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Using a Fire Extinguisher Bureau of Workers’ Comp PA Training for Health & Safety (PATHS) 1PPT-013-01.

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Presentation on theme: "Using a Fire Extinguisher Bureau of Workers’ Comp PA Training for Health & Safety (PATHS) 1PPT-013-01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using a Fire Extinguisher Bureau of Workers’ Comp PA Training for Health & Safety (PATHS) 1PPT-013-01

2 Fire Extinguishers Not all fire extinguishers are the same. Use the proper class of fire extinguisher only on fires it was designed to extinguish. Know where fire extinguishers are located and what class they are. Number 1 goal = Safety. Only attempt to extinguish small fires! Never put a used fire extinguisher back in place. Have it recharged. 2PPT-013-01

3 General Requirements Fire extinguishers must be easily accessible at all times! Must not be obstructed by boxes, chairs or other miscellaneous items. Should not be placed on the ground. Should be mounted in such a way that they cannot easily fall and injure someone. 3PPT-013-01

4 Do you see a Problem? Access to fire extinguisher is obstructed. 4PPT-013-01

5 Any Problems Here? Access to extinguisher obstructed. Nothing should be placed in front, around or next to a fire extinguisher 5PPT-013-01

6 Marking Locations of Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguisher locator signs should be placed so extinguishers are easy to find during an emergency. 6PPT-013-01

7 Fire Extinguisher Labels All fire extinguishers should have a label to indicate what class of fire they will extinguish. Most extinguishers use an international picture label. Become familiar with fire extinguisher labels before you need to use an extinguisher. 7PPT-013-01

8 Fire Triangle = Oxygen, heat and fuel Fire Tetrahedron = Add chemical reaction Remove any of these items = No fire (fire goes out) Basic fire prevention = Separate fuel & ignition sources 8 Fire Triangle/Tetrahedron Fire extinguishers work by either cooling down heat, taking O2 level below that necessary to support combustion, or interrupting chemical reaction. Oxygen = most basic 14-16% necessary to support combustion 21% in atmospher e PPT-013-01

9 Class of Fires Class A Fires Ordinary combustibles (e.g., wood, paper, cloth or plastic). Class B Fires Flammable/combustible gases and liquids (e.g., gasoline, kerosene and methane). 9PPT-013-01

10 Class of Fires (cont.) Class C Fires Energized electrical (e.g., power going to the device). Class D Fires Combustible metals (e.g., titanium, zirconium and magnesium). 10PPT-013-01

11 Class of Fires (cont.) Class K Fires Cooking grease made from animal fat. These fires usually burn very hot. Dangerous to extinguish. Special fire extinguishers are used for these classes of fires. Usually occur in kitchen areas of restaurants and/or cafeterias. 11PPT-013-01

12 Types of Fire Extinguishers Water Fire Extinguishers Usually silver in color. Hose attached somewhere at/near the top. Can be used on Class A fires only. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Usually red in color. No pressure gauges. “Horn” instead of a hose or nozzle. Can be used on Class B and C fires only. 12PPT-013-01

13 Types of Fire Extinguishers (cont.) Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Can be red, yellow, white or other colors. Extinguishers containing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate can be used on Class B and C fires only. Those containing monammonium phosphate can be used to extinguish Class A, B and C fires. BC ABC 13PPT-013-01

14 Types of Fire Extinguishers (cont.) Class D Fire Extinguishers Contain special material (e.g., graphite). Use only on fires involving combustible metals (e.g., titanium, zirconium, etc.). 14PPT-013-01

15 Types of Fire Extinguishers (cont.) Halon Fire Extinguishers “Halogenated hydrocarbons.” (similar to Freon) Primarily used to extinguish fires in sophisticated electrical/computer equipment (Class C fires). “Wet Chemical” Fire Extinguishers Primarily used to extinguish Class K fires (cooking grease made with animal fats). 15PPT-013-01

16 Up Close & Personal Pressure Gauge Anti-tamper seal Hose Horn Pull Pin 16PPT-013-01

17 Pressure Gauge Needle on pressure gauge should be in “operable range.” Any problems here? Extinguisher needs recharged. 17PPT-013-01

18 To Use a Fire Extinguisher Remember P.A.S.S. P ull the pin on the fire extinguisher handle. A im the nozzle/horn of the extinguisher at the base/bottom of the fire. S queeze the handles together to make the extinguisher work. S weep the nozzle/horn of the extinguisher from side to side as if using a broom. 18PPT-013-01

19 After Using a Fire Extinguisher Never put a used fire extinguisher back up on the wall (even if it was used for only a few seconds). A fire extinguisher that has been used may not operate again due to the pressure inside leaking out. Notify the appropriate individual/department so the used fire extinguisher can be replaced or recharged. 19PPT-013-01

20 Conclusion Fire extinguishers are everywhere within buildings, work places, hotels and, hopefully, YOUR HOME! Being comfortable using extinguishers involves being familiar with them. Make sure you know where the closest fire extinguisher is, what type it is and what class of fire it can be used to extinguish. Remember, being able to use a fire extinguisher correctly could save your life or the lives of others! 20PPT-013-01

21 Questions 21PPT-013-01

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