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Grammar Lesson #3. Adjectives Is a word to describe a noun or pronoun or to give a noun or pronoun more specific meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Lesson #3. Adjectives Is a word to describe a noun or pronoun or to give a noun or pronoun more specific meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Lesson #3

2 Adjectives Is a word to describe a noun or pronoun or to give a noun or pronoun more specific meaning

3 Adjectives Answer Questions What Kind red boatsilver jewelrysick passengercool water Which One third chanceany piecethis trainthose apples How Many six carsseveral reasonsboth answersfew letters How Much enough spacemore energyno rainlittle effort

4 Adjectives and the noun it modifies An adjective usually comes before the noun it modifies, however it may come after. Before the noun: The sick child lay in bed. Sick modifies child After the noun: The child, sick with fever, lay in bed. Sick still modifies child, yet it comes after the noun.

5 Adjectives and the pronoun it modifies When using a pronoun the adjective usually comes after the pronoun it modifies and usually directly after a linking verb such as is, was, look, or seemed. It can come before the pronoun as well. She was sick for a week. Sick modifies the pronoun she and was is the linking verb. Sick in bed, he was very bored. Sick modifies the pronoun he.

6 Nouns and Pronouns used as adjectives…imagine that! A noun used as an adjective answers the question What kind? Or Which one? About a noun that follows it. Example: Guitar music (What kind of music?) Example: Evening meal (Which meal?) A personal pronoun can be used as an adjective and it answers the question Which one? About an noun that follows it. Example: My daughter left her new backpack at school (my modifies the noun daughter and her modifies the noun backpack).

7 Let’s Practice List all the adjectives in the following sentences: 1) The wagon used by American pioneers was called the Prairie Schooner. 2) It was a common farm wagon. 3) The canvas top was supported by horseshoe-shaped wooden arches. 4) It had oval-shaped openings. 5) These openings allowed air to enter.

8 Let’s Practice some more…. Identify each underlined word as an adjective or a noun used as an adjective. 1) Recreational area2) wagon train 3) Evening meal4) fresh meat 5) guitar music

9 Even more practice…. Decide whether the underlined words function as adjectives, pronouns, or both. 1) Have you heard of that Greek myth about Demeter and Persephone? 2) Demeter was Persephone’s mother, and both were beautiful goddesses. 3) They lived on Mount Olympus with other gods and goddesses. 4) Demeter loved Persephone so dearly that she spent each second of every day with her. 5) Demeter, the goddess of harvest performed these duties with Persephone by her side.

10 Adverbs Is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb

11 An adverb modifying a verb answers the questions Where? When? In what way? To what extent? Where?fell below went there move aside climbs down When?arrived today should have spoken before left early begins then In what way (in what manner)?happily ran danced awkwardly will end abruptly had be sung loudly To what extent?partly understands wash completely hardly would have known have not completed

12 Adverbs modifying adjectives Many descriptions can be made more meaningful by adding an adverb to an adjective. An adverb modifying an adjective answers only one question: To what extent? When an adverb modifies and adjective, it usually comes directly before the adjective: very glad absolutely wrong almost ready entirely grateful

13 Adverbs modifying adverbs Sometimes adverbs are used to sharpen the meaning of other adverbs. An adverb modifying another adverb answers just one questions: To what extent? An adverb modifying another adverb generally comes directly before the adverb it modifies. moved very quickly (very modifies quickly) climbed almost over (almost modifies over) not completely wrong (not modifies completely) only just recognizable (only modifies just)

14 Adjective or Adverb? Some words can be either an adjective or an adverb, depending on how they are used. Reminder: An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb Examples: Adjective: I had an early class. Adverb: I awoke early.

15 Let’s Practice Identify the Adjective(s) 1. The wagon used by American pioneers was called the Prairie Schooner. 2. It was a common farm wagon. 3. These openings allowed air to enter. Indentify the Adverb(s) 1. A glow just barely appears on the northern horizon. 2. Lights move unexpectedly fast across the sky. 3. A glowing curtain of light forms more clearly.

16 Classwork Pg. 250 exercise #2 Pg. 262 exercise #23 Pg. 263 exercise #24

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