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Historic Windows. Windows are always a character defining feature of an older building. Picture or Graphic Maybe?

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Presentation on theme: "Historic Windows. Windows are always a character defining feature of an older building. Picture or Graphic Maybe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Historic Windows

2 Windows are always a character defining feature of an older building. Picture or Graphic Maybe?

3 Most historic wood windows are made from old growth, hard woods and their craftsmanship allows for durable repairs Repair should always be considered the preferred option. Historic Windows Picture or Graphic Maybe?

4 Replacement window manufacturers are convincing people to replace their historic wood windows in the name of energy efficiency. Historic Windows Picture or Graphic Maybe?

5 Assess the following individual window components. Sash Muntins Sill Frame Glass Operational Hardware Fittings Window Components

6 Energy efficiency can be achieved by repair and enhancement. Restoring the proper fit between sash and frame Repairing broken windows Applying clear, non-reflective laminant to glass Installing sash locks Installing weather-stripping Adding exterior or interior storm windows Energy Efficiency

7 Rehabilitating historic buildings is both cost effective and energy conserving. You cannot ignore the costs associated with “embodied energy”. It is very seldom necessary to choose between preservation and new construction. It is not an either/or situation.

8 Only an estimated 12-15% of energy loss is through windows. Energy loss is due to cold/heat infiltration at seals, not through glass. Most historic homes lose the majority of heat through the roof and un-insulated walls than through windows. Energy Loss

9 Energy wise, the return on investment is much better by simply repairing the existing windows. Historic windows in good repair have the same or increased thermal efficiency. Energy Investment

10 QUESTION ? Why remove window units that may have lasted upwards of 75 years or more and replace them with something that may not last a decade?

11 An original repaired window unit will have a greater life expectancy than any modern replacement.

12 The original windows were crafted in a manner that is simply not available today from a typical supply store.

13 Older Windows Can Be Simple and Functional

14 Aesthetic Quality of Older Windows Cannot Be Dismissed

15 Replacement windows are plastic vinyl, aluminum, or a composite. None will last as long as the original window.

16 Keep Your Windows A historic wood window, properly maintained with weather stripping and/or storm windows, is as least as energy efficient as a new replacement window. Historic wood windows have a proven performance of spanning generations. Replacement Windows are temporary and designed to be a Disposable Product. The term “replacement window” means just what it says, it will have to be replaced again and again.

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