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Employment Re-designations Accommodating more jobs inside the UGB Planning Commission 7.29.13.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment Re-designations Accommodating more jobs inside the UGB Planning Commission 7.29.13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment Re-designations Accommodating more jobs inside the UGB Planning Commission 7.29.13

2 Jobs Vision New Employment Designation New Mixed Use Employment Zone Flexible Zoning

3 Plan Designations

4  Add West 11 th Employment Designation Map


6 Rezoning


8 Staff seeks policy direction from the Planning Commission on the 4 areas, below (see 4 questions on following slide).

9 Rezoning Options 1. R-1 Residential area on Stewart Road Re-zone to E-2 or ?? Now or later?  Planning Commission directed staff to work with the property owners to reach a solution to the current plan-zone conflict. 2. South side of West 11 th, Amazon Creek to Garfield Mix of C-2, C-4 and I-2. Re-zone I-2 and C-4 to C-2 or E-2 zone?  Planning Commission favored C-2 Community Commercial zone. 3. 5 th Avenue, Chambers, Broadway, and Garfield Area Mix of C-2, C-4, I-2, and Special Chambers C-2. Re-zone I-2 and C-4 to C-2 or E-2 zone?  Planning Commission favored C-2 zone on W. 6 th and 7 th Avenues; additional analysis needed on Garfield Street. 4. Heavy Industrial Area (McKinley Street to Seneca, N. of 11th) Re-zone to E-2 Mixed Use Employment now or later?  Planning Commission reached no consensus; additional analysis to follow.

10 Employment + Industry Zones Code Amendments to Promote Mixed Use, Office and Manufacturing Employment

11 E-1CampusEmployment

12 Chad Drive

13 Greenhill Technology Park

14 Willow Creek

15 E-1 Campus Employment P ROPOSED C ODE AMENDMENTS 1. Rename  E-1 Campus Employment. 2. Liberalize the use list. 3. Remove barriers to employment opportunities. 4. Maintain campus character. 5. Improve residential compatibility. 6. Diversify the suburban business park.

16 E-1 Campus Employment 2. L IBERALIZE THE USE LIST. Examples o Respond to market  allow Medical clinics, Office uses outright. o General simplification  remove specifics like Healthcare Informatics, allow same use under general use Science & Educational Research Center. o Allow supportive uses  gym, day care, restaurant.

17 E-1 Campus Employment 3. A DDRESS B ARRIERS TO E MPLOYMENT O PPORTUNITIES. Examples o Delete note Special Use Limitation 1. 50% of SF must be a single tenant. 50% of SF on ground floor must be industrial use. No more than 50% of SF on ground floor can office or commercial. o Delete “business park” process. Un-mapped zone. Forces coordination among multiple property owners.

18 E-1 Campus Employment 4. M AINTAIN CAMPUS CHARACTER. o Retain 20% landscape area. o Allow outdoor storage with screening. o Large Commercial Facility standards. Does not comply with Large Commercial Facility standards.

19 E-1 Campus Employment L ARGE C OMMERCIAL F ACILITY STANDARDS. Orientation to the Street. 25% transparency at ground level. Articulation; No long, blank walls. Colonnade, Covered entry Weather protection X Parking at side or rear Due to the suburban location, Planning Commission directed staff to allow some parking in the front.

20 E-1 Campus Employment 5. I MPROVE RESIDENTIAL COMPATIBILITY. Examples o Introduce height limit  80 feet ≈ 6 stories o Stepdown transition next to residential zones. o Retain L-3 High Screen Landscape standard. o Parking location to the side and rear.

21 E-1 Campus Employment S TEPDOWN TRANSITION NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Proposed Code text “…in the E-1 and E-2 zones, no portion of a building located within 50 feet of a residential zone shall exceed the maximum building height permitted in the abutting residential zone.”

22 E-1 Campus Employment S TEPDOWN TRANSITION NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Abutting Residential Zone E-1 Campus Employment zone 50-feet stepdown R-1 = 30 feet R-2 = 35 feet

23 E-1 Campus Employment R ETAIN L-3 H IGH S CREEN L ANDSCAPE STANDARD. o Parking location to the side and rear.

24 E-1 Campus Employment P ARKING LOCATION TO THE SIDE AND REAR. Abutting Residential Zone Increased separation + Additional landscaping Due to the suburban location, Planning Commission directed staff to allow some parking between buildings and the street.

25 E-1 Campus Employment 6. D IVERSIFY THE SUBURBAN BUSINESS PARK. o Small-scale retail & restaurant: 2,000 s.f.  Planning Commission requested staff reevaluate the small scale retail allowance to allow larger retail establishments. o Comparables:

26 E-2GeneralEmployment

27 W. 11 th Avenue

28 Garfield-Chambers-Whiteaker

29 E-2 General Employment A NEW ZONE FOR A CHANGING ECONOMY. 1. Concept – mix of commercial, industrial and residential uses. 2. Do no harm to existing business. 3. Provide clarity and consistency in standards. 4. Pedestrian friendly and transit supportive.

30 E-2 General Employment 1. C ONCEPT – MIX OF COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USES.  Planning Commission approved of the mixed-use concept, but directed staff to provide more flexibility (i.e., greater retail s.f.) along the key transit corridors and arterial roads SVDP Lamb Building

31 E-2 General Employment 2. D O NO HARM TO EXISTING BUSINESS. o Retain C-4 permitted uses. o Retain I-2 permitted uses. o Development standards apply to new construction & redevelopment. o Goal is no non-conforming uses or structures!

32 E-2 General Employment 3. P ROVIDE CLARITY AND CONSISTENCY IN STANDARDS. o Create similar urban form + street face o Replicate existing standards (e.g., C-2) in corridor

33 E-2 General Employment 4. P EDESTRIAN FRIENDLY AND TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE o Parking to side or rear. o Building orientation to the street. o Vertical mixed-use  higher bar to entry, employment remains predominant. o Front setbacks  analysis is ongoing.  Planning Commission expressed concern about 0’ front setback in Commercial zones and potential conflicts caused with EmX or future wider sidewalks. Need larger setbacks.

34 E-2 General Employment P EDESTRIAN FRIENDLY AND TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE. o Revise drive-through standards to balance automotive needs and improved pedestrian access. The drive aisle cannot circle the building. o Along the W. 11 th corridor, TacoTime, Arby’s, Jack in the Box, Home Federal Bank, Hawaiian Time, & SELCO would comply with proposed concept.

35 E-2 General Employment P EDESTRIAN FRIENDLY AND TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE. o Revise drive-through standards.

36 E-2 General Employment

37 E-2 Mixed Employment S TEPDOWN TRANSITION NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Abutting Residential Zone E-2 Mixed Employment zone 50-feet stepdown R-1 = 30 feet R-2 = 35 feet

38 Stakeholders  2 public open houses o West Eugene o Chad Drive  News to interested parties & EE List (500pp)  35+ interviews o Private property owners o Commercial real estate brokers o Business owners o Design + development professionals  Working Group to Review Code: August  Planning Commission: Sept. 16 th work session

39 Employment + Industry Zones Code Amendments to Promote Mixed Use, Office & Manufacturing Employment

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