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Industrial Relations & Social Dialogue in MALTA. Where on earth is Malta?!?

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1 Industrial Relations & Social Dialogue in MALTA

2 Where on earth is Malta?!?

3 Where on earth is Malta?! It is an archipelago of islands between the coasts of Sicily and North Africa. The Maltese islands are the most southerly European country. The archipelago consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino. The total area is 316 sq kms!!

4 A very enlarged map of Malta

5 Historical Context & Structure A highly standardised workforce at naval dockyard laid the foundation for emergence of a strong trade union movement There has been a noticeable shift towards a pattern of corporate tripartite bargaining at national level based on social partnership (government, employers & trade unions) under the umbrella of the MCESD (Malta Council for Economic & Social Development)

6 Trade Union Membership For the past two decades an increase in Malta’s trade union membership has been registered Union density is above 60%, with males representing a higher density 2 major unions GWU – 40% and CMTU – 37%

7 History of GWU Set up in 1943 Biggest Union in Malta In excess of 46,000 members Represents workers from all sectors Affiliated with International Orgnisations Represents Maltese workers at ILO

8 GWU sections Energy, Chemical and Printing; Manufacturing and SMEs; Maritime and Aviation; Metal and Construction; Hospitality and Food; Public Sector; Services and Media including Financial Services; Technology, Electronics and Communication; Note: No section to date as yet for the Commerce Sector

9 Factors accounting for high density rate: 1.Small size: (i) reduces cost of organization (ii) Enables trade union to keep closer to grassroots level (iii) Industry is concentrated in small confined areas

10 2. The political polarization. The two major political parties in Malta in the 1980’s urged workers to join the trade union that is more sympathetic to their ideology. 3. Insurance against discrimination.

11 Collective Bargaining Decentralized & bi- partite. No multi-employer agreement A high percentage of employees in the public & manufacturing sectors are covered by collective agreements In the commerce sector, collective bargaining is almost non existent with the exception of car importers National monthly minimum wage including commerce sector - Euro 658 GWU tried to organise LIDL workers (sole multi national co. operating in Malta to date) but was unsuccessful

12 Industrial Actions Trade unions are showing signs of restraint: Competitive Market: Threats of relocation have become real Less political support Shrinkage of traditionally militant trade union sector: Drydocks, Public Sector, Manufacturing

13 Disputes Pay increases Renewal of collective agreements Restructuring & privatisation process Trade union recognition Increasing definite contract employment for periods ranging 6-12mths Definite contracts not renewed on 4 th year since if renewed after 4 th year becomes permanent employment No institutional body like the TUC in UK to set a code of practice

14 Conciliation & Mediation Department of Industrial & Employment Relations Industrial Tribunal Malta Council for Economic & Social Development (MCESD)

15 Employees’ Representatives Shop stewards play leading role as employees’ representatives Due to their proximity they command great loyalty from co-workers Bargaining at enterprise level enables union officials to keep close to grassroots level No legal framework for the institutionalization of employees representative bodies

16 Malta’s Experience of Workers’ Participation Three pronged approach: Workers’ Committees in Government Depts Creating niche in manufacturing sector consisting of state-owned or run enterprises Codetermination culminating in self management system at Malta Drydocks Objectives not reached: Blame feeling

17 Conclusion – Moving forward in tapping the Commerce sector Carrying out detailed research on the commerce sector Market players in this sector include: Lidl, Pavi, Smart, Chain (local supermarkets) & other Village core small supermarkets including very small shops Appointment of organisers Group meetings with the staff employed in the commerce sector Management meetings

18 Thank You!

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