The Vietnam War Chapter 19 Study Guide Ho Chi Minh CommunistLed Indochinese Communist party against French, Japanese, and U.S. forces for independence.

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2 The Vietnam War Chapter 19 Study Guide

3 Ho Chi Minh CommunistLed Indochinese Communist party against French, Japanese, and U.S. forces for independence of Vietnam

4 Vietminh Group formed by Vietnamese Communists in 1941 to gain independence from foreign rule

5 Dien Bien Phu French VietminhLocation of French outpost overrun by Vietminh leading to the French Army’s leaving Vietnam

6 Geneva Accords Formalized end of Vietnam’s war with _______. France Temporarily divided Vietnam along _____ parallel 17th

7 Ngo Dinh Diem Vietnamese anti-__________ leader Declared himself ruler of ________ Vietnam Cancelled elections to unify _________ communist South Vietnam

8 Vietcong Communist VietnameseCommunist Vietnamese who fought against South Vietnam

9 Ho Chi Minh Trail Main communist supply line from North Vietnam to opposition groups in South Vietnam

10 Domino Theory Idea that Dominos Pizza is better than Pizza Huts.

11 Domino Theory Idea that countries on the brink of communism were waiting to fall one after the other

12 Tonkin Gulf Resolution Granted president broad military powers in ________ Johnson Vietnam Requested by President _______

13 Operation Rolling 1 st extensive U.S. bombing of North Vietnam Thunder

14 Vietnamization gradually replacingPresident Nixon’s strategy for ending the war by gradually withdrawing American troops and replacing them with _____ __________ forces. South Vietnamese Peace with ______Achieve “Peace with ______ ” Honor

15 Henry Kissinger Served as top U.S. negotiator in Vietnam.

16 Invasion of Cambodia Lead college students to go on student strike


18 Ho Chi Minh Trail supply line North Vietnam South Vietnam Main communist supply line from North Vietnam to opposition groups in South Vietnam


20 Khmer Rouge CambodiaCommunist group that seized power in Cambodia after U.S. invasion.

21 Khmer Rouge

22 My Lai Massacre MurderMurder of innocent Vietnamese villagers by U.S. troops.

23 To win support for his war policies in Vietnam to whom did Nixon appeal? Silent ________Silent ________ majority

24 Pentagon Papers Revealed that the Johnson administration had lied to the public about Vietnam

25 In the 1968 presidential election a dove would most likely support which candidate? Eugene McCarthyEugene McCarthy

26 War Powers Act 1973 law limiting a president’s right to send troops into battle without consulting with __________. Congress

27 1. What did the news media coverage of the Vietnam War, the poor state of the economy and Fulbright hearings result in for America? Distrust of Johnson administration __________ gap__________ gap Credibility

28 2. What toxic chemical did the U.S. military use to devastate the Vietnamese landscape? Agent ____________ orange

29 Major Tự Đức Phang was exposed to dioxin- contaminated Agent Orange

30 3. What gasoline-based bomb did U.S. planes drop to expose Vietcong tunnels and hideouts setting fire to the jungle of Vietnam? Napalm






36 4. What term describes the action by U.S. soldiers that uprooted or burned Vietnamese villages and killed livestock if they were suspected of having ties with the Vietcong? SearchDestroySearch and Destroy missions

37 5. Who won the 1968 presidential election? Nixon

38 6. Who was the Democratic presidential candidate that was assassinated in 1968? Robert KennedyRobert Kennedy

39 7. Whose assassination in 1968 was followed by violent race riots in many cities? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

40 8. Name the 3 main candidates in the 1968 presidential election? Republican Party = ______ _______Republican Party = ______ _______ Richard Nixon Democratic Party = _________ ____________Democratic Party = _________ ____________ Hubert Humphrey

41 American Independent Party= _______ ________American Independent Party= _______ ________George Wallace  3rd party  Supported _____________ and states rights segregation

42 9. What Democratic presidential candidate dropped out of the race before the national convention? JohnsonJohnson

43 JapanJapan FranceFrance U.S.U.S. 10. What foreign countries at one time occupied Vietnam? WW II Dien Bien Phu and

44 11. What was the America’s main goal in Vietnam? Containment of ______________ communism

45 12. How could a man defer from the draft? It’s cool to stay in _______It’s cool to stay in _______ school EnrollingEnrolling in college

46 13. Which president asked for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution? Johnson

47 14. What was the purpose of General Westmoreland’s “body counts”? DemoralizeVietcongDemoralize the Vietcong and persuade them to __________ surrender

48 15. What did the invasion of Cambodia led to? Kent StateKent State 1 st general student strike1 st general student strike

49 16. Which president adopted Vietnamization? Nixon

50 17. What event led the American public to conclude the Vietnam war was unwinnable? TetTet ________ Offensive

51 18. Whose goals were realized when Vietnam was reunified in the 70’s? Ho Chi Minh

52 Study Burst

53 Ho Chi Minh Led Indochinese CommunistLed Indochinese Communist party against French, Japanese, and U.S. forces for independence of Vietnam

54 Vietminh Group formed by Vietnamese Communists in 1941 to gain independence for foreign rule

55 Temporarily divided Vietnam along _____ parallel Geneva Accords Vietnam’s warFrance Formalized end of Vietnam’s war with France17th

56 Dien Bien Phu French outpost Vietminh French Army’s leaving Location of French outpost overrun by Vietminh leading to the French Army’s leaving Vietnam

57 Domino Theory fall one after the other Idea that countries on the brink of communism were waiting to fall one after the other

58 Vietnamese ___ _-communist leader Ngo Dinh Diem Declared himself ruler of ________ Vietnam Cancelled ______________ to unify Vietnam anti South elections

59 Vietcong Communist Vietnamese foughtSouth Vietnam Communist Vietnamese who fought against South Vietnam

60 Tonkin Gulf Resolution broad military powersGranted president broad military powers in Vietnam Requested JohnsonRequested by President Johnson

61 Operation Rolling Thunder extensivebombing North Vietnam1 st extensive U.S. bombing of North Vietnam

62 What did the news media coverage of the Vietnam War, the poor state of the economy and Fulbright hearings result in for America? ______________ of Johnson administration ___________ gap Credibility Distrust

63 Vietnamization President Nixon’s gradually replacingPresident Nixon’s strategy for ending the war by gradually withdrawing American troops and replacing them with South Vietnamese forces.

64 My Lai Massacre Murder Vietnamese villagersMurder of innocent Vietnamese villagers by U.S. troops.

65 Invasion of Cambodia Led college students to go on student strike

66 Henry Kissinger Served as top U.S. negotiator in Vietnam.

67 War Powers Act limiting a president’s Congress1973 law limiting a president’s right to send troops into battle without consulting with Congress.

68 Khmer Rouge Communist CambodiaCommunist group that seized power in Cambodia after U.S. invasion.

69 Pentagon Papers Johnson liedRevealed that the Johnson administration had lied to the public about Vietnam

70 Toxic chemical used by U.S. military to devastate the Vietnamese landscape? Agent O R A N G E

71 Gasoline-based bomb used by U.S. planes to expose Vietcong tunnels and hideouts setting fire to the jungle of Vietnam? Napalm

72 Term that describes the action by U.S. soldiers that uprooted or burned Vietnamese villages and killed livestock if they were suspected of having ties with the Vietcong? Search and _______ missions destroy

73 Who won the 1968 presidential election? Nixon

74 Who was the Democratic presidential candidate that was assassinated in 1968? Robert Kennedy

75 Whose assassination in 1968 was followed by violent race riots in many cities? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

76 Name the 3 main candidates in the 1968 presidential election? Richard Nixon Hubert Humphrey George Wallace

77 What Democratic presidential candidate dropped out of the race before the national convention ? Johnson

78 What foreign countries at one time occupied Vietnam? France Japan U.S.

79 What was America’s main goal in Vietnam? Containment of ____________ communism

80 How could a man defer from the draft? It’s cool to stay in _______It’s cool to stay in _______ school EnrollingEnrolling in college

81 Which president asked for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution? Johnson

82 Demoralize the __________ and persuade them to ___________ What was the purpose of General Westmoreland’s “body counts”? Vietcong surrender …..

83 What did the invasion of Cambodia led to? 1 st general student strike _______ State Kent Where?

84 Which president adopted Vietnamization? Nixon

85 What event led the American public to conclude the Vietnam war was unwinnable? Tet __________ Offensive

86 In the 1968 presidential election a dove would most likely support which candidate? Eugene McCarthy

87 To win support for his war policies in Vietnam to whom did Nixon appeal? Silent ________ majority

88 Whose goals were realized when Vietnam was reunified in the 70’s? Ho Chi Minh


90 “Lucky Test”



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