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Personalised Travel Planning Training Amanda Holden Travel Plan Manager 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Personalised Travel Planning Training Amanda Holden Travel Plan Manager 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalised Travel Planning Training Amanda Holden Travel Plan Manager 1

2 What are the benefits? Social Enjoyment, independence Improved quality of life Community cohesion Transport Lower cost transport – save money Improved journey time Reducing congestion Economic Reduced absenteeism and increased productivity Increased access to jobs/services Environment Improved local air quality Reduce transport-related carbon emissions

3 What are the benefits? reduce all-cause mortality significantly improve both physical and mental wellbeing improve life expectancy help prevent and manage over 20 conditions and diseases including:  coronary heart disease  cancer  diabetes  musculoskeletal disorders  obesity Increasing physical activity Stronger recognition of the role of vigorous intensity activity New guidelines on sedentary behaviour Source: Department of Health (2011) Start Active, Stay Active. A report on physical activity for health from the four home countries’ Chief Medical Officers.

4 Moderate Intensity increase in breathing rate increase in heart rate feeling warmer able to hold a conversation Vigorous Intensity usually breathing very hard short of breath rapid heartbeat conversation impossible At least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) per week in bouts of 10 minutes or more At least 75 minutes per week What are the benefits?

5 What are the barriers? How can we challenge these barriers? Time/perceptions of time and distance Busy lifestyle – shortage of time Feel unsafe/not confident cycling on the road Fear of crime Personal safety Poor health Lack of money Don’t know how long journey would take Don’t know which way to go Infrequent bus services Unreliable bus services Not knowing anyone to car share with

6 What is Personalised Travel Planning? One to one conversation offering advice, support and tailored information to encourage residents to switch from car trips to walking, cycling, public transport & car sharing. 6

7 The psychology behind travel choices People have different attitudes to travel Travel is a habit Some people are more willing to change than others – Stages of Change Model Voluntary behaviour change: Negative effects are now intolerable – e.g. cost of petrol is too high Realising that for the first time it is possible to make a change Hearing of someone else who has changed Experiencing a change in life event, such as changing job, moving house, changing school The change is fashionable. Importance and confidence What is Personalised Travel Planning?

8 Introduce yourself Current travel patterns? Any problems? Offer advice and signpost to services - tailored to their lifestyle and motivations The challenge Closure The conversation “I work in Madingley Rise and I live in Hardwick. The petrol is so expensive nowadays and I really should be getting more exercise” Hi there, I see you are looking at the cycle map, where do you live? “Have you thought about cycling to work? Your trip would take 30 minutes – much shorter than the car trip stuck in congestion”. “Mark will try walking to work 2 days next week” “Ok, so here is your personalised cycle journey plan and some information on the cycle to work scheme for you to take away”

9 Who would find this information useful? How would you explain it to someone? Information Resources bank/ bank/materials

10 Information Resources

11 Any Questions? Please contact

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