonus by Congress

12 Occupy Oakland 400+ arrests, 4+ injuries Bonus Army 4 dead, more than 1,000 injured

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