Tenant (Incremental) Purchase Scheme 2016 April 2016 Presented by: Úna Joyce, Senior Executive Officer, Housing Dept.

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Presentation on theme: "Tenant (Incremental) Purchase Scheme 2016 April 2016 Presented by: Úna Joyce, Senior Executive Officer, Housing Dept."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tenant (Incremental) Purchase Scheme 2016 April 2016 Presented by: Úna Joyce, Senior Executive Officer, Housing Dept

2 The Tenant Incremental Purchase Scheme (TIPS) replaces the 1995 tenant purchase scheme, which closed for new applications in December 2012. Under this scheme, tenants can apply to their local authority to purchase their house. Apartments/duplexes are not included in this scheme. Benefits; - Provides opportunities for local authority tenants to become homeowners - Promotes sustainable communities - Generates additional funding from sale proceeds for local authorities to invest in a range of social housing supports - Reduction in housing maintenance costs which local authorities will have to pay in upkeep of properties, and the resources which can be freed up for delivering new housing schemes as a result Tenant Incremental Purchase Scheme 2016

3 The following properties are not included; -apartments, flats, maisonettes and duplexes -Houses specially designed for older persons (senior citizen complexes) -Houses that are part of a group housing scheme for Travellers -Caravans, mobile homes or other homes that can be moved -Houses in a private development transferred to the local authority by the developer -Houses reserved by the local authority for particular reasons ( e.g. houses with adaptions for medical needs, single storey houses etc.) Housing Stock Exclusions

4 Who can apply? -Persons in receipt of social housing support for a minimum of 1 year (tenants of City Council houses) -Persons with minimum income of €15,000 per annum -Arrears – tenants must have clear rent account at time of purchase (persons who are in arrears and have entered into an agreement that they are adhering to, can apply, but will not have their application processed until the arrears are cleared) -Water charges – evidence required of payment of water charges

5 Discounts available Gross Annual IncomeDiscount Between €15,000 and €20,00060% Between €20,001 and €29,99950% €30,000 or more40%

6 A ‘charge period’ is put on each house based on the discount received. Resale of property Discount receivedCharge Period 60%30 years 50%25 years 40%20 years Charge period decreases by 2% p.a. over charged period

7 Notification to Tenants All eligible tenants will be informed of the new Tenant (Incremental) Purchase Scheme together with an information leaflet on the criteria of eligibility, by post Application Fee, €150.00 (to include valuation) Next Steps

8 Management of eligible DCC Housing Stock

9 Breakdown of Bedrooms by Area

10 The City Council can exercise its right to further exclude certain dwellings from inclusion in the scheme in the interest of proper management of the Council’s housing stock and in light of the increasing numbers on the social housing waiting list. Under Occupancy of Houses

11 Under Occupancy: 1 person living in 3 & 4 bedroom house No. Bedrooms Central North Central North West South Central South East Totals by Bedroom 36414426116943681 4142627141394 Management of DCC Housing Stock

12 January 2016 Housing Waiting List Figures by Bedsize Requirements Bedsize Requirements Total 1 bed12,559 2 bed7,330 3 bed2,220 4 bed212 5 bed34 Housing List Total22,355

13 January 2016 TRANSFER Waiting List Figures by Bedsize Requirements Bedsize Requirements Total 1 bed2,201 2 bed2,136 3 bed1,630 4 bed242 5 bed38 Transfer List Total6,247

14 April 2016 Homeless Figures by Bedsize Requirements Bedsize requirementsTotal 1 bed1209 2 bed289 3 bed87 4 bed10 Total1,596

15 It is proposed to exclude one bedroom houses from this scheme due to the high demand for these units, as demonstrated by the waiting lists. It is proposed to exclude 3 & 4 bedroom houses occupied by one person Management of DCC Housing Stock

16 Housing Loans, Sales & Consents, Block 2, Floor 2, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 Contact details: Tel: 222 544 Email: tenant.purchase@dublincity.ie

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