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MI/RR Operation Status Ioanis Kourbanis August 21, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "MI/RR Operation Status Ioanis Kourbanis August 21, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 MI/RR Operation Status Ioanis Kourbanis August 21, 2014

2 Outline MI SY120 operation (Seaquest) MI/RR High Power Operation Issues with RR High power operation Future Plans Conclusions I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 2

3 SY120 MI Operation We are running with ~6.5E12p (4 Booster turns, 6 batches) to Seaquest with a 53 MHz DT of ~30%.  We have a limit of 7.5E12 in MI  Higher intensity introduces losses at switchyard extraction We are continuing our effort to improve the slow spill duty factor.  Testing PS filters for reducing the 360Hz.  A QXR FIR filter is being developed. We currently have no QXR magnet spares. I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 3

4 $21 Cycle Intensity and Efficiency I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 4

5 Typical Seaquest operation (weekly plot) I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 5

6 MI/RR High power operation Continued running $23 cycles (MI only) with non slipped stacked beam till the RR transverse dampers were commissioned. After the RR dampers were commissioned we switched to all $2A cycles (using RR as proton stacker) without slip stacking. Had to deal with RR instabilities and aperture restrictions before we were able to increase the $2A intensity to 2.5E13 (same as the $23 cycle intensity). By using the Recycler we are currently delivering 30% more beam power than running MI only! At this point Recycler is operational! I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 6

7 MI Beam Power I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 7 Switched to all $2A cycles Discovered 303 hot spot in RR. Fired TSPs. Boroscoped and re-aligned 303 area.

8 Recycler dampers It took us longer than expected to commission the Recycler transverse dampers.  Required the help of Nathan Eddy and his group. Dampers were operational late June. Allowed us to reduce chromaticity ~10 units in both planes significantly reducing the RR losses. After the RR dampers were commissioned we were able to switch to all $2A 1.33 sec MI cycles. I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 8

9 RR turn by turn with and without dampers I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 9

10 RR losses with and without dampers I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 10 No Dampers high chromaticityDampers on low chromaticity

11 Recycler 30 straight losses 50 mR/h 500 mR/h >2R/h Realignment at 303 improved local losses Moved beam pipe up by 150 mills Pulled down ion pump slots Still have issues in 30 straight Will conduct further studies to understand whether these are just alignment issues, or whether lattice is a factor I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 11

12 Losses before and after the 303 re-alignment I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 12

13 RR303, RR501 extinction plots I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 13 305 303

14 RR303 vs. RR501 aperture scan with high intensity beam I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 14

15 Recycler Instability I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 15 Affects first batch in the train of batches. Horizontal instability with growth of ~10 turns (cannot be damped) Threshold greatly depending on longitudinal peak density.

16 Recycler instability damper plot I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 16

17 Dealing with the Recycler instability Firing the Recycler TSPs during July’s shutdown helped reducing the instability.  The instability threshold increased by 30% (2.8E12 to 3.7E12) What drives the instability seems to be consumed by the injection of the first batch, so by injecting the first batch with a beam intensity close to the threshold allowed us to inject the rest of the batches with 20% higher intensity. We eventually reached 2.6E13 in RR with 6 batches! I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 17

18 Typical RR operational cycle (no ss) I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 18 Batch 1: 3.7E12p Batches 2-6 : 4.4E12 Batch 1: 3.7E12p Batches 2-6 : 4.4E12

19 Typical MI/RR High Intensity Operation (weekly plot) I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 19

20 MI Beam power with and without SY120 I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 20

21 I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 21

22 Future Plans Commission the 6+2 RR operation  We need to turn off the RR transverse dampers for the last 2 injections.  Requires RF feedback on the RR RF stations.  Commission the MI collimators. Demonstrate 460 KW before the September shutdown. I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 22

23 6+2 RR Operation I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 23 2+6 operation; beam +RF 2+6 operation; mountain range

24 Conclusions Recycler is now operational allowing us to deliver up to 350 KW of beam power with 6 Booster batches.  Better vacuum and beam scrubing are helping the RR instability.  Working on understanding the RR aperture at 30.  All localized losses in both machines need to be addressed. Working on increasing the beam power to 460 KW by implementing 6+2 slip stacking.  Studies are under-way We have achieved 70% of the Seaquest beam intensity. I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 24

25 EXTRA SLIDES I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 25

26 I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 26

27 Ring wide beta, vertical August 13, 2014 $ E1, separated tunes $E3 tune, more coupled

28 RR Momentum Aperture I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 28 Momentum aperture required for SS 0.59% (min. 0.45%)

29 RR303 Extinction Plot I. Kourbanis, Proton PMG, August 21, 2014 29

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