(defrule list-all-mortals ;; fires only for mortal things (mortal (name ?n)) => (printout t ?n " is mortal " crlf)) Jess> (deffacts beings (human (name Bob)) (monster (name Gollum)) (god (name Zeus))) Jess> (reset) Jess> (run) Zeus is a being Gollum is a being Gollum is mortal Bob is mortal Bob is a being 5 Example of working with Jess as with Prolog"> (defrule list-all-mortals ;; fires only for mortal things (mortal (name ?n)) => (printout t ?n " is mortal " crlf)) Jess> (deffacts beings (human (name Bob)) (monster (name Gollum)) (god (name Zeus))) Jess> (reset) Jess> (run) Zeus is a being Gollum is a being Gollum is mortal Bob is mortal Bob is a being 5 Example of working with Jess as with Prolog">

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Intelligent systems Lecture 11 Tools for development of Expert Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent systems Lecture 11 Tools for development of Expert Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent systems Lecture 11 Tools for development of Expert Systems

2 JESS Syntax is similar to CLIPS Is implemented in Java It is possible to extend capabilities by including new java code

3 Jess> (deftemplate being (slot name)) Jess> (deftemplate mortal extends being) Jess> (deftemplate immortal extends being) Jess> (deftemplate monster extends mortal) Jess> (deftemplate human extends mortal) Jess> (deftemplate god extends immortal) Jess> (defrule list-all-humanoids ;; fire for all beings, gods, monsters, and humans (being (name ?n)) => (printout t ?n " is a being " crlf)) Jess> (defrule list-all-mortals ;; fires only for mortal things (mortal (name ?n)) => (printout t ?n " is mortal " crlf)) Jess> (deffacts beings (human (name Bob)) (monster (name Gollum)) (god (name Zeus))) Jess> (reset) Jess> (run) Zeus is a being Gollum is a being Gollum is mortal Bob is mortal Bob is a being 5 Example of working with Jess as with Prolog

4 Example of working with Jess as with Prolog (2) Jess> (deftemplate thing (slot type) (slot name)) Jess> (deffacts things (thing (type human) (name Socrates)) (thing (type mineral) (name Slate)) (thing (type vegetable) (name Carrot)) (thing (type dog) (name Rover)) (thing (type human) (name Bob))) Jess> (deffacts mortality (mortal human) (mortal dog)) Jess> (defrule list-all-mortals ;; fires for dogs and humans (mortal ?type) (thing (type ?type) (name ?n)) => (printout t ?n " is mortal." crlf)) Jess> (reset) Jess> (run) Rover is mortal. Bob is mortal. Socrates is mortal. 3

5 Exsys CORVID Rules Forward chaining Backward chaining Working with uncertainty The detail description of user interface is implemented Expert System may be implemented both for desktop and client-server platform

6 EZ-Xpert EZ Development : EZ-Xpert is easy to learn and offers a menu-driven, fill-in-the-blank interface with extensive Wizard support. It also offers a Debugger that analyses the state of the system and presents an ordered list of tasks that need attention, leading the user through the building of the system. EZ-Xpert does the hard work – extensive internal testing, simplification, conflict resolution, and code generation - algorithmically.. The Integrated Development Environment automates much of the development process, allowing typical users to create a complete, running 500 rule system in a day without assistance from IT or a Knowledge Engineer. The user does not write any code, as EZ-Xpert generates complete, ready to compile applications in C++ for Windows and Visual Basic

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