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C.3-P.2 32-33 Campbell, Steve 8-30-10 P. ? 75 The Christian Church Takes Shape.

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1 C.3-P.2 32-33 Campbell, Steve 8-30-10 P. ? 75 The Christian Church Takes Shape


3 America’s Most Dangerous Jobs 5. roofers 4. ranchers/farmers 3. airline pilot 2. loggers 1. deep, cold-water fishermen

4 Hurricane Earl strengthens, could swipe U.S. east

5 Weekend top movies… Weekend top movies… 3 rd – The Expendables = $9,500,000 2 nd – Takers = 21,000,000 1 st – The Last Exorcism = $21,300,000

6 persecutemonastery monk clergyexcommunication 1. to formally deprive a person of membership in a church 2. the body of people, such as priests, monks, nuns, etc…, who perform the sacred functions of a church 3. a community of monks 4. to cause a person to suffer because of his or her beliefs 5. a man who has taken a solemn vow to devote his life to prayer and service in a monastery

7 In the last chapter, we learned about the rise of feudalism in western Europe. Roman Catholic ChurchHigh Middle Ages In this chapter, we will explore the influence of the Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages, from about 1000 to 1300 C.E. The Catholic Church was the center of medieval life in western Europe. Almost every village and town had a church building.

8 cathedral Larger towns and cities had a cathedral. Church bells rang out the hours, called people to worship, and warned of danger. The church building was the center of community activity. Religious services were held several times a day. Town meetings, plays, and concerts were also held in churches. Merchants had shops around the square in front of the church. Farmers sold their produce in the square.

9 Markets, festivals, and fairs were all held in the shadow of the church’s spires (towers). Catholic Church During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church provided education for some, and it helped the poor and the sick. Catholic Church The Catholic Church was a daily presence throughout a person’s life, from birth to death. In fact, religion was so much a part of daily life that people determined the proper time to cook eggs by saying a certain number of prayers!

10 Catholic Church People also looked to the Catholic Church to explain world events. God Storms, disease, and famine were thought to be punishments sent by God. People hoped prayer and religious devotion would keep away such disasters. They were even more concerned about the fate of their souls after death.

11 Catholic Church The Catholic Church taught that salvation, or the saving of a person’s soul, would come to those who followed the church’s teachings. Age of Faith Christian belief was so widespread during this time that historians sometimes call the Middle Ages the “Age of Faith.” Catholic Church’s It’s no wonder that the Catholic Church’s power rivaled that of kings and queens.

12 Catholic Church In this exciting chapter, we will learn how the Catholic Church began and how it grew. Catholic Church Then we will discover how the Catholic Church affected people’s daily lives during the High Middle Ages.

13 What’s the main point here? great The Roman Catholic Church had a great impact on and influence over all Europeans of the Middle Ages!

14 C.3-P.2 32-33 Campbell, Steve 8-30-10 P. ? 75 The Christian Church Takes Shape

15 The Early Days of Christianity 1.Who are Christians? 2.What happened before and after 313 CE ? - followers of Jesus Christ - believe Christ was the son of God, sent to earth to save people from their sins 313 - before 313, Christians persecuted - after 313 - after 313 can worship freely - 395 - 395 Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire

16 3.How was Christianity different in the Middle Ages? RCC 4.How did the RCC play a vital role in society after the fall of Rome? 5.How was the RCC organized? all western Christians belonged to a single church, the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) one of the few ties to stable times provided comfort and leadership organized food distribution preserved books and ran schools in a hierarchy, all clergy were ranked The Organization of the RCC

17 6. How were the clergy ranked? Pope1 st - Pope, was the supreme leader who supervised Cardinals2 nd - Cardinals, were advisers, and supervised Archbishops3 rd - Archbishops, who supervised Bishops4 th - Bishops, who supervised Priests5 th - Priests, who ran a parish, the local city church Pope Benedict XVI Medieval Cardinal Medieval Bishop

18 power 7.How did the RCC’s power increase during the Middle Ages? 1. Immense wealth: –LAND: largest landowner –TITHING: Catholics paid 10% of income to RCC 2. Increasing political power and - kings became dependent on clergy to keep records and serve as trusted advisors - won important power struggles between church and monarchs… like Pope Gregory VII vs. Henry IV The Holy Roman Emperor 1073 Winner Loser

19 Trivia The moon is 1 million times drier than the Gobi Desert. The moon, has about 3 trillion craters larger than three feet in diameter.

20 What happened at the flea circus? A dog came along and stole the show. A dog came along and stole the show. Joke of the Day Joke of the Day

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