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Earth Science Interactions among Earth’s Spheres.

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1 Earth Science Interactions among Earth’s Spheres

2 Benchmarks SC.6.E.7.4 Differentiate and show interactions among the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. SC.6.E.7.2 Investigate and apply how the cycling of water between the atmosphere and hydrosphere has an effect on weather patterns and climate. SC.6.E.7.3 Describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, wind direction and speed, and humidity and precipitation. SC.6.E.7.6 Differentiate between weather and climate. SC.6.E.7.9 Describe how the composition and structure of the atmosphere protects life and insulates the planet.

3 Benchmark Clarifications Students will differentiate and/or explain interactions among the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Students will describe and/or explain how the cycling of water and global patterns influence local weather and climate. Students will differentiate between weather and climate. Students will describe the composition and structure of the atmosphere and/or how the atmosphere protects life and insulates the planet.

4 SC. 6.E.7.4 Vocabulary geosphere hydrosphere cryosphere atmosphere biosphere

5 Meteorology Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a layer of gases and particles that surround the earth. Influences almost every living thing. Weather is the general condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. (LOCAL) Climate is the general weather condition over many years. (WORLD-WIDE)

6 Spheres Identify what spheres are shown in each of the pictures above?

7 Weather Patterns How does the ocean circulation pattern shown above effect Florida’s weather? What will happen to the weather when the cold air reaches the warm Florida air?

8 Weather vs Climate Which map above shows Weather and which shows Climate? Explain your choice.

9 Atmosphere Layers of the Atmosphere Think about: How do the layers of the atmosphere work together to protect life on Earth?

10 Sun Heating Earth Explain why the wind patterns shown above occur.

11 Radiation, Conduction, Convection Which type of heat transfer does each image represent?

12 Composition of Atmosphere The most abundant elements in the air are the gases nitrogen (±75%), oxygen (±24%) and argon (±1%). The most abundant compounds in the air are the gases carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water vapor (H 2 O). Ozone (O 3 ) is found in the upper atmosphere. It absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.

13 Atmospheric Pressure Gravity pulls the gases of the atmosphere toward the earth’s surface and holds them there. The ratio of the weight of the air to the area of the surface on which it presses is called atmospheric pressure. Since there is less air at higher altitudes, there is less weight pressing down. This explains why there is lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes.

14 Barometer A barometer is an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. Two types – mercurial and aneroid. Miami averages ±30 inches of Hg.

15 Layers of the Atmosphere Four basic layers: Troposphere – closest to the earth. Nearly all weather changes occur here. Stratosphere – second layer from the earth. Most of the ozone is found here. Mesosphere – known for its significant temperature drop. Thermosphere – Last layer. Very thin air.

16 Air Pollution Any substance in the atmosphere that is harmful to people, animals, plants or property is an air pollutant. Main source is the burning of fossil fuels. Gases emitted by the burning of fossil fuels form acids when combined with water in the air – Acid Precipitation. International and federal intervention is needed.

17 Solar Energy All the energy the earth receives from the sun travels through space between the earth and the sun as radiation. Light is a form of radiation we can see; however, there are many other forms that cannot be seen. The waves that make up all forms of radiation are called electromagnetic waves.

18 Electromagnetic Spectrum


20 Scattering Water and dust suspended in the atmosphere reflect and bend the sun’s rays. As a result, sunlight comes from all directions. Short wavelengths (blue) are easier to scatter making the sky blue. Long wavelengths (red) are last to be scattered making the sun red at dawn/dusk.

21 Reflection Of the total amount of solar energy reaching the earth’s atmosphere, about 20% is absorbed by the atmosphere. About 30% is scattered back into space or reflected by the clouds or surface. About 50% is absorbed by the surface. The different surfaces on earth vary their absorption and reflection rate.

22 The Greenhouse Effect Gas molecules in the atmosphere trap heat energy and prevent it from escaping back into space. As a result the lower atmosphere becomes warm. Essentially, rays come in but can’t get out. Similar to a vehicle on a hot day.

23 The Greenhouse Effect

24 Conduction and Convection Not all heating of the atmosphere comes from radiation. Conduction has particle to particle contact. Convection involves the movement of gases or liquids when they are heated unevenly. Cooler air sinks / Warmer air rises.

25 Winds More solar energy at equator cause a belt of low pressure. The poles have colder, heavier air that tends to sink. Pressure differences in the atmosphere at the equator and at the poles create a general movement of air worldwide.

26 Winds

27 Breezes Gentle winds that extend over distances of less than 100 km are called breezes. Land surfaces heat up faster and cool more rapidly than water surfaces do. During the day, warm air above the land rises and the cool air above the water moves in to replace it. During the night, vice versa.

28 Atmospheric Moisture The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is known as humidity. When the air holds all the water vapor it can, it is said to be saturated. The higher the temperature, the more water vapor it can hold. Relative Humidity compares the mass of water vapor in the air with the amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature.

29 Atmospheric Moisture A psychrometer, hair hygrometer or electric hygrometer are instruments used to measure relative humidity. Specific humidity refers to the actual amount of water vapor in the air. The temperature to which air must be cooled to reach saturation is dew point. Any temperature below dew point will cause dew. If the dew point is below the freezing temperature of water, water vapor will change directly into solid ice crystals, or frost.

30 Dew and frost. Remember condensation and deposition?

31 Clouds and Fog Clouds and fog are visible masses of tiny water or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere. Both originate from water vapor in the air. Not all clouds cause rain. Fog generally forms near the surface of the earth when air close to the ground is cooled.

32 Clouds

33 Fog

34 Precipitation Any moisture that falls from the air to earth’s surface is called precipitation. Rain is liquid precipitation. Measured with rain gauge. Drizzle if <.5 mm in diameter. Snow is the most common form of solid precipitation. Sleet is ice pellets that form when rain falls through a layer of freezing air. Hail is lumps of ice. Can be spherical or irregular.

35 Air Masses A large body of air with uniform temperature and moisture content is called an air mass. Air masses over polar regions are usually very cold and dry. Air masses over tropical regions are usually warm and moist. Air masses are classified according to their source region.

36 Fronts When two unlike air masses meet, density differences usually keep the two air masses separate. The boundary that forms between the two air masses is called a front. The kind of front that forms depends on how the air masses are moving.

37 Types of Fronts Cold front – when a cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass. A long line of thunderstorms, called a squall line, may occur just ahead of a fast moving cold front. Warm front – when a warm air mass overtakes a cooler air mass. Stationary front – when two air masses meet and neither is displaced. Occluded front – when a fast moving cold front overtakes a warm front, lifting the warm air completely off the ground.

38 Cyclones A severe tropical storm, with windspeeds starting at 120km/hr is called a hurricane. In the North Pacific they are called typhoons. A storm accompanied by thunder, lightning and strong winds is called a thunderstorm. A tornado is a whirling, funnel shaped cyclone. Tornadoes over the ocean are called waterspouts.

39 Weather Instruments Thermometer – measure temperature. Anemometer – measures wind speed. Wind vane – determines wind direction. Radiosonde – instrument package to investigate weather conditions in the upper atmosphere. Radar – uses radio waves to detect precipitation and storms. Supercomputers – store weather data, interpret data, and forecast.

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