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1 TRANSFORM Strategies to Advance Women in Higher Education Melanie Hatch, Ph.D. Virginia Arp, Elisa Konieczko, Sreela Sasi, Weslene Tallmadge, Karinna.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TRANSFORM Strategies to Advance Women in Higher Education Melanie Hatch, Ph.D. Virginia Arp, Elisa Konieczko, Sreela Sasi, Weslene Tallmadge, Karinna."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TRANSFORM Strategies to Advance Women in Higher Education Melanie Hatch, Ph.D. Virginia Arp, Elisa Konieczko, Sreela Sasi, Weslene Tallmadge, Karinna Vernaza, Theresa Vitolo

2 2 Outline  Introduction  TRANSFORM Goals and Objectives  Strategies  Dual Career Services  Research Initiation Award for Early-Career Faculty or for Mid- Career Faculty  Leadership Development

3 Leadership and Gender  Does it really matter?  Caliper Group (2005)  Women are more persuasive and inclusive  Women take more risks  C. Brush (2006)  Women see interconnected relationships  Encouragement and motivation  Need female perspective! 3

4 Women in STEM*  Hold ½ of all jobs but fewer than 25% in STEM disciplines  Women in STEM-related jobs earn 33% more than in non-STEM jobs  Only 25% or women with STEM-related degrees work in STEM-related jobs  Majority of female STEM majors choose physical or life sciences (men choose engineering) * 4

5 Women in STEM at GU  We have approximately 200 total faculty  48% are women and 28% of STEM faculty are women  Women faculty by rank*  Assistant Professors – 33%  Associate Professors – 33%  No women full professors  Limited opportunities for employment of spouses  *At the time of grant application 5

6 Women in Leadership Positions  Vice President Level*  Four male and one female  Dean Level  One male and two female  Department Chair (STEM)  Six male and two female *At time of grant application 6

7 Eight research findings in three areas: How social and environmental factors shape girls’ achievements and interests in math and science The climate of college and university science and engineering departments Continuing influence of bias Source: American Association of University Women, Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, 2009.


9 Background  National Science Foundations, Division of Human Resource Development  Partnerships for Adaptation, Implement and Dissemination (ADVANCE-PAID)  TRANSFORM, Teaching Research Advancement Network to Secure Female Faculty For Organizational Retention and Management  Applied in November 2010  Grant of $385,919 awarded in September 2011 9

10 TRANSFORM  Goal  To increase the recruitment, retention, advancement, and leadership development of STEM female faculty at Gannon.  Vision  To have Gannon University be regionally recognized as an institution supporting and developing female faculty throughout their careers. 10

11 Four Objectives #1 Recruit female faculty in STEM disciplines #2 Retain and Advance female faculty through the rank and tenure process #3 Prepare female faculty to hold leadership positions #4 Educate deans, department chairs, and faculty leaders about issues affecting female faculty `` 11

12 STRATEGY 1 Dual Career Services 12

13 Strategy 1: Dual Career Services Objective 1: Recruitment of STEM female faculty members Initial site, Gannon, HR Institutes Dual Career Consortium of Northwestern Pennsylvania (DCCNP) Consortium builds alliances with regional employers Activity 1: Create Dual Career Services Office Contracted, external development Available to registered employees affiliated with consortium Activity 2: Create and manage DCCNP website Institutionalization of shared policies and expectations Oversees usage and value of website Requires support of part-time employee Activity 3: Implement Dual Career Program 13

14 Progress to Date Strategy 1: Dual Career Services  Recruited all local universities  Indentified set of local businesses  Hired HR firm  Advertised for programmer/database administrator 14

15 STRATEGY 2 Research Initiation Award for Early- Career Faculty or for Mid-Career Faculty 15

16 Strategy 2: Research Initiation Award Objective 2: To increase the number of Gannon female faculty achieving advancement in rank Inform the STEM Department Chairs about the new “Research Initiation Award” Solicit proposals from the qualified candidates Review proposals and announce the awardees Review interim progress report and final report Activity 1: Implement Research Initiation Award 16

17 Progress to Date Strategy 2: Research Initiative Award  Research proposals solicited from female, Assistant and Associate Professors of STEM disciplines  Six proposals received from 12 potential candidates  Review of proposals in progress  Awardee receives  3 credits release time per semester/2 years  $7500 as grant funds 17

18 STRATEGY 3 Leadership Development 18

19 Strategy 3: Leadership Development Objective 3: Prepare female faculty to hold leadership positions Objective 4: Educate deans, department chairs, and faculty leaders about issues affecting female faculty 19

20 Strategy 3: Activity 1 Develop a curriculum to prepare all faculty for leadership positions Organize topics into three main categories: Leadership and Vision Task Interpersonal Relationships and Communications Offer each academic year, six one-hour events through different formats (webinars, invited speakers, panels) Activity 1: Leadership Development Training 20

21 Strategy 3: Activity 1 Proposed Curriculum for Year 1 and 2 21 Leadership and Vision Task TopicsInterpersonal Spring 2012 JanuaryLeadership Self Assessment FebruaryGoal Setting AprilConflict Management Fall 2012 SeptemberContemporary Approach to Leadership Development OctoberTime Management NovemberMentoring Spring 2013 JanuaryValues and Vision FebruaryDecision Making AprilMotivation

22 Progress to Date Strategy 3: Leadership Development Activity 1: Leadership Development Training  Two workshops conducted to date; two hours long  Survey Results  Leadership Series # 1: 73% strongly agreed and 27% tend to agree that the content was beneficial and that they will be able to apply the ideas to their job.  Leadership Series # 2: 59% strongly agreed and 35% tend to agree that their was a good balance between presentation and group involvement. 22 DateTopicParticipants Leadership Series # 1January 27, 2012 Self- Assessment using DISC Behavioral Analysis 17 Leadership Series # 2February 17, 2012 Situational Leadership17

23 Survey Results: Leadership Series # 1 Strongly Agree Tend to Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Tend to Disagree Strongly Disagree Undecided Not Applicable Totals 1. I am pleased with the overall quality of this workshop. 105 2. I will be able to apply one or more ideas to my course or to my job. 114 3. Overall, the presenter/instructor was effective in presenting the information. 123 4. There was a good balance between presentation and group involvement. 95 1 5. The timing and pace of the event was adequate. 67 2 6. The content of this workshop/seminar/webinar was beneficial. 114 23

24 Survey Results: Leadership Series # 2 Strongly Agree Tend to Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Tend to Disagree Strongly Disagree Undecided Not Applicable Totals 1. I am pleased with the overall quality of this workshop. 791 2. I will be able to apply one or more ideas to my course or to my job. 97 1 3. Overall, the presenter/instructor was effective in presenting the information. 98 4. There was a good balance between presentation and group involvement. 1061 5. The timing and pace of the event was adequate. 863 6. The content of this workshop/seminar/webinar was beneficial. 872 24

25 Strategy 3: Activity 2 Develop a curriculum addressing female faculty barriers Establish three, half-day leadership workshops Audience: department chairs, program directors, deans, provost, associate provost, administrators Goal: Climate change First implementation March30, 2012 Topic: Fair Faculty Evaluations Activity 2: Leaders Forum for Climate Change 25

26 Strategy 3: Activity 3 Follow the model set by GU Regional Symposium on Teaching and Learning Focus: Issues facing leaders in higher education Appropriate Keynote Speaker to be selected First implementation Summer of 2014 Activity 3: Regional Leadership Symposium 26

27 Budget Five Year Allocation Budget CategoriesTotal Direct and Indirect Costs ($) Strategy 1: Dual Career Services 67,586 Strategy 2: Research Initiation Award 187,375 Strategy 3: Leadership Developments 29,975 Personnel64,983 Travel to NSF PI Conference18,000 External Evaluator18,000 TOTAL FEDERAL AWARD385,919 27

28 Acknolwedgement 28

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