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1.) Indictments read 2.) Opening statements by Defense and the Prosecution 3.) Questioning phase of the trial a.) Louis’ defense counsel can call Marie.

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3 1.) Indictments read 2.) Opening statements by Defense and the Prosecution 3.) Questioning phase of the trial a.) Louis’ defense counsel can call Marie to take the stand – Marie can be questioned and cross examined. b.) Louis makes a statement at the end of his questioning. 4.) Marat makes a statement and can be questioned and cross- examined. 5.) Lady from the 3 rd Estate makes a statement and can be questioned. 6.) Robespierre makes his statement before the jury deliberates. He can be questioned and cross-examined. 7.) Jury rules on each indictment and explains their justification (Jury – you should be taking notes during the questioning phase of the trial.) 8.) Sentence is pronounced by the judge

4 A.) Louis – Research basic background info; Be able to respond to questions from the defense and prosecution and then make a concluding 2-3 paragraph statement protesting your innocence. (This statement should be typed.) B.) Marie – Prepare your 2-3 paragraph typed statement defending your husband’s innocence and love of country; Research basic background info in order to do so. Be prepared to answer questions from the prosecution. C & D.) Robespierre and Marat – Read through Robespierre’s speech on the trial of Louis XVI (Dec. 3, 1792) and use it as a basis to prepare your speech to be given after the trial and before sentencing. Your speech should be fiery and at least 3 written paragraphs. Be prepared to answer questions from the defense and/or prosecution.

5 E.) Woman from the former 3 rd Estate - Prepare a speech to be given during the trial. Your speech should be fiery and at least 2 typed paragraphs. Be prepared to answer questions from the defense.

6 F.) Defense counsel – Prepare a short opening and closing argument (at least 2 paragraphs each) to defend the king. Prepare 7-9 questions to be asked to the king that will allow him to protest his innocence and shine light on any positive contributions made by the king. Prepare 4-5 questions to attack Robespierre, Marat, and the 3 rd Estate lady. Everything should be typed. (**In reality, Louis was not represented by legal counsel for most of the trial.) G.) Prosecution – Prepare a short opening and closing argument ( at least 2 paragraphs each) to persuade the jury to convict the king for crimes against the people of France. Prepare 7-9 questions to be asked to the king that will likely result in casting a negative light on the king. Prepare 4-5 questions to be asked of Marie A. You may also question Marat, Robespierre, and the lady if you choose to. (No more than 2-3 questions.)

7 H.) National Convention members – Determine if you are a Jacobin, Girondin, or an unaffiliated member of the jury. You will read through excerpts of the trial of Louis XVI. Based on your assigned role, you will type two paragraphs (7-8 sentences each). The first paragraph notes your initial feelings regarding a verdict, including a rationale for the verdict based on the indictment. The second paragraph relates to the penalty phase of the trial. You should describe the penalty you think should be imposed on Citizen Capet if found guilty of the charges and why you think this should be the penalty. You will also write three questions you would ask to Louis and Marie. You should write one question you would ask to each of the following: Robespierre, Marat, and the lady from the 3 rd Estate. Remember the role you are playing!


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