MRERP Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and Environmental Impact Statement One River ▪ One Vision A Component of the Missouri River Recovery Program.

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Presentation on theme: "MRERP Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and Environmental Impact Statement One River ▪ One Vision A Component of the Missouri River Recovery Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRERP Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and Environmental Impact Statement One River ▪ One Vision A Component of the Missouri River Recovery Program A Review of the Purpose and Need Discussion

2 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Objectives Review the CAT input on Purpose and Need so far. Describe the breakout group exercise to review, revise, and supplement the discussion

3 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Purpose and Need – A review The purpose is a broad statement that tells readers what the agency intends to accomplish by taking action. Need is the proper framing of the question “WHY take action?,” not why “do NEPA.” Can be thought in terms of problems and opportunities.

4 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Draft Purpose To determine the actions required to mitigate losses of aquatic and terrestrial habitat; to recover federally listed species under the Endangered Species Act; and to restore the ecosystem to prevent further declines among other native species, while seeking to balance with social, economic, and cultural values for future generations.

5 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Draft Need The MRERP-EIS is needed to: –Fully implement the direction received in Subsection (a) of Section 5018 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007; and –Address current trends indicating: diminished natural habitat reduced populations of native species and communities reduced variability of physical processes such as flows, flooding, and sediment erosion/deposition

6 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Need Discussion Themes Adaptive Management Sustainability System Alteration and Decline of Natural Processes Restoration of Processes and Ecological Function Water Quality and Quantity Sustainable Water Supply Climate Change Education Collaboration, Coordination, and Integration

7 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Adaptive Management Include a usable adaptive management plan Base plan on the best available data to address –Diminished natural habitat; –Reduced populations of native species and communities; and –Reduced variability of physical processes. Take a comprehensive, science-based approach Include more robust monitoring Restore natural processes and systems that were in place in the past

8 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Sustainability Ecological sustainability Economic sustainability Cultural sustainability

9 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision System Alteration and Decline of Natural Processes Natural systems in the basin are in decline and the system is not sustainable Specific problems with the natural systems include: –channel degradation; –lack of sediment transport; –radical changes in the flow regime; –loss of connectivity with floodplain and wetlands associated with the river; –loss of habitat for native communities of plants, animals and fish; –loss of important ecological communities such as cottonwood; –loss of riparian wetlands, altered hydrology; and –recent increase non-native species impacts.

10 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Restoration of Processes and Ecological Functions Need to restore the function and form of the river and for reconnection to the river Sediment transport restoration can be closer to natural levels, and riparian corridors can be restored Restoration of the sediment transport can help delivery of sediment to the Mississippi Delta Sediment transport needs to be addressed

11 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Water Quantity and Quality Water rights issues are a problem –Become more acute during droughts The natural hydrograph may change

12 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Sustainable Water Supply Need more flexibility to accommodate uncertainty in water supply A goal of a sustained water supply for the next thirty to fifty years There is an opportunity to examine water rights/allocation throughout the basin

13 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Climate Change Climate change predictions include more extreme flow events, loss of groundwater, etc. May affect the ecological communities present in the basin Climate change goals of reducing CO2 emissions by 60% must also be considered

14 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Education An opportunity to increase education and awareness in the basin Education and outreach about the basin and the plan can broaden the public trust benefits Perception could hinder restoration efforts Need to clearly describe and convey the environmental services that the river can provide to the basin.

15 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Collaboration, Coordination, and Integration A collaborative approach to mitigate, recover and restore has never been attempted with the full suite of actions An opportunity to conduct a comprehensive, coordinated and integrated plan that addresses ecological and management problems Activities should be coordinated across agencies and government entities, and BiOp activities should be integrated with a larger vision Work done to balance needs of disparate uses and recognize the value of the environmental services provided by the river

16 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Need Considerations (Cont) Use stronger words: “diminish” is too soft and needs to be more direct More specificity concerning the meaning of “diversity of habitats” More than just “Congress said so” – hard to explain to public, not compelling Terms such as restoration, mitigation, balance need to be defined Add “fish, wildlife, and plants” after the statement about native communities Integrate socioeconomic, cultural impacts, and issues

17 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Purpose Considerations Looking beyond past efforts; defining a collective vision The basin is large and has multiple uses, ecosystem characteristics and issues Species of Concern in the Plan Purpose Statement is for the public Implementable Plan/Constraints Collaboration and Coordination

18 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Breakout Groups Review Purpose and Need summary from last meeting. Do the Need themes identify the general problems, opportunities, and needs to be considered as they related to ecosystem restoration? (elaborate on how each theme relates to ecosystem restoration) Do they represent the full suite of problems, opportunities, and needs that should be considered in the planning process?

19 Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Breakout Groups (Cont.) Do the “purpose considerations” adequately identify what broadly needs to be considered in this plan to accomplish ecosystem restoration? Are there more specific “How” statements that should be considered in accomplishing the purpose of this plan? What terms/concepts need to be more defined to improve clarity?

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