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Nonfiction-Global Introductions/Journals. Irony in Life Describe a time in your life when the opposite of what you expected occurred.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonfiction-Global Introductions/Journals. Irony in Life Describe a time in your life when the opposite of what you expected occurred."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonfiction-Global Introductions/Journals

2 Irony in Life Describe a time in your life when the opposite of what you expected occurred.

3 Worst History In your opinion, what is the worst event in history? What was it? Why was it horrible?

4 Only Child Does being a family’s only daughter or son-or the eldest, middle, or youngest, or the only child affect who a person is?

5 Inspiration Write about a time in your life when someone else’s words inspired you. What were the words? Why did they impact you?

6 Discrimination Who in our world today experiences discrimination? How and why are they discriminated against? Discrimination means: To make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit/achievement.

7 Connections What common connections/interests do you think exist between all people?

8 Guilty If you were serving on a jury, what information would you need to persuade you to judge an individual as guilty?

9 Space In your opinion, should we spend money to explore space? Why or why not? What are the benefits? What are the negative consequences?

10 Parent’s Choice For how long should parents/guardians have a “say” in their children’s lives? At what age should children have their “say”? At what age should children have certain responsibilities? Can you think of any “special” circumstances in which parents should always have the final word?

11 Earth Responsibility Do we have a responsibility to take care of the earth? Why should we care? Should we enforce/regulate that everyone does his or her part to take care of the environment?

12 Diary Do you keep a diary? Why or why not? Why is it important for some people to journal or write down their thoughts?

13 Motivation What motivates you to succeed and go after your goals? Do some things motivate you more than others?

14 Coaching If you were a coach or a teacher, how would you “run” your team or class? What would your rules be? How would you reach your goals?

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