ART! HU 300: Unit 6. TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 A letter of introduction to tell someone in the future about your day-to-day life An example of morality.

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Presentation on theme: "ART! HU 300: Unit 6. TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 A letter of introduction to tell someone in the future about your day-to-day life An example of morality."— Presentation transcript:

1 ART! HU 300: Unit 6

2 TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 A letter of introduction to tell someone in the future about your day-to-day life An example of morality and decision-making in current culture Your definition of happiness Your definition of freedom A significant literary work (poem, short story, or novel) A significant example of art or architecture A significant song or group of songs A significant film A significant item from popular culture (a toy, gadget, fad, etc.)

3 Unit 2 Project Part 1: Take a field trip around your neighborhood, city, or region. Find one example of architecture that catches your attention. Explain what you see in detail. Discuss the elements of form and function. Which concepts from the chapter reading are applied in this work? Part 2: Next, find an element of art. Consider civic art, sculpture, an image you use to decorate your home, graffiti, street performance, or any art experience that you find engaging. Start by describing the work of art. Try to use terminology from the text. You may consider the following questions: What is the medium? What are the dimensions? When was the work made? Is the work abstract or representational? You may find the flashcards in My Humanities Kit a helpful resource. Then, add to your discussion: What is the purpose of this work of art? What does it mean to you? Which concepts from the chapter reading are applied in this work? The essay should be at least 750 words and should employ terms from the text. The project may be completed in Microsoft Word or in Powerpoint. However, the assignment word count must be communicated on Powerpoint notes or slides. You are welcome to attach or include photos of the works of art and architecture that you have chosen. Cite any sources in APA formatting.My Humanities Kit

4 What Makes a Great Paper? Great Papers all do three Thing! Tells the reader what you plan to tell them Tells the reader what you want them to know Tells the reader what you just told them Sources and Tone Use formal grammar setting on Word Write in the third person Document research with in text citations Include a bibliography Proof read Grammar and spell check

5 Art What is the purpose of art?

6 CUBISM What is it? Who are the key artists?



9 Kandinsky What is your reaction to this work of art?

10 Peter Max

11 Grant Wood


13 American Gothic

14 Thomas Hart Benton

15 Norman Rockwell


17 Jackson Pollock

18 Georgia O’Keefe

19 Diego Rivera

20 Andrew Wyeth

21 Marc Chagall

22 Frida Kahlo

23 Art can often mean different things to different people. Is this a strength or a weakness?.

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