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Al azarA ver. Hagan ahora Repasemos Translate the following phrases from English to Spanish Good morning, sir. Good evening, maam ____________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Al azarA ver. Hagan ahora Repasemos Translate the following phrases from English to Spanish Good morning, sir. Good evening, maam ____________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Al azarA ver

2 Hagan ahora Repasemos Translate the following phrases from English to Spanish Good morning, sir. Good evening, maam ____________________________ See you later.See you tomorrow. ___________________________ Hello, my name is... _________________

3 Al azarA ver

4 Al azarA ver

5 Al azarA ver

6 Al azarA ver

7 Al azarA ver

8 Al azarA ver

9 Al azarA ver

10 Al azarA ver

11 Al azarA ver

12 Al azarA ver

13 Al azarA ver

14 Al azarA ver

15 Al azarA ver

16 Al azarA ver

17 Al azarA ver

18 Al azarA ver

19 Al azarA ver

20 Al azarA ver

21 Al azarA ver

22 Al azarA ver

23 Al azarA ver

24 Al azarA ver

25 Al azarA ver

26 Al azarA ver

27 Al azarA ver

28 Al azarA ver

29 Al azarA ver

30 Al azarA ver

31 Al azarA ver

32 Al azarA ver

33 Al azarA ver

34 De dos en dos Count from 2 to 30 by twos De cinco en cinco Count from 5 to 30 by fives ¡Practiquemos! Practice with your partner

35 Escribe los siguientes números 0:________________ 5:________________ 9:________________ 11:________________ 13:_______________ 18:________________ 21:_______________ 25:_______________ 26:_______________ 28:_______________ 30:_______________

36 Escuchemos Daniel is showing Adriana pictures in the family album. Listen as he tells how old each relative is. Then match the correct picture to the age he gives. hyperlink

37 Veintiuno, Dieciséis, Diecisiete, Cuatro, Quince, Doce, Cinco, Catorce,Veintidós, Trece, Veintitrés, Treinta, Tres, Seis, Once, Uno, Nueve, Siete, Dieciocho, Veintiocho, Ocho, Veinticinco 9 ___________ 1 __________ 3 ____________ 6 ___________ 7 __________ 21 __________ 30 __________ 22 ___________ 13 __________ 16 __________ 17 __________ 23 __________ 18 ___________ 25 __________ 4 ___________ 15 __________ 14 __________ 12 ___________ 11 __________ 28 __________ 8 ___________ 5 ___________ Write the name of the numbers in Spanish. Use the information inside the box.

38 Hyperlink

39 To ask how old someone is, say: To answer, say : How old are you?Im … years old. ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo... años How old is (he/she)?(He/She) is … years old. ¿Cuántos años tiene?Tiene... años


41 ¿Cuál es tu número telefónico? (phone # ) _______________________ ¿Cuántos años tienes?______________________________________ ¿Cuántos años tiene tu mamá? _______________________________ ¿Cuántos años tiene tu maestra? _____________________________



44 Número secreto Try to guess the secret number your partner is thinking of (it must be between zero and 30). If youre wrong, your partner will point up or down to indicate a higher or lower number. Keep trying until you guess right. Then switch roles and play again.

45 Write out these math problems for your little brother, following the model. Modelo: 2+8=10 Dos más ocho son diez 1. 4+15 = ____________________________________________________ 2. 12+3 = _____________________________________________________ 3. 6+20 = ____________________________________________________ 4. 11+13 = _____________________________________________________ 5. 27 + 1 = _____________________________________________________ 6. 14 + 16 = ____________________________________________________

46 Al azarA ver

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