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1 ESD STRATEGY FOR LATVIA Dr. Jānis Zaļoksnis. 2 Four objectives for the Decade Four objectives for the Decade, to: - facilitate networking, linkages,

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1 1 ESD STRATEGY FOR LATVIA Dr. Jānis Zaļoksnis

2 2 Four objectives for the Decade Four objectives for the Decade, to: - facilitate networking, linkages, exchange, and interaction among stakeholders in ESD; foster an increased quality of teaching and learning in education for sustainable development; - foster an increased quality of teaching and learning in education for sustainable development; - help countries to make progress toward and attain the Millennium Development Goals through ESD efforts; - provide countries with new opportunities to incorporate ESD into education reform efforts.


4 4 The implementation of the Strategy is a continuous, long-term process, with three major phases (a)Phase I (until 2007): (a)Phase I (until 2007): countries will identify what they are already doing that fits with the Strategy and also identify priorities for further action required to implement the Strategy. Countries should approve national implementation plans as a framework and operational tool for implementation. The results should be presented to the “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference in Belgrade in October 2007; (b) Phase II (until 2010): (b) Phase II (until 2010): the implementation of the strategy should be well under way. Countries should review progress made in the implementation of their national strategies and revise them; (c) Phase III (until 2015): (c) Phase III (until 2015): countries should have made considerable progress in implementing education for sustainable development.

5 5 A call for action !!! At policy level in member states Promote ESD’s contribution to all of education and to achieving quality education, Increase public awareness and understanding about sustainable development and ESD, Mobilize adequate resources and funding in favour of ESD, Reorient education and training systems to address sustainability concerns through coherent policies at national and local levels. At practice level Support the incorporation of sustainable development issues using an integrated and systemic approach in formal education, Reorient curriculum and teacher education programmes to integrate ESD into both pre-service and in-service programmes. Support teacher education institutions, teachers and professors to network, develop, and research sound pedagogical practice.

6 6 Republic of the Fiji Islands The country occupies an archipelago of about 322 islands, of which 106 are permanently inhabited, and 522 islets.


8 8

9 9 What is the role of Ecology in Environmental Science ? What is the role of Ecology in Environmental Science ? Dr., prof. Viesturs Melecis, University of Latvia NatureSociety EcosystemsSociety = Humanitarian and social sciences Environmental ecology Natural sciences Ecology Environmental Science

10 10 What is the role of Ecology in Environmental Science ? How can we understand functioning of the system nature-society ? It is not possible without knowledge about ecosystems. Ecology in textbooks of Environmental Science Text books of Environmental science always contain basic elements of ecology. Most textbooks of environmental science are comprehensive reflecting complexity of the subject. These books can be successfully used by students of environmental study programs but they are too large for an introductory course of environmental science for non-environmental study programs. How to decrease the size of the textbook ? Reduction in the amount of information of the whole textbook means reduction also of ecological part of it Reduction as a solution of the problem? Ecological part should be not only concise, but also attractive to students. Motivation to learn ecology Students of humanitarian and technical sciences, sociology and economy may have low interest in ecology laws and concepts described in traditional way. Therefore content of ecology should be made attractive enough to motivate them learn it. How to make ecology understandable to members of the consumers society ? If we want to convince people to behave in the way we would like we should talk to them in terms they understand and accept. We all are members of consumer society where everybody is engaged in providing and consuming different services. Because these concepts are understandable to everybody. Structure of the content of ecology The concept of ecosystem services should be used as a leading thread in the explanation of ecological laws and concepts in a textbook of Environmental science. Important Ecosystem services in contradistinction to social and economical services are provided to the society for nothing. The only precondition - consideration of principles of sustainability. Everybody is objectively interested to provide functionality of the ecological component of the system nature-society unless he puts to risk his own existence.

11 11 What is the role of Ecology in Environmental Science ? What is the role of Ecology in Environmental Science ? Ecosystem services and corresponding ecological concepts Ecosystem servicesEcological theme Provisioning services (food products, textile, wood, vulnerary plants, medicaments) Concept of ecological trophic chain, primary and secondary production, energy flow in ecosystem, photosynthesis, respiration, cycle of biogens, fixation of nitrogen Regulation services (composition of atmosphere, regulation of climate, regulation of hydrological regime, soil erosion prevention) Transpiration Role of vegetation in regulation of hydrological regime and climate Supporting services (purification of air, soil and water, pollination of plants, dispersion of seeds) Decomposition of dead organic matter, soil formation, coactions of species Cultural services (recreation, mental, religious, scientific research needs, etc.) Structure of ecosystems, Ecosystem concept, diversity of ecosystems, landscape level ecosystems Preserving servicesSpecies diversity and ecosystem stability, ecological successions

12 12 Ecology and Ecosystem services Ecology and Ecosystem services Preliminary content 1. Introduction 2. Humans as a part of ecological system 3. Provisioning and regulatory services of ecosystems 3.1. How long man can survive without oxygen ? 3.2. How long man can survive without drinking water ? 3.3. How long man can survive without food ? 3.4. About the houses we are living in and the paper we write on 3.5. Who helps us when we get ill ? 3.6. Don’t cause damage to the soil ! 3.7. Why do we feel better under the forest canopy in a hot summer day ? 3.6. Why do we suffer from floods and avalanches ? 4. Supporting services of ecosystems 4.1. If there were no decomposers. 4.2. How do we get nitrogen out of the air ? 4.3. Provisioning and regulatory services of ecosystems 4.4. Green plants – cleaners of the air. 4.5. Can the soil process our waste? 4.6. How much pollution the river could withstand ? 3.4. Pollination: who will do this instead of bees ? 5. Cultural services of ecosystems 5.1. Why do we love nature ? 5.2. Traditions, rituals, adorations 5.3. Nature on the windowpane 6. Preserving services of the ecosystems 6.1. How the nature can sustain itself ? 6.2. What is the ecological balance ? 6.3. Biodiversity – why it is important ? 7. Sustainable development – the rule of human behaviour 7.1. Renewable and unrenewable resources 7.2. To proceed the waste like ecosystems do 7.3. Culture of agriculture 7.4. How to solve conflicts of interest with our smaller brothers 7.5. Common objectives – common rules of behaviour

13 13 FOOTPRINTS AND SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION PhD. student, Jānis Brizga, University of Latvia, NGO-Zaļā brīvība

14 14 FOOTPRINTS AND SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION PhD. student, Jānis Brizga, University of Latvia, NGO-Zaļā brīvība

15 15 LATVIA FOOTPRINT, ha/pers. Footprint of the country is the teritory, which is needed to produce food and goods for consumption, to absorbe pollution and waste, as well as to provide space for infrastructure.


17 17 WASTE EXTRACTION CONSUMTION PRODUCTION INVESTMENTSDISTRIBUTION POLLUTION Climate change Health risks Reduction of biodiversity Threats for well-beeing ENVIRONMENT

18 18 QUALITY OF LIFE AND CONSUMPTION Quality of life as the interaction of human needs and the subjective perception of their fulfillment, mediated by the oppurtunities available to meet the needs


20 20 EACH PRODUCT “INCLUDE” LOT OF WATER water sugar milk cofee 143 liters packing energy cup cap lid = 1 liter 208 liters of water for 1 cup of cofee latte



23 23 ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT assoc. prof. Dzintra Atstāja, Banking Institution of Higher Education CONTENT OF THE CHAPTER 1. Economy as a system, which exploit natural resources. 2. Economy development - one of the pillars of the sustainable development. 3. Environment as the capital. 4. Economic growth and development. 5. External costs and deficiency of the frere market. 6. Economical regulation tools. 7. Value of the nature and evaluation of the environment. 8. More valuable functions of the environment, from economic point of view. 9. Economical methods for environmental policy. 10. Environmentak insurance.

24 24 American philosopher Mortimer Jerome Adler “Desires, Right and Wrong: The Ethics of Enough” Two English words – “needs” and “wants” – are the names for these two modes of desire. When they are not misused, as they are by children, who frequently say they “need” what they should say they “want”, these two words have great significance for the ethics of enough. We certainly can want too much or too little of something that is really good for us, but we can never need too much or too little of it.

25 25 Aristotle, 384-322 BC “…we must rather class happiness as an activity … and if some activities are necessary, and desirable for the sake of something else, while others are so in themselves, evidently happiness must be placed among those desirable in themselves … for happiness does not lack anything, but is self-sufficient.” [2, p.261]


27 27 MPC – privātās robežizmaksas MEC – neieskaitītās robežizmaksas (ārējās ietekmes) MSC – sociālās robežizmaksas MPB – privātais robežieguvums MSB – sociālais robežieguvums QCQC PEPCPEPC D=MPB=MSB QEQE 0 S=MPC Q Ls MSC=MPC+MEC

28 28 Marginal efficiency Ražošanas funkcijai var aprēķināt: kapitāla robežefektivitāti:  Y/  K = c o (1-c L ) (L/K) C L kas norāda pilnās izlaides pieaugumu, ja kapitāla resursu apjoms tiek palielināts par vienu vienību, un darba robežefektivitāti :  Y/  L = c o c L (K/L) 1-C L kas norāda pilnās izlaides pieaugumu, ja darba resursu apjoms tiek palielināts par vienu vienību.

29 29 Uzņēmumu, organizāciju izmaksu par saimnieciskās darbības rezultātā radīto vides piesārņojumu samazināšana Diskontēto ieguvumu summa vai Gaidāmā ekonomiskā zaudējuma no iespējamām tehnoloģiskām kļūmēm un avārijas seku likvidēšanas novēršana Reģionālais sociāli ekonomiskais efekts no dabu saudzējošiem pasākumiem Vides ekonomiskās efektivitātes kritērijs Investīciju un dabas aizsardzības resursus taupošu, atkritumu samazinošu pasākumu diskontēto izmaksu summa Peļņas pieaugums, izmantojot pamatražošanā resursus taupošas tehnoloģijas Peļņas pieaugums, pārdodot, pārstrādājot un utilizējot atkritumus Valsts sociāli ekonomiskais efekts no dabu saudzējošiem pasākumiem ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE ENVIRONMENT

30 30 Emisiju vai izplūdes maksa Piesārņojuma apjoms, kas nonāk vidē Atkritumu izgāztuvju maksas Oglekļa nodokļi Slāpekļa nodokļi Lietotāja maksa Resursa izmantošanas apjoms vai nepieciešamais attīrīšanas apjoms Ūdens izmantošana Sastrēgumu maksa Automaģistrāļu maksa Produkta maksa Prece, kam ir negatīva ietekme uz vidi Minerālmēslu nodokļi Iepakojuma maksas Maksa par elektrisko un elektronisko iekārtu atkritumiem POLLUTION COSTS

31 31 ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION TAX Pigū nodokļi (pēc Kembridžas ekonomista vārda) jeb emisijas nodokļi ar optimālām likmēm (vai to variants ar zemām likmēm) un emisijas licenču tirdzniecība ir svarīgākās ekonomiskās metodes, kuras lieto vides politikā. Arthur C. Pigou 1877-1959

32 32 American philosopher Eric Hoffer (1902 –1983) “we can never have enough of that which we really do not want”

33 33 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Dr. hab. Māris Kļaviņš


35 35 What is environmntal chemistry ? Environmntal chemistry research objects are freon reactions in strathosphere, … and ….

36 36 some of dangerous substances in mankind history … Minamata Seveso 1956 1968 19761984 Yusho Bhopa l accident

37 37 Minamata…….. Tas, ko mūsdienās apzīmē par "Minamatas slimību" pirmo reizi tika novērots kā pie Minamatas līča (dienvidrietumjapāna) dzīvojošo iedzīvotāju saslimstība. Tā tika “atklāta" 1956. gadā, un 1959. gadā tika pierādīts, ka to izraisa zivju patēriņš, kuras piesārņotas ar dzīvsudrabu. Dzīvsudraba avots bija ķīmiskās ražotnes (Chisso Chemical Company) notekūdeņu izvadīšana. dažas no bīstamām vidi piesārņojošajām vielām Piemērs accident

38 38 Jušo…….. Japānā 1968, notika masveidīga saindēšanās, kuru izrasīja cepameļļas piesārņojums ar PCB. 1,788 Japāņi saindējās ar un šo slimību sauc "Yusho" ( “rīsu eļļal“ japāniski)‏ Eļļa tika deodorizēta to karsējot, ber par siltumnesēju izmatoja pa caurulēm cirkulējošo PCB. Cauruļu korozijas rezultātā tajās izveidojās caurumi un līdz ar to eļļa tika piesārņota ar PHB. Pēc tam tā tika izplatīta tirdzniecības tīklā. dažas no bīstamām vidi piesārņojošajām vielām Piemērs accident

39 39 Jušo…….. 36 bērniem, kuri piedzima mātēm, kas cieta saindēšanās rezultātā attīstījās tumši brūna ādas hiperpigmentācija ("black babies")‏ Galvenie ietekmētie orgāni āda; gļotādas, periferālā nervu sistēma Simptomi ādas izsitumi (chloracne); pigmentācija; hipersekrēcija; aknu slimības dažas no bīstamām vidi piesārņojošajām vielām Piemērs accident

40 40 Bhopala…….. 1984 notika rūpnieciska avārija ķīmiskās ražošanas rūpnīcā Bhopalā, Indijā (Union Carbide), kuras laikā gaisā nokļuva ievērojami daudzumi metilizocianāta. Dažu minūšu laikā gāzes mākonis sasniedza Bhopalu un tā kā avārija notika naktī dažu minūšu laikā gāzes mākonis sasniedza pilsētu. 1,700 cilvēku nomira 48 stundu laikā bet kopējais bojā gājušo skaits sasniedza virs 20,000. Metilizocianāts  Piemērs accident

41 41 MAIN QUESTINS OF THE ENVIRONMNTAL CHEMISTRY CHAPTER Atmosfēras uzbūve, nozīmīgākās gaisa vidi piesārņojošās vielas, vielu izkliedes un cirkulācijas procesi atmosfērā. Zemes ozona slānis. Ozona degradācijas problēmas. Ozons troposfērā. Nozīmīgākās gaisa vidi piesārņojošās vielas: slāpekļa, sēra savienojumi, aerosoli un putekļi gaisā. Smogs. Vielu emisijas avoti. Vielu antropogēnās emisijas avoti. Iekštelpu gaisa piesārņojums. Dabas ūdeņu ķīmiskais sastāvs. Galvenie dabas ūdeņu sastāva ingredienti, to avoti, loma vidē un ietekme uz cilvēka veselību. Ūdens vides piesārņojums. Ūdeņu paskābināšanās un tās sekas. Eitrofikācija un procesi tās gaitā. Ūdeņu piesārņojums ar organiskajām vielām un metāliem. Zemes un augsnes piesārņojums. Vides piesārņojumu ierobežojošā likumdošana.

42 42 UNIVERSITY ADVANCED TEXT BOOKS Environmental engineering Nature protection Environmental management Environmental economy Sustainable development

43 43 Project „Development of environmental science study content and materials” University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth sciences, 10 Alberta Str., Riga, LV-1010, LATVIA; phone: + 37129227026; e-mail:

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