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By: David,Miguel and Pavan Cervical Spine Sprain PPL3OM Mr. Fera Wednesday, April 6th, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "By: David,Miguel and Pavan Cervical Spine Sprain PPL3OM Mr. Fera Wednesday, April 6th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: David,Miguel and Pavan Cervical Spine Sprain PPL3OM Mr. Fera Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

2 Cervical Spine Sprain ( Whiplash) What is it? How does it happen? Cervical spine sprain (Also known as whiplash) is a painful injury caused by a severe jerk to the head. Whiplash is usually associated with car accidents since the impact from a car crash can cause your head to forcefully jerk backwards or forwards. This would lead to painful neck strain and possible tears of the muscle and tendons in your neck. This can cause joint dysfunction due to the lack of resiliency in the spine or limbs. Whiplash is commonly mistaken as neck sprains due to the effect it has on the ligaments and tissues that Are used to connect the bones to each other.

3 Cervical Spine Sprain Symptoms There are a variety of long term and short term symptoms that people with whiplash may encounter. Some symptoms that are expected when you have whiplash are sharp neck pains, stiffness, soreness and difficulty moving the neck around. Whiplash can also affect the way people eat and give them shoulder discomfort when sleeping or performing activities. For some cases of whiplash, people may feel slightly dizzy, get mild headaches or burning sensations around the neck and shoulder areas.

4 Cervical Spine Sprain Treatment Direct treatments to cure whiplash have not yet been discovered as recovery will be continuous over a specific period of time depending on the severity of the incident. Proper care and handling is essential for the treatment to go as planned so any major signs and symptoms of whiplash that one can see should immediately see that the individual who has the injury undergo professional medical treatment at local hospitals and doctors. ●Various types of painkillers, medication, chiropractic attention, physical therapy and even exercise obviously with the exception of the upper part of the body as that is where most of the injury is located.

5 Cervical Spine Sprain Treatment 2 ●Narcotic medication is also required to ensure complete restoration of bone and joint problems as it is always good to be a little oblivious to the pain since recovery will be completed in the following months. ●Another common remedy includes putting an ice pack on the back of your neck and holding it there for at least 20 minutes every 3 hours for 3 days. It is very frequent but it helps reduce the swelling and amount of pain that the injury causes. ●A neck collar or brace isn’t a bad idea either.

6 Effects on Sport Performance -The symptoms mentioned in the previous slide can and will negatively effect your sporting performance. -Having dizziness is not preferable when playing sports and can be very hazardous. -Having a head injury while playing sports can lead to more accidents and abrasions. -For example, collapsing from having head pains and ringing in the ears can lead to bone fractures, a concussion, sprains and muscle strains. -No symptom should be taken lightly, and some may develop weeks after the original injury.

7 Whiplash prevention The easiest method to avoiding whiplash is simply to specialize and work in areas that do not involve intense contact sports or hard physical labour. Always take precautionary measures when driving even if it’s just a short trip to the convenience shop. This doesn’t necessarily mean wearing protective gear every time you have to go out but following simple directions, stop lights, signs and trying not to break the law is always helpful when preventing any type of injury. Another great way of preventing this injury or at least the major effects of it includes investing in a car with good seating restraints and head support and learning the various positionings of chairs, airbags and even seat belts.

8 Question Game Link game.php?gamefile=1810518#.VwBtxvkrJD8 game.php?gamefile=1810518

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