Learning Javascript From Mr Saem www.mrsaem.com1.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Javascript From Mr Saem www.mrsaem.com1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Javascript From Mr Saem www.mrsaem.com1

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5 HTML CSS JavaScript www.mrsaem.com 5

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10 First Script www.mrsaem.com 10

11 Add Javascript to it www.mrsaem.com 11

12 Script Position www.mrsaem.com 12

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14 Should end with www.mrsaem.com 14

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17 Not to use In-Line Script www.mrsaem.com 17

18 CSS at the Top Scripts at the bottom www.mrsaem.com 18

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25 Variables www.mrsaem.com 25

26 We create variable to hold some data. So variable is a container. That works as a little piece of computer memory. www.mrsaem.com 26

27 These need to be in the lowercase. The name of the variable is up to us. No spaces are allowed while naming these. These could be letters, Numbers, _ or $ But you cannot start with a number www.mrsaem.com 27

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31 You may split the variables into one line aswell www.mrsaem.com 31

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34 You may use “ “ or ‘ ’. But do not mix them such as “ ‘ Javascript understands the data type on its own by the way we assign it. It will understand boolean /logic when we define it as true/false www.mrsaem.com 34

35 We need to ask questions so we shall use IF for that www.mrsaem.com 35

36 You will always find these in pairs if you have an opening one you will find A closing one as well. Even if it is after many multiple lines. But it needs to be there www.mrsaem.com 36

37 A All conditions should boil down into TRUE or FALSE TRUE FALSE www.mrsaem.com 37

38 oth www.mrsaem.com 38 So both are not =

39 www.mrsaem.com 39

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41 Not equal to www.mrsaem.com 41

42 Code Block www.mrsaem.com 42

43 var amount = 500; if ( amount < 1000 ) { alert ("Its less than 1000"); } www.mrsaem.com 43

44 Using else www.mrsaem.com 44

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47 www.mrsaem.com 47 = is a command. NOT a polite description We are setting a value We are assigning a value

48 www.mrsaem.com 48 OR

49 Some operators are considered more important than others eg Particularlay * and / are regarded more important than others. www.mrsaem.com 49

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51 IF you are checking values are equal use the == operator www.mrsaem.com 51

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53 www.mrsaem.com 53 You are telling You are asking Exactly equal

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55 www.mrsaem.com 55 AND OR

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59 var a=15; alert(++a); www.mrsaem.com 59 What should the output be?

60 var a=15; alert(a++); www.mrsaem.com 60 What should the output be?

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63 Loops www.mrsaem.com 63

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66 var a=1; while (a<10) { alert(a); } www.mrsaem.com 66 Infinite Loop Created While Loop

67 var a=1; while (a<10) { alert(a); a++; } www.mrsaem.com 67 While Loop (Output)

68 var a=100; while (a<10) { alert(a); a++; } www.mrsaem.com 68 While Loop (Output).What should it be ?

69 Do While. The output ? var a=100; do { alert(a); a++; } while (a<10); www.mrsaem.com 69

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71 A short hand way www.mrsaem.com 71

72 www.mrsaem.com 72

73 The for loop www.mrsaem.com 73 OUTPUT

74 Three Parts of Four Loop www.mrsaem.com 74 VARIABLE DECLARATION - The first part of the loop which initializes the variable at the beginning of the loop to some value. This value is the starting point of the loop. INCREMENT STATEMENT - The increment statement is the third part of the loop. It is the part of the loop that changes the value of the variable created in the variable declaration part of the loop. The increment statement is the part of the loop which will eventually stop the loop from running. CONDITION - The second part of the loop, and it is the part that decides whether the loop will continue running or not. While the condition in the loop is TRUE, it will continue running. Once the condition becomes FALSE, the loop will stop.

75 The while loop The code within a while loop will execute while the specified condition is true. www.mrsaem.com 75

76 In the above code, a variable named num is initialized with the value of 0. The condition in the while loop is that while num is less than 25, 5 should be added to num. Once the value of num is greater than 25, the loop will stop executing. www.mrsaem.com 76 The while loop

77 The do-while loop The do-while loop is very similar to the while loop, but it does things in reverse order. The mechanism of the while loop is - while a condition is true, perform a certain action. The mechanism of the do-while loop is - perform a certain action while a condition is true. Furthermore, the code within a do-while loop will always execute at least once, even if the specified condition is false. This is because the code is executed before the condition is tested. www.mrsaem.com 77

78 Syntax: do{ execute this code; } while (condition); In the above code, a variable named num is initialized with the value of 5. The condition in the do-while loop is that while num is less than 25, 5 should be added to num. Once the value of num is greater than 25, the loop will stop executing. www.mrsaem.com 78 The do-while loop

79 Breaking out of a loop You can completely break out of a loop when it is still running. This is achieved with the break keyword. Once a loop is exited, the first statement right after it will be executed. The break keyword provides an easy way to exit a loop if an error occurs, or if you found what you were looking for www.mrsaem.com 79

80 In the above example, the for loop is set to iterate 9 times and print the current value of the variable a during each iteration. The if statement within the loop states that when the variable a is equal to 5, break out of the loop. www.mrsaem.com 80 Breaking out of a loop

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