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Religion and Work The importance and purpose of work.

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1 Religion and Work The importance and purpose of work


3 The purpose and importance of work (pages 52-53) Why is work important? “Work is: vital; creative; a punishment; healthy. Work prevents boredom” Do you agree with this description of work, give reasons for your answer “God made us for work” What do you think? Give reasons for your answer-explain your opinion Work can be seen as an opportunity for service to others and spiritual growth

4 Religion and Work In Genesis, God worked for 6 days and then rested on the seventh day ( Saturday)

5 Religion and work

6 Then God gave Adam the task of caring for the Garden of Eden

7 Religion and Work Christians, Jews and Muslims believe that work is a duty given to them by God/Allah After Adam and Eve had disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, their task got harder

8 Religion and Work Work can seem like a punishment… the Pharaoh gave the Hebrews more work to do when Moses asked him to set them free. Work can be satisfying and rewarding… “No one eats better food than that which they have earned by their own labours” Hadith (Muslim)

9 Vocation a calling to work in a specific field; called by God for special work Some people feel that they have been called to working a particular profession Christians believe that God has a purpose in life for every individual Orthodox and Roman Catholics associate the idea of vocation with a divine call to work in the Church, for example as a priest. It can be the opportunity to use their gifts for the good of everyone in whatever job they pursue. Work as a vocation is usually linked with service to others What would you regard as jobs which are vocations?

10 Doctors Nurses teachers Priests Voluntary work Any others?

11 Vocations As a priest, God has called me to carry out his mission on earth. My work includes providing pastoral support for all who live within the diocese I became a doctor because I want to help people. I treat everyone with dignity and respect I teach in an inner city school because I believe that education can help young people to improve their lives As a war correspondent, I have a vocation to report and tell the truth about what is happening in the world today

12 Vocations How is a vocation different from other kinds of work? “Religious believers should work in industries that help other people” What do you think? Explain your opinion.

13 Work For many religious people, work is more than just a job; it is a vocation. Work is regarded as a service and a way of life It is not always paid It is not always for personal gain Does it need to be fulfilling and purposeful?

14 Key questions: How should people be treated at work? Should employers make allowances for religious believers in order for them to practise their faith at work? Who should be supporting the unemployed?

15 Task: What kind of things do you do which could be interpreted as work? Why do you do these tasks? What, if anything do you gain from these tasks? Would it matter if you did not do those tasks?

16 The future… Where do you wish to be in 10 years workwise? Make a list of the steps you need to get you to that point.

17 Religious attitudes to work 1.Explain why religious believers consider it right to work to earn a living 2.Why would a religious believer not want to perform some jobs? 3.Explain how work can help a believer in their spiritual development 4.Make a list of jobs – label each “recommended”( i.e. positively following the teachings of that religion); “accepted” ( i.e. would be allowed by that religion); or “forbidden” ( i.e. not appropriate for a follower of that religion). Explain each label or category 5.“It is not important to have a career if you are religious” what do you think? Explain your opinion 6.“How much you earn is not important if you are enjoying your job” do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer

18 Religious attitudes to work Explain why giving careful consideration to a future career is important “Do well in the GCSEs and you will have a good career” what do you think of this statement? Explain your opinion.

19 Moral and Immoral occupations Religious believers see some careers as unacceptable What do you think that they would find unacceptable?

20 Moral and Immoral occupations Promotion of immorality They should not work in or invest in the arms trade, prostitution, pornography, illegal drugs, gambling For Christians, not working on a Sunday, for Jews not on Shabbat ( Saturday) New Age movement Hindus – as vegetarians, not butchery, abattoirs

21 Homework: Research and present your findings of a religious believer who regarded/regards their work as a vocation. Include details about how they chose their occupation, the defining moment when they felt called to their vocation. Possible examples: Mother Teresa, Jackie Pullinger, the Dalai Lama David Wilkerson, Desmond Tutu


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