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Three-toed Maned Sloth By: Eric Gawlick. Bradypus Torquatus The three-toed Maned sloth’s scientific name is Bradypus Torquatus. 100-200 individual Maned.

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Presentation on theme: "Three-toed Maned Sloth By: Eric Gawlick. Bradypus Torquatus The three-toed Maned sloth’s scientific name is Bradypus Torquatus. 100-200 individual Maned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three-toed Maned Sloth By: Eric Gawlick

2 Bradypus Torquatus The three-toed Maned sloth’s scientific name is Bradypus Torquatus. 100-200 individual Maned sloths but still decreasing each year


4 Habitat/niche This small species is found in wet tropical forest, most typically in areas with an annual precipitation of 1,200 mm or higher and lacking a dry season. It can be found in secondary forest habitats, including cabrucas (cocoa plantation under native forest in southern Bahia).

5 Biotic/abiotic and limiting factors Rain Food like plants, animal, bark, wood, stems Plants, insects, trees, water

6 Consumer/producer The three-toed Maned sloth is a consumer because it doesn’t produce its own food It is a second level consumer because Some animals eat it like hawks and the three-toed maned sloth eats plants, and leaves

7 1st level2 nd level3 rd level Food chain

8 Predator/Prey The three-toed Maned sloth is both prey and a predator because it eats food to survive and someone else eats it to survive

9 Major threats They are a major threat since it is usually hunted unwantedly by people thinking they are another animal. They are also ran over by cars by the highway. Finally they are a threat because of there prey that is dying.

10 Number as present/adaptations There are 100-200 three-toed Maned sloths left Adaptation: Long fur keep them warm Peg like teeth for chewing their prey Claws to defend themselves

11 Reproduction/Diet Reproduction: Usually gives birth to young during the end of dry season and the beginning of wet season Is in labor for about 9 months Diet: The three-toed Maned sloth eats leaves, small insects, food plants, stems

12 Limiting factors Water because they live in wet tropical areas and not many ponds where they live. Food because they could be eaten by some other animal therefore it starves and dies away Space because the place where they live could be cut down for our needs not theirs. Once they have nowhere to live and no food they die.

13 Interesting facts Population is decreasing each year It has been endangered since 1982 Spends all of its life in trees They are herbivores which only eat plants They live for about 20 years

14 Why is it a butterfly species? It is a butterfly species because if the Maned sloth dies it will cause even more plants and animals to die Causing distinction of those animals that eat it and the animals that eat that animal as well. It causes a chain reaction.

15 bibliography Cassano, C.R., Kierulff, M.C.M. and Chiarello, A.G. In press. The cacao agroforests of the Brazilian Atlantic forest as habitat for the endangered maned sloth Bradypus torquatus. Mammalian Biology (in press). Groombridge, B. (ed.). 1994. 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Chiarello, A. G. 2008. Sloth ecology: an overview of field studies. In: S. F. Vizcaíno and W. L. Loughry (eds), The Biology of the Xenarthra, pp. 269- 280. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL, USA.

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