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Presentation Pro © 2001 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Magruder’s American Government C H A P T E R 5 Political Parties.

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1 Presentation Pro © 2001 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Magruder’s American Government C H A P T E R 5 Political Parties

2 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Political Parties C H A P T E R 5 Political Parties SECTION 1 Parties and What They Do SECTION 2 The Two-Party System SECTION 3 The Two-Party System in American History SECTION 4 The Minor Parties SECTION 5 Party Organization Chapter 5 2222 3333 4444 1111 5555

3 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 1 Parties and What They Do S E C T I O N 1 Parties and What They Do What is a political party? What are the major functions of political parties? 2222 3333 4444 5555

4 123 Go To Section: 4 5 What Is a Party? A political party is a group of persons who seek to control government by winning elections and holding office. The two major parties in American politics are the Republican and Democratic parties. The American parties are election-oriented. Chapter 5, Section 1 2222 3333 4444 5555

5 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 1 2222 3333 4444 5555 What Do Parties Do? Nominate Candidates—Recruit, choose, and present candidates for public office. Inform and Activate Supporters—Campaign, define issues, and criticize other candidates. Act as a Bonding Agent—Guarantee that their candidate is worthy of the office. Govern—Members of government act according to their partisanship, or firm allegiance to a party. Act as a Watchdog—Parties that are out of power keep a close eye on the actions of the party in power for a blunder to use against them in the next election.

6 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Different types of Party Systems 2 party system Multiparty System One party system What type of Party system does the U.S have?

7 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 2 3333 4444 1111 5555 Why a Two-Party System? The Historical Basis. The nation started out with two-parties: the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Force of Tradition. America has a two-party system because it always has had one. Minor parties, lacking wide political support, have never made a successful showing, so people are reluctant to support them. The Electoral System. Since only one winner per office comes out of each election, voters have only two viable choices—the candidate of the party holding office or the candidate with the best chance of replacing them. Voters tend to think of a vote for a minor party candidate as a wasted vote. Republican and Democrats work together in a bipartisan way to write election laws to make it hard for a minor party candidate to win office. Ideological Consensus. Most Americans have a general agreement on fundamental matters. Conditions that would spark several strong rival parties do not exist in the United States.

8 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Other examples of Party Systems Multiparty Systems A political system in which several major and minor political parties compete for and win public offices Composed of parties with special interests Ex) Canada and many European Democracies

9 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Multiparty Systems Chapter 5, Section 2 3333 4444 1111 5555 Advantages Provides broader representation of the people. More responsive to the will of the people. Give voters more choices at the polls. Disadvantages Cause parties to form coalitions, which can dissolve easily. Failure of coalitions can cause instability in government.

10 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Hawaii, California, D.C Wyoming, Texas, Arizona One party Systems A political system in which only one party exists Ex) Dictatorships and in some states where one party has held power for some time.

11 123 Go To Section: 4 5 One-Party Systems Chapter 5, Section 2 3333 4444 1111 5555 Types of One-Party Systems Example: Republican North and Democratic South until the 1950s. Hawaii, California Wyoming, Texas Modified One-Party Systems where one party regularly wins most elections One Party Systems where only one party is allowed. Example: Dictatorships such as Stalinist Russia

12 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 3 The Two-Party System in American History S E C T I O N 3 The Two-Party System in American History How did the United States’ political parties originate? What are the three major periods of single- party domination? What characterizes the current era of government? 2222 4444 1111 5555

13 123 Go To Section: 4 5 The Nation’s First Parties Chapter 5, Section 3 2222 4444 1111 5555 Federalists Led by Alexander Hamilton Represented wealthy and upper-class interests Favored strong executive leadership and liberal interpretation of the Constitution Anti-Federalists Led by Thomas Jefferson Represented the “common man” Favored Congress as the strongest arm of government and a strict interpretation of the Constitution

14 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 3 2222 4444 1111 5555 American Parties: Four Major Eras The Three Historical Eras The Era of the Democrats, 1800—1860 –Democrats dominate all but two presidential elections. –The Whig Party emerges in 1834, but declines by the 1850s, electing only two Presidents. –The Republican Party is founded in 1854. The Era of the Republicans, 1860—1932 –Republicans dominate all but four presidential elections. –The Civil War disables the Democratic Party for the remainder of the 1800s. The Return of the Democrats, 1932—1968 –Democrats dominate all but two presidential elections. –Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President four times.

15 123 Go To Section: 4 5 American Parties: Parties Today Chapter 5, Section 3 2222 4444 1111 5555 The Start of a New Era: The Era of Divided Government Since 1968, neither Republicans nor Democrats have dominated the presidency and Congress has often been controlled by the opposing party. 1968–1976 Republicans hold the presidency Congress is controlled by Democrats 1976–1980 Democrats hold the presidency Congress is controlled by Democrats 1980–1992 Republicans hold the presidency Senate controlled by Republicans 1980-1986, controlled by Democrats from 1986 to 1994 1992 – 2000 Democrats hold the presidency Congress controlled by Republicans, 1994 to present 2000 Republicans hold the presidency Congress is controlled by Republicans

16 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Section 3 Review 1. The nation’s first two parties were (a) the Democrats and the Republicans. (b) the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. (c) the Democratic-Republicans and the Republican-Democrats. (d) the Federalists and the Republicans. 2. The Republican Party dominated the presidency from (a) 1932–1968. (b) 1860–1932. (c) 1800–1860. (d) 1783–1800. Chapter 5, Section 3 Want to connect to the Magruder’s link for this section? Click Here!Click Here! 2222 4444 1111 5555

17 123 Go To Section: 4 5 The Minor Parties S E C T I O N 4 The Minor Parties What types of minor parties have been active in American politics? Why are minor parties important even though they seldom elect national candidates? Chapter 5, Section 4 2222 3333 1111 5555

18 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Minor Parties in the United States Minor Parties in the United States Chapter 5, Section 4 2222 3333 1111 5555 Splinter Party Economic Protest Parties Ideological Parties Types of Minor Parties Single-issue Parties

19 123 Go To Section: 4 5Ideological Based on a particular set of beliefs, usually very broad A comprehensive view of social, economic, and political matters Ex) Libertarian Party

20 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Single Issue Focuses on a single public issue or question Their name usually helps define their purpose Most eventually fade away as certain issues die down, or as major parties have taken their ideas as their own Ex) Free Soil Party

21 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Party for the Animals Green Parties Cannabis Political Parties Prohibition Party Right to Life Party

22 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Economic Protest Rooted in Periods of economic discontent No clear-cut ideological basis Typically, proclaim their disgust w/ the major parties and demand better times Focus their anger on things such as the Monetary System, Wall Street Bankers, Railroads, Foreign Imports, etc… Often times, they can be sectional Ex) Greenback Party

23 123 Go To Section: 4 5Splinter Split away from a major party Most successful minor parties have been splinter parties Most have formed around a strong personality who became upset with a major party Faded or collapsed when that leader has stepped aside Ex) “Bull Moose” Progressive Party—Election of 1912

24 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 4 2222 3333 1111 5555 Minor Parties in the United States

25 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Why Minor Parties Are Important Minor parties play several important roles: “Spoiler Role” Minor party candidates can pull decisive votes away from one of the major parties’ candidates, especially if the minor party candidate is from a splinter party. Critic Minor parties, especially single-issue parties, often take stands on and draw attention to controversial issues that the major parties would prefer to ignore. Innovator Often, minor parties will draw attention to important issues and propose innovative solutions to problems. If these proposals gain popular support, they are often integrated into the platforms of the two major parties. Chapter 5, Section 4 2222 3333 1111 5555

26 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Section 4 Review 1. Types of minor parties in the United States include all of the following EXCEPT (a) ideological parties. (b) single-issue parties. (c) regulatory parties. (d) splinter parties. 2. Ross Perot, who ran as a third-party candidate in 1992 and 1996, falls into which minor party category? (a) single-issue party (b) splinter party (c) economic protest party (d) none of the above Chapter 5, Section 4 Want to connect to the Magruder’s link for this section? Click Here!Click Here! 2222 3333 1111 5555

27 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Public Policy Issues * Abortion * Affirmative action * Aging * AIDS and HIV * Air pollution * Alcoholism * Animal rights * Assisted suicide and euthanasia * Automobile safety * Campaign finance * Censorship * Child abuse and domestic violence * Children * China * Civil and human rights * Cloning and genetics * Crime and justice * Date rape * Death penalty * Democratization * Diet and Nutrition * Disability * Disaster Preparedness * Diversity * Domestic violence and child abuse * Drugs, illegal, and legalization * Drugs in sports * Drunk driving * Economics * Education * Employment and labor * Prescription drug policy * Prisons * Privacy * Prostitution * Race, national origin, and ethnicity * Recycling * Religion and state * Renewable energy * School choice and vouchers * School prayer * School violence * Sexual controversies * Sexual orientation * Sexuality education * Smoking * Sports and Drugs * Social security reform * Stem cell research * Suicide * Teenage drinking * Teen drivers * Television violence * Term limits * Terrorism * Title IX * Water pollution * Welfare and poverty * Women * Youth pregnancy * Youth suicide * Environment * Euthanasia and assisted suicide * File sharing and anti-piracy * Flag desecration * Gambling, legalized * Gangs * Gay and lesbian marriages * Gay and lesbians in the military * Genetics and cloning * Global warming * Globalization * Gun control * Hate crimes * Health * Health Care * HIV and AIDS * Homeland security and patriot act * Homelessness * Housing and urban development * Human and civil rights * Hunger * Immigration * Iraq * Juvenile crime and drug use * Labor and employment * Media ratings * Militia movement * Multiraciality * Nutrition and diet * Patriot act and homeland security * Poverty and Welfare * Prescription drug policy * Prisons * Privacy * Race, national origin, and ethnicity * Recycling * Religion and state * Renewable energy * School choice and vouchers * School prayer * School violence * Smoking * Sports and Drugs * Social security reform * Stem cell research * Suicide * Teenage drinking * Teen drivers * Television violence * Term limits * Terrorism * Water pollution * Welfare and poverty * Women * Youth pregnancy * Youth suicide

28 123 Go To Section: 4 5 Chapter 5, Section 5 Party Organization S E C T I O N 5 Party Organization Why do the major parties have a decentralized structure? How does the national party machinery and the State and local party machinery operate? What are the four components of the parties? What are the future possibilities for the major parties? 2222 3333 4444 1111

29 123 Go To Section: 4 5 The Decentralized Nature of the Parties Both of the major parties are highly decentralized and fragmented. Chapter 5, Section 5 2222 4444 1111 3333 Why? The party out of power lacks a strong leader. The federal system distributes powers widely, in turn causing the parties to be decentralized. The nominating process pits party members against one another because only one person can be the party’s presidential candidate.

30 123 Go To Section: 4 5 At the national level, both major parties are composed of 4 basic elements: National Convention National Committee The National Chairperson Congressional Campaign Committees ALL FOUR ELEMENTS OF BOTH MAJOR PARTIES WORK TOGETHER LOOSELY TO ACHIEVE THE PARTIES GOALS

31 123 Go To Section: 4 5 1) National Convention Late Summer of every Presidential Year (every 4 years) Pick Parties Presidential & V.P. candidates Accept party platform (PLATFORM)

32 123 Go To Section: 4 5 2) National Committee Meet between conventions to handle party affairs Includes many committee members from each side Most of its work is based on planning the next National Convention

33 123 Go To Section: 4 5 3) The National Chairperson The leader of the National Committee Chosen to a 4 year term at the National Convention, by the just nominated presidential candidate. Directs party headquarters, raises money, prepares for the next presidential season Debbie WassermanReince Preibus

34 123 Go To Section: 4 5 4) Congressional Campaign Committees Each party has a congressional campaign committee in each house of Congress. Reelect incumbents & make sure open seats remain in their party Try to unseat opposing party incumbents Incumbents: current office holder

35 123 Go To Section: 4 5 State and Local Party Machinery Chapter 5, Section 5 2222 4444 1111 3333 State and local party organization varies from State to State, but usually follow the general principles below. Ward: unit into which cities are often divided for the election of city council members Precinct: Smallest unit of election administration

36 123 Go To Section: 4 5

37 123 4 5 http://www.brunswick.o Mayor/FINAL_Ward_M ap_11_14_2011.pdf http://www.brunswick.o Mayor/FINAL_Ward_M ap_11_14_2011.pdf Ward Map /congressional/2012Co ngressionalDistricts.pdf /congressional/2012Co ngressionalDistricts.p

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