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Ergonomics Rebecca Cano, Molly o’connor, Alyssa Arocho, John Williams, Diego.

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Presentation on theme: "Ergonomics Rebecca Cano, Molly o’connor, Alyssa Arocho, John Williams, Diego."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ergonomics Rebecca Cano, Molly o’connor, Alyssa Arocho, John Williams, Diego

2 What is Ergonomics and why is it important? Ergonomics is important because it vital that students can get chairs that are durable and comfortable. Factors that should be considered is the average student height and weight so the chair can be built to accommodate the student body. To put it simply, ergonomics is the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.

3 The purpose of Ergonomics “Kids spend a lot of time (some say too much) sitting. According to the University of Manitoba, elementary children spend around nine hours sitting per day. Another source reports that students sit in classroom chairs for close to 80 percent of their time. Even preschools spend a considerable amount of time in chairs.” ( learning/) learning/ “Children wildly range in size, growth, strength and cognitive ability. Over 83 percent of school children sit at chair-desk combinations that are not suitable for their body height. The researchers also purport that most school furniture is out of date and doesn’t confirm to minimum orthopedic- physiological requirements.”( learning/)

4 The purpose of ergonomics (continue) “The consequences of using classroom furniture that doesn’t meet acceptable ergonomic standards include very real physical symptoms. Typically, conventional chairs have had a rigid seat that inclines backwards and merges into a seating hollow. This design can cause lack of blood circulation; rounding of the back; tense shoulder, neck and back muscles; constricted digestive organs, and spinal cord pressure.” ( “It’s well documented that ergonomically poor classroom furniture also impacts cognitive ergonomics, i.e., how our minds work and other mental processes. Examples include lack of attention, poor concentration, poor memory and lowered achievement levels. Obviously, this also impacts teachers, administrators, parents, etc.” ( There is a lot to consider when picking out proper chairs for students. An uncomfortable chair can not only affect a student physically but mentally as well.

5 Counter arguments counter arguments: "The chairs we have are fine, the students fit in them well enough" -The chairs may not be able to accommodate every single student, some student have special needs when it comes to chairs. Certain kids may find the chairs uncomfortable and unsupportive. "Specially made chairs are more expensive, what is the purpose of wasting all that money." -Typically chairs that are more expensive are not only more comfortable, but durable saving the school district more money in the long run.

6 Building for the Average Student Height 169.2 cm Height of head to angle of jaw: 16.6 cm Angle of jaw to base of neck: 9.2 cm Base of neck to top of pelvis: 43.2 cm Top of pelvis to Hip joint: 16.4 cm Hip joint to knee: 37.8 cm Knee to ankle: 39.8 cm Ankle to bottom of foot: 7.4 cm Shoulder to elbow: 28.4 Elbow to wrist: 27.4 cm Wrist to Fingers: 18.8 cm

7 Model in relation to classroom objects Bottom of foot- Bottom of chair =43 cm Bottom of chair to top of chair (mid back) =39 cm Back of chair to knee cap=52 cm Counter to head= 83.5 cm Counter to top of fingers (stretched out)= 126 cm

8 Testing The egronome feet touch the ground and fits well inside the chair. The model arms can reach most objects in the classroom. The arms stretch out the computer normally as a student's arms would.

9 The perfect chair for schools

10 Reference learning/

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