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My Paper We build on knowledge that came before us Research is the foundation of a good scholarly paper.

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Presentation on theme: "My Paper We build on knowledge that came before us Research is the foundation of a good scholarly paper."— Presentation transcript:


2 My Paper We build on knowledge that came before us Research is the foundation of a good scholarly paper

3 Why We Do a Literature Review





8 What sources will have info on your topic? What databases do you have in your library?


10 First do a KEYWORD search (no field selected) and examine results for SUBJECT terms to search

11 选择第二个检索框输入第二个检索词 “ 替代能源 ” ,选择 “ 全文 ” 字段, EBSCOhost 会在全文中检索这 个关键词。注意:你也可以使用命令检索来检索合适的字段,如 SO 代表期刊名称,放在检索词 的前面。 s a process

12 检索结果列表显示出所有检索结果。利用左侧的限制条件可以精确搜索结果。检索结果 也可以根据来源排序,例如学术期刊,杂志或者报纸,只要你在左侧的 “ 来源类型 ” 中打 钩即可。你可以在限制条件中看到你的检索字段,应用的限制条件和扩展条件,以及选 择的主题项 。 After Doing a Search Consider limiting by: 1. Publication years 2. Academic journals 3. Language 4. Subject terms 5. Other limits.







19 Currency Scholarly

20 Author Affiliations: 1 College of Resources and Environment of Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,150030 China 2 Northeastern University School of Humanities and Law,Shenyang,110819 China 3 Harbin water authority, Harbin,150030 Yang, G. 1, Song, G. 2, & Liu, H 3

21 In this case, the abstract shows the article is a study

22 The do more searching using a SUBJECT search

23 1ScholarlyIs it written in a scholarly way by a scholar? 2RelevancyIs the content related to my topic? 3AuthorityIs it written by a respected author & published by a respected source 4CurrencyIs it current enough in time for my topic?

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