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Appreciating Human Diversity Fifteenth Edition Conrad Phillip Kottak University of Michigan A n t h r o p o l o g y.

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Presentation on theme: "Appreciating Human Diversity Fifteenth Edition Conrad Phillip Kottak University of Michigan A n t h r o p o l o g y."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appreciating Human Diversity Fifteenth Edition Conrad Phillip Kottak University of Michigan A n t h r o p o l o g y


3 24-3 ANTHROPOLOGY’S ROLE IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD Globalization Global Climate Change Environmental Anthropology Interethnic Contact Making and Remaking Culture People in Motion Indigenous Peoples The Continuance of Diversity

4 24-4 ANTHROPOLOGY’S ROLE IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD What is global climate change, and how can anthropologists study it along with other environmental threats? What is cultural imperialism, and what forces work to favor and oppose it? What are indigenous peoples, and how and why has their importance increased in recent years?

5 24-5 GLOBALIZATION Globalization as fact: spread and connectedness of production, distribution, consumption, communication, and technologies across the world Globalization as contested ideology and policy

6 24-6 THE GLOBALIZATION OF RISK Globalization is the globalization of risk Concern about risks often more developed in groups that are less endangered objectively Risks no longer are just local or regional

7 24-7 GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Scientific measurements confirm global warming not due to increased solar radiation Most scientists agree that human activities play a major role Anthropogenic: caused by humans and their activities Greenhouse effect: warming from trapped atmospheric gases

8 24-8 GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change: beyond rising temperatures, there are changes in sea levels, rainfall patterns, storms, and ecosystem effects Arctic landscapes and ecosystems are changing rapidly and perceptibly Coastal communities anticipate increased flooding and severe storms Growing global demand for energy is single greatest obstacle to slowing climate change

9 24-9 GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Worldwide energy use The United States uses about 80% of all energy derived from fossil fuels Alternatives include: Nuclear power Renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, and biomass generators

10 24-10 Figure 24.1: Global Temperature Change

11 24-11 Figure 24.2: Projected Emissions of Greenhouse Gases, 2025

12 24-12 RECAP 24.1: What Heats, and Cools, the Earth?

13 24-13 ENVIRONMENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY Ecological anthropology: study of cultural adaptations to environments Ethnoecology: society’s set of environmental practices and perceptions Indigenous ethnoecologies are being increasingly challenged by migration, media, and commerce

14 24-14 GLOBAL ASSAULTS ON LOCAL AUTONOMY A clash of cultures may occur when development threatens indigenous peoples and their environments Spread of environmentalism may expose different notions about the “rights” and value of plants and animals versus humans Effective conservation strategies pay attention to needs and wishes of local people

15 24-15 DEFORESTATION Forest loss can increase greenhouse gas production and loss of global biodiversity Deforestation often demographically driven Commercial logging, road building, cash cropping, and clearing and burning associated with livestock and grazing are other causes Reasons to change behavior must make sense to local people

16 24-16 INTERETHNIC CONTACT Since at least 1920, anthropologists investigated changes that arise from contacts between industrial and nonindustrial societies Acculturation: changes in cultural patterns of either or both groups Westernization: accumulative influence of Western expansion on indigenous peoples and their cultures

17 24-17 INTERETHNIC CONTACT Different degrees of destruction, domination, resistance, survival, adaptation, and modification of native cultures may follow interethnic contact Bodley: “shock phase” often follows an initial encounter Outsiders often attempt to remake native landscapes and cultures in their own image May include civil repression

18 24-18 CULTURAL IMPERIALISM Cultural imperialism: spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others Some see modern technology as erasing cultural differences Others see modern technology as providing an opportunity for social groups (local cultures) to express themselves Brazil: local practices, celebrations, and performances changed in context of outside forces

19 24-19 MAKING AND REMAKING CULTURE People constantly make and remake culture in context of globalization Assign their own meanings to information, images, products

20 24-20 INDIGENIZING POPULAR CULTURE When forces from world centers enter new societies, the societies become indigenized: modified to fit the local culture Native Australians saw Rambo as a representative of the Third World battling a white officer class

21 24-21 A GLOBAL SYSTEM OF IMAGES The mass media present a rich, ever-changing store of possible lives Culturally alien programming won’t do very well if a quality local choice is available The mass media play a role in maintaining people’s ethnic and national identities among people who lead transnational lives

22 24-22 A GLOBAL CULTURE OF CONSUMPTION Finance is key transnational force Multinational corporations and other business interests look beyond national boundaries U.S. economy increasingly influenced by foreign investment from Britain, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and Japan American economy also increased its dependence on foreign labor through immigration and export of jobs

23 24-23 PEOPLE IN MOTION Appadurai: views today’s world as “translocal” “interactive system” that is “strikingly new” Scale of human movement expanded dramatically Most migrants maintain ties with native land Diaspora: offspring of an area who have spread to many lands

24 24-24 PEOPLE IN MOTION Postmodernity: describes our time and situation, with today’s world in flux Postmodern: period of a blurring and breakdown of established canons, categories, distinctions, and boundaries Postmodernism: style and movement in architecture that succeeded modernism beginning in the 1970s

25 24-25 PEOPLE IN MOTION Postmodernity describes world in which traditional standards, contrasts, groups, boundaries, and identities are opening up, reaching out, and breaking down New kinds of political and ethnic units emerged along with globalization

26 24-26 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP) formed in 1982 Social movements adopted the term indigenous people as a self-identifying, political label Legitimizing search for social, cultural, and political rights

27 24-27 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Social scientists and politicians in Latin America prefer indigena over indio when referring to native inhabitants The emphasis has shifted from biological and cultural assimilation —mestizaje— to identities that value differences

28 24-28 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES To establish self-determination, Latin America’s indigenous peoples emphasize the following: Cultural distinctiveness Political reforms involving restructuring the state Territorial rights and access to natural resources Reforms of military and police powers

29 24-29 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Ceuppens and Geschiere: explore the upsurge of autochthony (being native to a place) with an implicit call for excluding strangers in different areas Autochthony claimed by majority groups in Europe

30 24-30 IDENTITY IN INDIGENOUS POLITICS Essentialism: process of viewing identity as established, real, and frozen Identity is fluid and multiple Identities are seen as: Potentially plural Emerging through a specific process Ways of being someone in particular times and places

31 24-31 THE CONTINUANCE OF DIVERSITY Anthropology has crucial role in promoting more humanistic vision of social change Respects value of cultural diversity Existence of anthropology contributes to the continuing need to understand social and cultural similarities and differences Work to keep anthropology, the study of humankind, the most humanistic of all the sciences

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