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Courses for geriatric trainees How to make the most of study leave Sameer Maini Consultant Geriatrician 30 th June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Courses for geriatric trainees How to make the most of study leave Sameer Maini Consultant Geriatrician 30 th June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Courses for geriatric trainees How to make the most of study leave Sameer Maini Consultant Geriatrician 30 th June 2015

2 Study leave is an important element in supporting training of junior doctors (Gold Guide 2010) Severn Deanery Policy – Study leave is to learn new skills that cannot be taught at base hospital – Speciality schools hold study budget – 30 days study leave per year (18 LTFT) – Not entitled if OOP

3 Severn Deanery Policy – Activities included are internal courses, external courses, private study time, e-learning and examinations – Relevant to educational training needs – Trainees must have completed all Trust mandatory induction prior requesting time/funding – Claim expenses for course fees, travel and subsistence

4 Courses General Geriatrics – National Conference in Medicine for the Elderly Leicester, June 2015 £115.00 – GM Conference London, October 2015 £125.00 + vat



7 Courses Orthogeriatrics – Peterborough Hip Fracture Conference Peterborough, October 2015 £80.00 – Preston Hip Day Preston, September 2015 £102.00/£150.00


9 Courses

10 Falls & Bone Health – East Midlands & Trent Falls Symposium Nottingham, June 2015 £130.00 – Dizziness for the Physician: syncope, vertigo and balance Newcastle, October 2015 £375.00/£290.00 – The Queens Square Dizziness Course London, June 2015 £320.00

11 Courses Falls & Bone Health – Advanced Balance Course Southampton, June 2016 £750.00 – BRS Training Course: Osteoporosis and Other Metabolic Bone Diseases Oxford, April 2015 £450.00/£350.00





16 Courses Movement Disorders – Birmingham Movement Disorders Course Birmingham, March 2016 £350.00 – The Parkinson’s Academy Foundation Masterclass – September 2105, £425.00 Classic Masterclass – June & November 2016, £650.00 + vat – BGS Movement Disorders Specialists Annual Update Birmingham, January 2015 £70.00



19 Courses Perioperative Medicine – Preoperative Assessment and Optimisation of the Older Surgical Patient London, March 2015 £160.00


21 Courses Dementia – Cambridge Dementia Course Cambridge, December 2015 £500.00


23 Courses Stroke – BMJ Masterclasses – Stroke for Physicians London, December 2015 £220.00 – BASP Trainees Weekend Leicester, March 2015 £50.00/£70.00



26 Courses Continence – ‘Continence’ for SpR’s in Geriatric Medicine Manchester Pharmaceutical sponsored


28 Courses Other – Research Methods & Critical Appraisal course (RSM) London, September 2015 £225 – Edinburgh Clinical Research Methodology Course Edinburgh, February 2016 £150.00



31 Courses Others – BGS Trainees Leadership and Management course Birmingham, December 2014 – HELM Programme – Severn Deanery Professional and Generic Skills programme




35 Courses Others – BMJ Masterclass – Neurology for Physician London, November 2015 £220.00


37 Conferences National – BGS Meeting Brighton, October 2015 £180.00 – BGS CVS Section: Failing Hearts and Failing Minds London, September 2015 – International Falls and Postural Stability Conference London, September 2015 £160.00 – BGS Oncology SIG Meeting London, September 2015 £80.00



40 Conferences International – European Union Geriatric Medicine Society congress Oslo, September 2015 £500.00 – European Delirium Association/BGS-SIG Dementia London, September 2015 £200.00 – Fragility Fracture Network Global Congress Rotterdam, September 2015 £300.00




44 Any other courses?

45 Make most of your study leave There is more than the BGS!

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