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Pediculosis Management Head lice are not dangerous and they don’t spread disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Pediculosis Management Head lice are not dangerous and they don’t spread disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pediculosis Management Head lice are not dangerous and they don’t spread disease.

2 Head Lice Are small insects that live in human hair. Louse is the size of a grain of salt and range in color from tan to gray. They multiply rapidly laying seven to ten eggs per day. They attached to the base of the hair, close to the scalp, with a glue like substance that makes it hard to remove.

3 Lice can not fly or jump; they crawl They spread from person to person by direct contact or sharing personal items(combs, brushes, hats etc.. Spread of lice is especially easy in a group setting (eg schools, daycare, slumber parties, sports activities, camp and playground).

4 Signs and Symptoms Itching and or tickling feeling in hair They bite, causing itching which can lead to sores and infection if left untreated

5 Equipment Needed Box of tissue/plastic bag A good nit comb A lamp Hair clips Something to entertain the person being treated

6 Procedure Following the use of a louse shampoo use regular shampoo and conditioner to wash hair Leave conditioner in and towel dry Comb hair using regular comb to remove snarls

7 Starting at the crown of head Separate out a section of hair 1inch by ½ inch Insert the louse comb at the base of the Scalp, pull comb through the hair. You may need To use fingernails to pull the eggs off the hair. Continue process until you feel it is free from Nits (eggs) or lice.

8 If hair dries during the combing process Wet it with water to reduce pulling and hair loss When you finish all section of hair, rinse it Thoroughly with water and dry. After hair is Completely dry, check the entire head for stray Nits.

9 Disposal Process Soak comb in hot soapy ammonia water for 15 mins or boil for 15mins (metal ones only) Use an old toothbrush to remove debris. Seal plastic bag and dispose.

10 Vacuum the house, car and furniture Wash bedding and clothing Place pillow in dryer Place stuff animals in trash bag and store out of house(garage) for 14 days Wash combs and brushes in hot water and soap

11 Prevention Avoid sharing personal items( combs brushes, hair items) Periodically check hair Notify school, Daycare, if you have lice **** All family members should be checked****

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