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Training for Cardiovascular Endurance. Benefits of Endurance Exercise Properly performed endurance training has many physiological benefits. Unfortunately,

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1 Training for Cardiovascular Endurance

2 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Properly performed endurance training has many physiological benefits. Unfortunately, some fitness enthusiasts have done too much aerobic exercise and have suffered the consequences of various overuse injuries. When you balance your training program, however, you should experience better aerobic fitness and enhanced cardiovascular health as well as injury- free exercise experiences.

3 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Physical Capacity- The most obvious outcome of regular endurance exercise is the ability to do more vigorous aerobic activity for longer periods.

4 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Cardiovascular Health- One of the best ways to avoid cardiovascular illness is to develop and maintain a high level of aerobic fitness.

5 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Sedentary people have about twice the risk of heart disease as physically active people. Actually, inactivity increases your risk of heart disease just as much as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, or cigarette smoking. But even if you have one or more of these risk factors, being in good physical condition can reduce the risk of heart attack, as shown in the next slide.

6 Note: Those individuals, with a higher fitness level, are at a lower risk for heart attack and cardiovascular disease than individuals with similar type risk factors. Relative Risk of Heart Attack Based on Fitness Level Westcott, Building Strength and Stamina,1996 1.0 5.1 1.0 4.4 3.4

7 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Cardiovascular Function- Endurance exercise increases the heart’s stroke volume and decreases heart rate, making the heart a stronger pump. A greater stroke volume enables the heart to pump more blood every time it beats. A slower heart rate allows the heart to rest longer and to fill more completely with blood between beats.

8 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Cardiovascular Function- Blood vessels increase in size, number, and tone. Large blood vessels carry more blood to the working muscles, including the heart. These circulatory system changes may reduce resting blood pressure and enhance cardiovascular function.

9 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Cardiovascular Function- Regular aerobic activity increases blood volume, expanding its transporting capacity. It also increases the number and size of the red blood cells, enhancing the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity. Also, endurance exercise decreases stickiness among blood platelets, reducing the risk of blood clots.

10 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Health Benefits- Regular endurance exercise may help in these areas: o High blood pressure o High cholesterol o Smoking o Obesity o Glucose Intolerance o Psychological Stress

11 Benefits of Endurance Exercise Lifestyle Benefits- Regular endurance exercise may help in these areas: o Improved Sleep o Digestion o Waste Elimination o Higher Levels of Energy

12 Endurance Training Options The most popular indoor endurance exercises include treadmill walking and jogging, stationary cycling, and using stepping and rowing machines. Outside the workout room running, bicycling, swimming, and in-line skating are among the favorites.

13 Endurance Training Options In addition to a variety of exercise activities, you can choose from four endurance training methods. o Steady Pace Training o Interval Training o Cross Training o Fartlek Training o Cardiovascular Training Design

14 Endurance Training Options Steady Pace Training o Involves a consistent and comfortable exercise effort o Steady pace training should not be too easy or too difficult o Make it vigorous enough to stimulate the cardiovascular system but not so strenuous that it is uncomfortable or unpleasant.

15 Endurance Training Options Interval Training o divides an endurance session into hardier and easier segments.

16 Endurance Training Options Cross-Training o Combines two or more exercise activities o Example of a 30 minute cross-training session may include 10 minutes of recumbent cycling, 10 minutes of stepping, and 10 minutes of jogging.

17 Endurance Training Options Fartlek Training o Is an exercise program with periods of faster-paced activity interspersed with periods of slower-paced activity. o You do not time the various segments of your training session but simply exercise as you feel throughout your entire workout, without any attempt at regimentation.

18 Exercise Selection and Order Beginners who are overweight or otherwise out of shape usually find well- designed endurance equipment more appropriate. If you are unfit recumbent cycling is the best activity to initiate your endurance training program.

19 Exercise Selection and Order From a recumbent you can progress to upright cycling. After upright cycling progress to walking on a treadmill. Stepping and rowing are the next machines to try but only after developing a sound cardiovascular base.

20 Endurance Training Options Exercise Frequency o You should perform at least two aerobic workouts a week to improve your cardiovascular fitness. o More is not necessarily better o Three sessions a week produce the same results as five do.

21 Endurance Training Options Exercise Duration o It is important to stay within the range of 20-60 minutes. o Doing less than 20 minutes of aerobic activity may decrease the benefits of your training, while completing more than 60 minutes of endurance exercise may increase your risk of overuse injury.

22 Endurance Training Options Exercise Intensity o Exercise intensity is the effort level at which you perform aerobic activity. (64/70 to 94% of max. HR) o After you surpass the beginning exercise level, you should train between 77 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate to achieve improvements in CR fitness.

23 Summary Regular endurance exercise improves physical function, aerobic capacity, and cardiovascular health. Because the heart serves as the fuel pump for the body, a well-conditioned cardiovascular system enables your muscles to work better and longer, with less effort and faster recovery.

24 Summary To best condition the cardiovascular system, be sure to choose aerobic activities that use large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and are rhythmic in nature. Cycling,walking, jogging,stepping, and rowing are all appropriate activities.

25 Summary Just be sure to introduce them in order of their physical demands. Train up to an hour, three to five days a week, although 20 to 30 minute segments are the practical approach for most people. Generally, endurance exercise should require a moderate level of physical effort.

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