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Experiment #2: LAN Performance of PC VS. LAN Performance of Mac Ben Teichman Randy Janzen Matt McAndrews.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiment #2: LAN Performance of PC VS. LAN Performance of Mac Ben Teichman Randy Janzen Matt McAndrews."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiment #2: LAN Performance of PC VS. LAN Performance of Mac Ben Teichman Randy Janzen Matt McAndrews

2 Environment PowerMac G4’s running at 400mhz with 128 M of RAM and 129 M of virtual RAM, Mac OS 9.2.1, and a 100mbit Ethernet connection. PC’s will be running Windows XP with 490 M of RAM and an AMD Athalon chip, also connected to a 100Mb LAN.

3 Hypothesis We believe that the PC will outperform the Mac. We believe that Mac’s are more specialty computers and PC’s are better suited for our purposes.

4 Experiment Test performance of Macintosh Machine VS PC in a LAN environment. Twenty files ranging from 1MB to 300MB will be transferred from one Mac configured as a server to another configured as a client The same procedure will take place to evaluate PC performance only the transfers will take place in a peer-to-peer environment

5 MAC G4 Performance Downloaded 22 files Average Transfer Rate= 8.3 mbps

6 Raw Data for LAN Performance of Macintosh G4

7 PC Performance Downloaded 22 files Average Transfer Rate=8.4 mbps

8 Raw Data for LAN Performance of PC

9 Findings We found through conducting the experiment that with each computer set up on the LAN, each machine transfers files of the same size and at about the same speed. The results from transferring files showed that pc’s were transferring just a bit faster than the apple computers on the LAN.

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