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Which religious sect emerged during the Reformation and believed in a separation of Church and State?

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2 Which religious sect emerged during the Reformation and believed in a separation of Church and State?

3 Anabaptists

4 What were THREE motives for the Age of Exploration?

5 God, Gold and Glory

6 Which ruler of England centralized power and focused on the political and economic power instead of religious tensions?

7 Elizabeth I

8 The influx of gold and silver from the conquered Inca and Aztec Empires caused what economic issue in Portugal?

9 inflation

10 What was the primary difference between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance?

11 Northern Renaissance was more focused on religion

12 Martin Luther closed monasteries and nunneries during the early stages of the Reformation. How did the change families during this time?

13 Nuns and priests could marry and start families of their own.

14 What event in the Middle Ages caused people to question the church and its rule over their lives?

15 Great Schism

16 Which protestant sect emerged during the reformation and believed in predestination?

17 Calvinism

18 What did the Peace of Augsburg grant?

19 Religious freedom within the Germanic states.

20 What two countries fought in the Hundred Years War?

21 Great Britain and France

22 What three countries where characterized as New Monarch?

23 France, England and Spain

24 What did New Monarchs do in their empires?

25 Centralized power and established royal councils

26 Describe (briefly) the literature and art of the Middle Ages.

27 Dark, religious, censored and reflective of the death of the middle ages

28 What was the name of the Spanish fleet that attempted to invade England during the Age of Exploration?

29 Spanish Armada

30 Was it successful?

31 NO!!! They didn’t even make it to England.

32 The English Reformation was caused by King Henry VIII’s desire for what?

33  divorce

34 What was the purpose of Henry VII’s Court of Star Chamber during the Reformation?

35  Intimidate competitors for power

36 What did scholars of Humanism focus on?

37  Humanities  Ancient Greek and Roman texts  The potential of man

38 How was Christian Humanism different from Humanism?

39  Focus on classic interpretations of religious texts

40 What institution of the Age of Exploration created a new sense of racism across the world?

41  The Triangular Trade

42 What did Martin Luther criticism the Catholic Church for in the 95 Theses?

43 Immorality, selling of indulgences, ignorance, etc.

44 Who was the first European leader of exploration?

45 Portugal

46 What were the impacts of the Protestant Reformation? (list at least two!)

47 Reform of the Catholic Church Division among Protestants Religious wars Fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire

48 What caused the Inquisition in Spain?

49 Resentment towards new wealth of Christian religions

50 What doctrine reaffirmed the practices of the Catholic Church after the Protestant and English Reformations?

51 Council of Trent

52 King Henry IV ended the religious civil wars of France with _______ that granted religious freedom.

53  Edict of Nantes

54  Who promoted the importance of simplicity and education in religion during the Renaissance?

55  Erasmus of Rotterdam

56 Who was the martyr that saved the French Monarchy during the Middle Ages but was burned at the stake for being accused of being a heretic?

57 Joan of Arc

58 The Hundred Years War strengthened which kingdom?

59 English

60 Which Reformation leader and scholar criticized the Catholic Church’s practices and beliefs (not Luther)

61 John Wyclif

62 The English Peasant’s Revolt of 1381 reflected what about peasants during this time?

63 Rising expectations

64 During the Renaissance, Geoffrey Chaucer promoted what?

65 Nationalism or national identity

66 Who held the power in the Renaissance city-states?

67 Merchant oligarchies

68 Around what age did women get married during the 14 th and 15 th centuries?

69 Late twenties

70 In the Renaissance, who emphasized the idea of well-rounded, polite and well- educated individuals in society?

71 Castiglione (The Courtier)

72 Where did patronage come from in the 15 th century?

73 Private families (not institutions like the Catholic church)

74 Did Erasmus believe the Bible should be translated?

75  Yes!

76 How did Martin Luther embody the principles of the Reformation in his personal life?

77 Married a nun

78 Which practice of the Catholic Church did Martin Luther feel undermined the sacrament f penance?

79 Selling of indulgences

80 At what event did Martin Luther claim that he was acting out of conscience and being guided by the Scripture?

81 Diet of Worms

82 Which two Reformation leaders disagreed about the nature of the Eucharist (also called Holy Communion)?

83 Luther and Zwingli

84 Who (not Luther) was responsible for spreading Protestantism?

85 German Princes

86 What was Luther’s response to the German Peasants’ War of 1525?

87 Support of order and obedience of the state

88 Charles V ruled Burgundy, The Netherlands, Sicily, and ____________.


90 The religious wars of the 17 th century were not only religiously driven but also _______ *PERSIA category

91 Politically driven (based on nations interests)

92 What group (not European) expanded their territory into Europe and inspired European expansion into other areas of the world? (15 th century)

93 Ottomans

94 What type of ship made exploration more efficient?

95  caravel

96  Why were the Spanish able to conquer the Incan and Aztec Empires so easily?

97 Internal issues within each of the empires

98 How did Magellan’s (Portuguese) success in exploration impact the Spanish empire?

99 Discouraged them

100 What happened to the Netherlands after the Spanish Armada?

101 (Dutch) Netherlands gained independence

102 Where did Protestantism spread in eastern Europe?

103  Hungary

104 What was the purpose of the ecomienda system in the New World?

105 System of forced labor

106 Which French dynasty rose to power after the Hundred Years War?

107 Valois

108 What social group did not benefit from the Protestant Reformation?

109 peasants

110 Famine and malnutrition made Europeans’ susceptible to what disease of the Middle Ages?


112 Which Renaissance theorist focused on how political life operated?

113 Machiavelli

114  How did the printing press affect government’s view of literature?

115 censorship

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