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1 Chapter #12: Improving Muscular Endurance. 2 What is Muscular Endurance? Muscular Endurance: is the ability to contract muscles many times without tiring.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter #12: Improving Muscular Endurance. 2 What is Muscular Endurance? Muscular Endurance: is the ability to contract muscles many times without tiring."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter #12: Improving Muscular Endurance

2 2 What is Muscular Endurance? Muscular Endurance: is the ability to contract muscles many times without tiring or to hold one contraction for a long time Example: carrying suitcases a long way Muscular Endurance vs. Cardiovascular Endurance: Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the cardiovascular system to function efficiently during vigorous activity Some activities require both example: riding a bicycle Muscular Endurance vs. Muscular Strength: Strength: how much weight a muscle group can lift Example: 1 rep max bench press Endurance: how many times a muscle group can repeat an exercise or how long it can hold a contraction Example: How many push-ups in a row you can do

3 3 Benefits of Muscular Endurance Benefits of Muscular Endurance: Improved appearance Overall physical fitness Physical health Mental health Being able to work longer without getting tired Good posture Increases lean body mass and decreases fat Decreases resting heart rate

4 4 FIT Formula for Muscular Endurance Frequency: 3-6 days/wk Intensity: 20-55% of 1 RM Time: 1-3 sets of 11-25 reps for each exercise EMG (electromyogram): measures muscle contractions Used by researchers Small contractions- muscular endurance Harder contractions- muscular strength

5 5 Types of Training for Muscular Endurance Types of Exercises utilized to train for Muscular Endurance: Calisthenics Resistance Training Sports Active Aerobics Active Recreation Circuit Training: utilizing these different muscular endurance exercises by moving from one exercise to another taking short breaks in between (Ex: Curves for Women)

6 6 Guidelines for Muscular Endurance Always warm-up and stretch gently before exercising Breathe normally. Holding your breath may cause abnormal hernia or cause you to black out Start with low intensity exercises and progress slowly. Too many reps and sets too soon will cause muscular soreness and slow your progress. Use good body mechanics and correct technique. To work a specific set of muscles, the movement must be done exactly right or you may actually be working the wrong set of muscles or straining other body parts. Take your times and work rhythmically.

7 7 Guidelines for Muscular Endurance Always move through a full range of motion so you don’t lose your flexibility Avoid working the same muscles two consecutive exercises Exercise each specific muscle group. If there is a muscle you don’t know how to isolate, ask your instructor. Most people tend to neglect muscles on the back (triceps and hamstrings). Vary your exercise routine to avoid boredom. There are many ways to exercise the same muscles effectively.

8 8 Building Muscle Fitness Using Inexpensive Equipment Calisthenics: exercises that use all or part of your body weight as the resistance Examples: sit-ups, push-ups, squats Rubber (Elastic) Band Exercises: many exercises can be done, vary in resistance Examples: Curls, presses, extensions, etc. Homemade Weights: light weights created by filling containers around your house for resistance Examples: Cans, bottles, Jugs, Broomsticks, etc. Partner Resistance Exercises: Partner pushes down or back to create extra resistance to normal exercises Examples: Curls, Extensions, Leg Press, etc.

9 9 Building Muscle Fitness Using Inexpensive Equipment Cont. Exercise Balls: large air- inflated balls used perform exercises to build muscle fitness (utilized to improve balance and build stabilizer muscles) Examples: Ball Passes, Wall squats, etc. Core Exercises: exercises that build the muscles of the trunk Examples: back extensions, different ball exercises, leg lifts, etc.

10 10 Methods of Building Muscle Fitness to Enhance Performance Plyometrics: type of exercise designed to improve power, speed, and explosiveness Examples: hopping drills, jumping drills, jumping onto and off boxes Individual should have a high level of flexibility and strength before attempting to practice Periodization: way to schedule your muscle fitness program in which you change the way you exercise Example: 15 wks of 3-5 times of strength training, then 15 wks of endurance training, then a combination of the two Might be done to improve performance, or do avoid boredom Interval Training: type of training done to improve anaerobic performances (sprinting and fast sprinting) Examples: doing high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest…sprints, lines, etc.

11 11 Ergogenic Aids Ergogenic Aids: anything that is done to help you generate work or to increase your ability to do work including performing vigorous exercise Anabolic Steroids: synthetic drugs that resemble the male hormone testosterone Prescribed by doctors for certain diseases in small doses (poison ivy) They are illegal! Side-effects Hair loss, acne, deepening voice, dark facial hair growth in women, constant bad breath, reduced sperm count, increased risk of cancer, high blood pressure, increased risk of stroke and heart attack, mood swings, extreme anger, violence

12 12 Androstenedione: food supplement that is sold legally in some countries (U.S. included), but is illegal in others is converted by the body into a product similar to anabolic steroids Studies have shown that it has many of the harmful side effects as well Creatine: substance manufactured in the bodies of meat-eating animals including humans Needed for the body to perform anaerobic exercise including many types of progressive resistance exercise Taken as a supplement, can help body store more of it, and allows them to train harder with shorter rest periods Newer supplement, no long-term effects known, although dehydration can be a problem Other Supplements: HGH (Human Growth Hormone): illegal drug that causes premature closure of bones and effects can be deforming and even life threatening Ephedra: banned by FDA, was used in weight loss products, known to cause several products including irregular heart rate and other effects on the nervous system and heart Ergogenic Aids Continued

13 13 Protein Supplements Body needs protein for growth and development of body tissues (including muscle) Recommended that 12- 15% of calories in a diet should come from protein Most people get more protein in their diet than they need, if not used it is then stored as fat

14 14 Danger of Supplements They are not tested by the FDA to make sure that they are safe Food supplements are not required to have labels and great variation exists in the content of different products with the same name

15 15 Finding Time for Exercising Committed time: time spent doing things you have to do Examples: eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Free time: time left over when committed time has been accounted for used to relax and do things you enjoy Many people complain that they just don’t have time to exercise 4 Strategies to Manage Time Better: 1. Keep Track of Your Time 2. Analyze Your Time Use 3. Decide What to Do with Your Time 4. Schedule Your Time (Planner) “If you don’t make time to exercise, plan on making time to be sick”

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