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Structural Ceramics.

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1 Structural Ceramics

2 Structural ceramics I Mechanical properties
Structural ceramics encompass all ceramic materials that fulfil mechanical functions. Advantages of ceramic materials over metals and polymers: excellent temperature resistance high hardness high corrosion resistance low density Disadvantages lower fracture toughness higher price mechanical properties can only be indicated statistically

3 Structural oxide ceramics
Mechanical properties Structural oxide ceramics Aluminum oxide, alumina Al2O3 Zircon oxide, zirconia ZrO2 Partially stabilized zirconia (with CeO, CaO, MgO or Y2O3) Zr0.9Mg0.1O1.9 Aluminum titanate Al2TiO5 (ATi, AlTi) Cordierite Mg2Al4Si5O18 Mullite Al6Si2O11 Spinel MgAl2O4 Lithium-aluminum-silicate Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 - Basis (LAS) SIALON Si3N4-Al2O3-Al-SiO2 - Basis

4 Structural carbide and nitride ceramics
Mechanical properties Structural carbide and nitride ceramics GPSSN - gas pressured sintered BN Boron nitride (hexagonal) CBN (cubic boron-nitride) - cubic SSN - sintered RBSN (reaction-bonded SN) - reaction bonded HPSN - hot pressed HIPSN - hipped Si3N4 (SN) Silicon nitride PKD (polycristalline diamond) Diamant TiC Titanium carbide B4C Boron carbide CSiC-Si - silizierte Kohle, reaktionsgebunden HIPSiC HPSiC SiSiC - silicon infiltration, reaction bonded SiC - pressureless sintered Siliconcarbide

5  Elastic deformation d0 l l0 d simple shear deformation
Mechanical properties Elastic deformation l d l0 d0 simple shear deformation stress strain relationship uniaxial compression in 2-D of a isotropic body strain: G: Shear modulus Microscopically the elastic deformation is due to the reversible stretching of atomic bonds. E: Young‘s modulus : Poisson‘s ratio

6   Material strength The theoretical strength of a material
Mechanical properties Material strength The theoretical strength of a material (for a flawless single crystal) is related to the elastic modulus: ceramic ceramic composite : surface energy a0 : av. atomic distance metal Ceramics have much larger elastic moduli than metals, e.g. they are much less elastically deformed than metals The theoretical strength of alumina should therefore be between 40 and 50GPa, the measured values however are only 0.27GPa! Why? elastic deformation plastic deformation Material Young‘s modulus (GPa) Stress-strain relationships for different materials at ambient temperature diamond , 970 Al2 O3 (s,p) , 390 MgO(s) SiC (p) Glasses Aluminum Steel

7 Fracture strength I s l 2c
Mechanical properties Fracture strength I The maximum strength is based on the assumption that a body fails by simultaneous separation of all bonds, actual fracture in brittle material however occur by enlargement of preexisting flaws (cracks). s l 2c Energy promoting crack growth Energy resisting crack growth = elastic energy release stored at = surface energy the crack tip For a stable crack of length c e.g. one which does not open more the elastic energy release must be equal to the surface energy or less e.g.

8 Mechanical properties
Fracture strength II Above a certain size the crack will start to selfpropagate for constant or even decreasing stress. The critical stress for a certain crack size c already present in the material is given by: The much lower than theoretically predicted strength of ceramic materials is due to the fact, that it is impossible to manufacture perfect ceramic parts which contain no cracks. A second problem is, that the number and the size of cracks present in a ceramic part are usually not known. Material Fracture toughness (MPa /m2) KICis called the fracture toughness for opening mode loading, e.g.tensile stresses perpendicular to the crack axis. Fracture propagation prevention = toughening through microstructural adjustments - Transformation toughening - Multiphase ceramics - Fiber reinforcement Al2 O3 (s,p) , MgO(s) SiC(p) Glasses Aluminum Steel

9 Mechanical properties
Plasticity of metals Although metals have a lower Young modulus than most ceramic materials, their actual strenght is much larger. Moreover, at a certain strenghth the deformation of metals becomes partly irreversible. The higher strength and the plastic behaviour is due to the dissipation of stress at the crack tips by the creation and movement of defects called dislocation. A linear disruption of the periodicity of a crystal structure is a linear defect, also called a dislocation. Three types of dislocations are known: pure edge, pure screw and mixed dislocations. Edge dislocations An edge dislocation is the boundary of an extra half plane of atoms (unit cells) inserted into a perfect crystal: extra half plane of atoms lower boundary of half plane = edge dislocation (dislocation line) running perpendicular to the paper foil perfect structure disturbed structure perfect structure

10 Burger vector Characterization of dislocations: Burgers vector loop
Mechanical properties Burger vector Characterization of dislocations: Burgers vector loop 6 lattice translations to the left Closing gap = Burgers vector If such a loop does not close, one or more line defects are present in the interior of the loop. The line defect is characterized by the closure failure. For edge dislocations, the Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line. If the Burgers vector has the direction and the size of a lattice translation, the dislocation is perfect. start point 6 lattice translations down 6 lattice translations up 6 lattice translations to the right

11 Screw dislocation Screw dislocations
Mechanical properties Screw dislocation Screw dislocations An screw dislocation has a Burgers vector parallel to the dislocation line. dislocation line start of Burgers vector loop Burgers vector Mixed dislocations Dislocations with Burgers vector orientations oblique to the dislocation line are called mixed.

12 Movement of dislocations
Mechanical properties Movement of dislocations Dislocation glide glide direction glide or slip plane The full slip system is indicated as: [u v w] (h k l) Burgers vector glide plane t1 t2 t3 t4 Shear stress may initiate dislocations. Under continuous stress the dislocation will move through the crystal. Edge dislocations: glide plane is always parallel to dislocation line and burgers vector. Screw dislocations: glide plane can have different orientations, because Burgers vector and dislocationline are parallel. t5 t6 t7 t8

13 Energy of dislocations
Mechanical properties Energy of dislocations The elastic energy of dislocations are proportional to the square of the Burgers vector: Eel = Gb2  : const. G: material elastic property, shear modulus b: Bugers vector The most frequent Burgers vectors in a deformed material are, therefore, usually equal to the smallest lattice vectors of the phase. Shortest lattice vectors of Metals Ceramic Materials Fe nm Al2O nm Ag nm ZrO nm Ni nm BaTiO nm The stress necessary to activate dislocations in ceramic materials is thus much higher in ceramics than in metals. Glide activation in ceramics is only possible at high temperatures.

14 Dislocation examples High resolution electron transmission
Mechanical properties Dislocation examples High resolution electron transmission microscopy (HRTEM) image of a edge dislocation in Si (arrow). The vertical lines correspond to lattice planes. Conventional TEM images of dislocation lines in MgO deformed under different stress. Straight dislocation lines have either pure screw or edge character. Curved lines and loops have mixed character.

15 Mechanical properties
Hardness I Hardness is the property of a material to withstand indentation and surface abrasion by another hard object. It is an indication of the wear resistance of a material. Alumina is very hard, metals however have a lower hardness, despite having a higher fracture toughness. When a sharp tip is imprinted on a metal, the surface will be deformed by the creation and glide of dislocations, not so ceramic surfaces. The Vickers hardness test method consists of indenting the test material with a diamond indenter, in the form of a right pyramid with a square base and an angle of 136 degrees between opposite faces subjected to a load F of 1 to 100 kg. The two diagonals d of the indentation left in the surface of the material after removal of the load are measured using a microscope and their average calculated. The Vickers hardness is the quotient obtained by dividing the kgf load by the square mm area of indentation. c cracks

16 Hardness II Mohs Material Vickers Hardness Hardness 1 Talc 1
Mechanical properties Hardness II Mohs Material Vickers Hardness Hardness 1 Talc 2 Gypsum 3 Calcite 4 Fluorite 5 Apatite 6 Orthoclase 7 Quartz 8 Topaze 9 Corundum SiC TiC 10 Diamond finger nail (2.5) coin (3.5) steel (5.5) glass (6)

17 Mechanical properties
Hardness III

18 Structure of alpha-Al2O3
Mechanical properties Structure of alpha-Al2O3 face-sharing edge-sharing c0 c0 Al site empty site a1 a2 Corundum structure, hexagonal unit cell setting, only the cation sublattice is shown. The oxygen form an hexagonal dense packed array. (210) projection of the corundum structure. Aluminum ions in adjacent face-sharing octahedra mutually repell each other.

19 Alumina as structural ceramic
Mechanical properties Alumina as structural ceramic Properties of reactive grade alumina: impurities Na2O 0.08wt% melting temperature 2050°C surface area 6.8m2g-1 sintering temperature °C sintered density (2h 1650°C) fracture toughness MPam1/2 bend strength MPa Applications: hip protheses, cutting tools (zirconia-toughened) Triangular alumina-based cutting element used to machine metallic parts Cutting elements made of alumina

20 Alumina: microstructure and strength I
Mechanical properties Alumina: microstructure and strength I Controlling the microstructure of alumina ceramics to enhance mechanical properties Dense hot pressed alumina without (top) and with addition of MgO (bottom) Grain growth is detrimental to the fracture strength of ceramics: d: grain diam. 5mm Doping alumina with MgO leads to the formation of precipitates of spinell along the grain boundaries, which lowers the grain boundary mobility. (Bennison et al., 1983) 5mm

21 Alumina: microstructure and strength II
Mechanical properties Alumina: microstructure and strength II Porosity is detrimental to the mechanical strength: Doping alumina with periclase reduces also the internal residual porosity. The picture (Geskovich et al.500x) shows an alumina body sintered without dopant. There is a large number of entrapped pores.When sintered with a dopant, the reduced grain boundary mobility allows the filling of the pores when they are at the grain boundaries, whereas fast grain growth encloses the pores quickly into the interior of the grain, where it is difficult to eliminate them. 0: strength at zero porosity b: constant. 5mm Pure alumina has a low fracture toughness. Mixing ca. 10% of zirconia (BSE image, zirconia: white) into the alumina doubles the fracture toughness.

22 Example: Hip implants The articulation of hip implants require:
Mechanical properties Example: Hip implants The articulation of hip implants require: Mechanical strength. Typical maximal loads within the human body are 10 to 15 kN. Wear resistance e.g. high hardness Biocompatibility Alumina is the material of choice. It is biocompatible e.g. no rejection reaction nor degradation in physiological liquids. The mechanical strength, though not very high, is 10 to 20 times higher than required for the maximum loads expected. The high hardness of alumina results in average wear rates for alumina-alumina coupling that are up to 50 times lower than for alumina - polyethylene or alumina - chrome cobalt alloys.

23 Pepper / Salt Grinder Processing Net-shape Injection Molding
Mechanical properties Pepper / Salt Grinder Processing Net-shape Injection Molding Properties High Hardness Resistance against NaCl Advantages No Corrosion Long lifetime Cheaper

24 Zirconia as structural ceramic
Mechanical properties Zirconia as structural ceramic Properties of partially stabilized zirconia: dopant Y2O3, CaO wt% melting temperature 2500°C sintered density gcm -3 sintering temperature 1800°C Young‘s modulus GPa fracture toughness MPam1/2 Bend strength MPa Applications: die material in the metall industry, thermal barrier coatings, piston caps, cutting tools valve sealing Piston parts (valves, sealings etc. made of stabilized zirconia. Schematic drawing of a piston.

25 Mechanical properties
Polymorphs of ZrO2 Schematic structures of the three zirconia polymorphs c c a a cubic c-phase 2370°C °C tetragonal t-phase c/a = 1.02! 1240°C °C monoclinic c-phase < 1240°C - The cubic phase can be stabilized by doping with MgO, CaO or Y2O3 - The tetragonal - monoclinic phase transformation involves a 4.7% volume increase. - This volume increase is the basis for transformation toughening.

26 Partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ)
Mechanical properties Partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) Manufacturing of partially stabilized zirconia Add about 10% MgO Sinter in the cubic phase Lower temperature and heat treat (age) to nucleate small precipitates of t-phase These are growing below the critical size for t-m transformation Cool to room temperature Remaining c-phase has no time to transform ZrO2-MgO phase diagram

27 Mg-PSZ Microstructures
Mechanical properties Mg-PSZ Microstructures After sintering at 1800°C an annealing stage at 1400°C is introduced: -After 4-5 hours tetragonal precipitates, grow by conventional diffusion processes as coherent spheroids along {001} cube planes Below a well defined critical size of about 200 nm the t-particles remain tetragonal down to room temperature - Optimum microstructures contains about 25% - 30% by volume of tetragonal phase

28 Transformation toughening I
Mechanical properties Transformation toughening I 1. The stresses concentrated at the crack tip transform the surrounding tetragonal ZrO2 inclusions to the monoclinic polymorph. The transformation absorbs fracture energy and slows down crack propagation. crack tetragonal ZrO2 inclusion “ transformed to monoclinic structure stress orientation around the crack tip transformation zone Lense-shaped tetragonal inclusions in a matrix (black) of cubic zirconia (A. Heuer). 200 nm

29 volume of the tetragonal zirconia inclusion
Mechanical properties Transformation toughening II 2. Microcracking around the transformed inclusions: The volume stresses resulting from the tetragona- monoclinic transformation delocalize also the stresses from the crack tip crack volume of the tetragonal zirconia inclusion volume after transformation to monoclinic stresses due to the volume increase microfracture due to the volume stresses crack Penetration depth 3. Crack deflection due to volume stresses: The deflection of cracks increases the crack surface.The stress releave per unit penetration is, therefore, larger then for an inclusion free zirconia.

30 Transformation toughening III
Mechanical properties Transformation toughening III 100nm Initially tetragonal zirconia inclusion in a cubic zirconia matrix, which are completely transformed to the monoclinic structure. The bands within the inclusions are twin lamellae.

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