Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Trabzon;  Population: 765,127 (1% of Turkish Population)  GDP: 1.809.313.497TL  Development Rate: %53,6 (over.

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Presentation on theme: "Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Trabzon;  Population: 765,127 (1% of Turkish Population)  GDP: 1.809.313.497TL  Development Rate: %53,6 (over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry

2 Trabzon;  Population: 765,127 (1% of Turkish Population)  GDP: 1.809.313.497TL  Development Rate: %53,6 (over the Turkish average)  Best city of the region in welfare indicators  9th lowest crime rate in Turkey  7th in hospital capacity per citizen,  4th in airways usage  7th in university graduates Figures

3 Transport and Logistics Trabzon Harbour Located in the largest inner sea having connections to the international waters, Trabzon Harbour has a strategic importance with land connections with Iran, Iraq, Russia and Turkic Republics. Trabzon, an important point in the ancient Silk Road, is playing an important role in connecting European Market to these countries.

4 Trabzon Airport  Total area of 1.377.244 m²  International Departures :9.710 m²  Domestic Departures: 14.035 m²  3.5 million passengers/year  7 plane park capacity at a time  4th in the airways usage ratio of Turkey Transport and Logistics

5 Trabzon Marina  Total area: 58.000 m2  Yacht capacity: 175 Karadeniz Highway  Distance: 542 km Transport and Logistics

6 TRABZON The Ancient Silk Road  A bridge between East and West  Contributed rich culture of the East with the civilaziton of the West  Contributed the development of trade Transport and Logistics

7 Karadeniz Technical University  Found in 1955  One of the 4 technical universities in turkey  14 faculties, 1.800 researchers, 40.000 students  ECTS accredited (European Credit Transfer System)  400 students exchanged via Erasmus Student Exchange Programme City of Education

8 Avrasya Private University Founded in 2011  3 faculties  1 academy  2 institutes City of Education

9 Trabzon Technopolis  Founded in 2004  Closed area : 20.396 m 2 City of Education

10 Technopolis  collects – R&D incentives to the enterprises – Researchers skilled in industrial applications – Technology based enterprises under one place City of Education

11 City of Tourism  KEMENÇE-HORON- FOLKLOR  Plateus  Fauna&flora  Touristic Centres  Lakes and Caves  Nature Sports  Handcrafts  Organic Products  Local Cuisine

12  Castles  Museums  Mosques  Tombs  Churches  Hans  Hamams  Fountains  Bridges  Palaces City of Tourism

13 Olympics and Sports centre of the Region Trabzonspor  Founded in 1967  Competing in the premiere league in Football, Basketball and Handball  One of the 4 biggest sports clubs in TurkeyAchievements: 6 championships in Turkish Football Premiere League 8 Turkish Trophy Championships, 1 TFF Super Cup 7 Presidency Trophy Championship 5 Prime Ministry Trophy Championship

14 EYOF 2011 Trabzon has hosted European Youth Olympics Festival, the first olympic organization held in Turkey. EYOF 2011, an organization of European Olympic committee (EOC), will led the olympic torch glow for the first time in Turkey via Trabzon. Olympics and Sports centre of the Region

15 Incentive System  Trabzon is covered by the governmental incentive system which includes high tax exemptions for specific investments. Investments Centre

16 Leading Sectors  Fisheries and Agriculture Tea, Hazelnuts, Beekeeping, Sea products  Industry Black tea, processed hazelnut, Dairy products, Forestry, Shipbuilding, Construction Investments

17  One of the oldest chambers in Turkey, founded in 1884  Aiming to contribute the trade and economy of the region HISTORY of Trabzon Chamber

18 Members  7694 members, 5770 active  35 occupational committees, 125 committe, 219 councelors, 10 administrative board members  13 departments, 35 employees TTSO

19 TTSO Departments  Secretary General  Industrial Registry  Trade Registry  Public Relations  Foreign Trade  Chamber registry  Project Coordination Office  R&D  Quality  Foreign Relations  EU Info Centre  IT  Investment Promotion Centre

20  Assisting investors  Informative services in investment environment  Consultancy in incentive applications  Consultancy in Internationalisation  Foreign Trade consultancy TTSO Services

21  Business Development  Trainings  R&D  EU Funds & tenders  IPR TTSO Services  Events  Fairs,  B2b events  Forums

22 Investment Establishment Business Development R&D IPR Events Foreign Trade Project Planning Internatonalization Services Scheme

23 Founded in 2006 Aiming to contribute the trade and industrial capacity of the region Project Coordination Office

24 Industrial Infrastructure Whey Powder Processing Plant Shipbuilding and R&D in Marine Sciences FacilityInternationalization East Alliance Black Sea Tradenet Enterprise Europe NetworkInstitutionalization NEXT Generation in Charge Project Coordination Office

25 Vocational Trainings Sales and Marketing Staff Trainings Training the key personnel of SMEs Clustering SMEs CAD-CAM Training Trabzon Young Entrepreneurship Centre Project Coordination Office

26 Projects prepared for other organizations  Welder Training Project  Staff Training for Olympic Organizations  IT Personnel Training for SMEs  Carreer Planning Center for KTU  Furniture Maker Training  Handcrafts Training for Women (KTO)  Babysitter Training for Women  Montessori Training for Disadvantaged Children  Nature to Art Project Coordination Office

27  Kastaş Karadeniz Çimento Kireç ve Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.  Karsusan Karadeniz Su Ürünleri Sanayi A.Ş.  Trabzon Enerji Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş.  Ata-park İnşaat Taahhüt Ticaret A.Ş.  Arsin OSB  Trabzon DTM  Şinik OSB  KTÜ Teknokent  Trabel A.Ş Stakeholders

28 Pazarkapı Mah. Sahil Cad. No.103 61200 Trabzon / Turkey web: Thank you for your attention.

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