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HORIZON HOUSE Comprehensive Program Review February 28, 2014.

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2 HORIZON HOUSE Comprehensive Program Review February 28, 2014

3 Highlights  Excellence in results with Federal Monitorings  Completion of building renovations – phase 1  Community relations  Increase in successful program completions and decrease of resident terminations Best Practice  Improved comprehensive orientation process for residents HIGHLIGHTS


5  Employee Reviews  Quality Assurance of Medications  Location  Innovation

6 STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Performance Evaluations Staff Training

7 STAFF TURNOVER RATES (1/1/13 - 12/31/13) Data obtained from HR Turnover & Personnel Summary  Last CPR, Horizon staff turnover was 30.4% compared to SJS at 35.7%  Last CPR, Overdue Performance Evaluations = 0 FT and 0 PT as of July 31, 2012. OVERDUE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS as of 12/31/13 FTPT Horizon House22

8 STAFF RETENTION RATES Data obtained from HR Retention and Turnover Report

9 Data obtained from MMRs and HR Training Reports  Total of 337.5 training hours over six months; an average of 21.7 hours per staff/over six months or 3.6 hours per month/per staff. (This is a 18% decrease in training hours from previous CPR)  Last CPR, average of 25.8 hours per staff/over six months or 4.3 trainings hours per month; a total of 412 training hours over six months

10 PROGRAMMING Utilization Successful Completions Completion with: o Employment o Permanent Housing

11  Current utilization rate is 107.26%; last CPR the utilization rate was 97%. This is an increase of 10.5%  Horizon House had an average of 34.32 clients; last CPR, an average of 31 clients Data obtained from Monthly Utilization Reports

12  Average of 81.8% of clients completed with employment. Last CPR 87.5% completed with employment.  Average of 97.8 of clients completed with housing. Last CPR 95.8% completed with housing.  Average of 95.9 % of clients successfully completed the program. (31% increase in successful completion rates from last CPR; last CPR = 73.2%)  Average of 4.1% of clients were terminated before completing the program. (84% decrease compared to last CPR, where 26.8% were terminated before completing the program). Data obtained from MMRs

13 CLIENT RELATED Clinical Hours Walk-Aways Medication

14  Average Total Clinical Hours per client/per month: 7.4; last CPR, the average clinical hours was 7.6 per client/per month  Average Life Skills Hours per client/per month: 1.9  Average Cognitive-Behavioral Hours per client/per month: 5.4  This CPR, Horizon served 205 clients (a 9.6% increase) compared to last CPR = 187 clients  Total Hours: 1,504; last CPR = 1,354 (This is a 11% increase)  Total Life Skills Hours: 400  Total Cognitive-Behavioral Hours: 1,104 Data obtained from MMRs

15 CLIENT WALK-AWAYS 7/13-12/132/12-7/12 Horizon House22 MEDICATION INCIDENTS 7/13-12/132/12-7/12 Horizon House163  Medication Incidents: Medication errors were results of miscounts - discovered during internal audits of medication system. Data obtained from MMRs

16 QUALITY ASSURANCE Key MMR Results Satisfaction Surveys

17 KEY MMR RESULTS 97.8% of the clients completed the program with permanent housing; last CPR = 95.8% 95.4% of client discharge plans were developed with family involvement; last CPR = 91.6% 81.8% of the clients completed the program with employment; last CPR = 87.5% A total of 3 incidents involving contraband were reported ; last CPR = 3 100% of staff are certified in First Aid/CPR/AED Data obtained from MMRs


19 N = 21


21 Answered Aways and Most Times  Things working in my room = 16/21 or 76%  Receive medical care =16/21 or 76%  Overall program is clean = 15/21 or 71%  Food is good = 12/21 or 57%  Received Emergency Assistance = 8/21 or 38% Answered Aways and Most Times  Know how to file complaint = 20/21 or 95%  Know about contraband items = 20/21 or 95%  Observe UA = 19/21 or 90%  If there was a fire = 18/21 or 86%  Program rules are clear = 18/21 or 86%

22 ISSUE: Retention of residents COMMENTS: Last CPR, successful completion rate = 73.2% IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Currently, 95.9 % of clients successfully completed the program. (31% increase in successful completion rates from last CPR) ISSUE: Decrease staff turnover COMMENTS: Last CPR, the turnover rate was 30.4% IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Currently, 21.7 % staff turnover rate (40% decrease from last CPR) ISSUE: Need to develop more in-house programming opportunities for residents COMMENTS: No additional forms of programming offered, aside from required programs, at last CPR IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Additional forms of programming have included groups for female residents, financial planning courses, and gardening. The Horizon House is presently in the process of implementing a Yoga and Meditation program for residents and staff.

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