Text durch Klicken hinzufügen Notre Dame de Sion in Berba Sr. Darlene De Mong Sr. Juliana Baldinger.

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1 Text durch Klicken hinzufügen Notre Dame de Sion in Berba Sr. Darlene De Mong Sr. Juliana Baldinger

2 Berba a village in Middle Egypt Berba is a village in middle Egypt 250 km south of Cairo in the Governorate of Minia. Berba has 10 000 inhabitants, 30 % Coptic Catholic Christians who pray in one church and 70 % Muslim who pray in five Mosques. Half of the population is under the age of 15 years. Two schools serve the needs of Education, a health-unit, and 3 private Doctors look after the health of the population. Berba’s source of income is farm products like cotton, wheat, garlic, sugarcane and sugarbeets.

3 The Village El Berba El Kobra

4 Women are always working

5 History of the Congregation in Berba Sister Juliana (Austrian) and Darlene (Canadian) have been living in the village of Berba since September, 1994. Their work in the village includes pastoral and social/developmental activities and is especially an active presence to the villagers.

6 Ministries in Berba In the church doing Meditations with the youth, Bible study with the poor in the church Visiting the sick, the needy, Rejoicing with the people at their Wedding celebrations, when new babies are born, Crying with the ones who have lost a loved one.

7 Pastoral work Sr. Juliana doing Bible study with parish groups Bible study with priests of neighbouring parishes (no photo!)

8 Pastoral work The library is not only for reading but also the children paint and use their imagination in creating beauty

9 Pastoral work: The Choir “Praise the Lord with your singing and dancing”

10 Collaborating in the Catechetical sessions for children and youth

11 Visiting families in the village

12 Social Ministries Collaboration with the local Diocesan Development team: Kindergarten; literacy

13 Health care and health education through the Dispensary: Sr. Juliana and assistants Social Ministries

14 Social Ministries The needs of others are important

15 The garden begins to develop: a playground is created… flowers bloom… Social Ministries

16 Developing a computer-literacy training program for children, youth and adults

17 Loans program The Loans program is managed by the loans committee of the local Diocesan Development team The main need in the village is not for donations, but for capital. Few people have the cash available to make a major purchase (animals to raise for household use, household appliances, such as a gas cooker or oven, fridge, wash machine), to improve their homes (install electricity, water, toilet, improve existing walls or roof, build additional space) or to start a small business (raising animals, opening a shop, etc.). However, most people have a regular limited income and are committed to pay the required interest if they can get a loan which then can be paid off on a monthly basis.

18 Loans Program The local loans committee of Berba has now had a 8 years experience. Those in charge in the diocesan office in Minia say that Berba is one of the few villages where no money has been lost because of payments not made. The careful choice of those to whom a loan will be given, their guarantors, collecting monthly payments: all this is done with concern for the real needs of the villagers, their honesty and ability to repay. Our community has lived in the village for 8 years, works closely with the local development group and can witness to the commitment of these people, especially the person in charge.

19 Loans program washing machine, a gas stove, a machine for the carpenters use

20 Loans program raising chickens, a flock of sheep, sanitary installation

21 Loans Program Through the Loans Program we are enabling many families in the village of Berba both Moslem and Christian to benefit from the possibility of borrowing money to improve their lives, with the respect and dignity that they deserve.

22 We are happy to have volunteers to share our ministry and our life here in the village. Knowledge of English is important, though French and German speaking persons are also welcome. Arabic is extremely helpful but many activities can be done with little or no previous knowledge of the Arabic language. For example: drawing/painting/handicrafts/music with children; work with handicapped children; computer training; language classes in English or French. Contact nds.juliana@gmail.com for more information. Volunteer Program

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