A Presentation on Mr. SAJID NAEEM M.SC – Electronics (UOP) PG-DEP (C-DAC)

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Presentation on theme: "A Presentation on Mr. SAJID NAEEM M.SC – Electronics (UOP) PG-DEP (C-DAC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Presentation on Mr. SAJID NAEEM M.SC – Electronics (UOP) PG-DEP (C-DAC)

2 Introduction to LabVIEW LabVIEW Software Overview Data Acquisition System Instrumentation in LabVIEW Control System in LabVIEW Examples Advantages Applications References

3 Introduction to

4 .Lab VIEW is a graphical programming language that uses icons instead of lines of text to create programs..LabVIEW program called Virtual Instrument produced by National Instruments in 1988..LabVIEW is a much loved tool of the scientist and engineer.. Jeff Kodosky is the “Father of LabVIEW”.

5 VIs.Lab VIEW programs are called virtual instruments, or VIs, because their appearance and operation imitate physical instruments, such as oscilloscopes and multimeters etc..After build the user interface, add code using VIs and structures to control the front panel objects. The block diagram contains this code.


7 VI Front Panel:

8 VI Block Diagram:

9 Controls and Functions Palettes:

10 Tools Palette:

11 Status Toolbar:

12 Creating VI:


14 Wiring Tips:

15 data type.Each wire has different style or color, depending on the data type that flows through the wire:



18 Help Options:

19  LabVIEW is written on graphical structure. summation  While in LabVIEW summation is a function and it is represent by following symbol.  In LabVIEW, such mathematical and logical functions are represented graphically.


21 °F = (1.8 * °C) + 32 Control Indicator

22 Introduction to DAQ Card


24 1. Transducer: A device that converts a physical phenomenon such as light, temperature, pressure, or sound into a measurable electrical signal such as voltage or current. 2. Signal: The output of the transducer. 3. Signal conditioning: Hardware that you can connect to the DAQ device to make the signal suitable for measurement or to improve accuracy or reduce noise. 4. DAQ hardware: Hardware you use to acquire, measure, and analyze data. 5. Software: NI application software is designed to help you easily design and program your measurement and control application (LABVIEW).


26  DAQ devices have four standard elements: 1. Analog input (AI) 2. Analog output (AO) 3. Digital I/O (DIO) 4. Counter/Timers

27 .Eight 14-bit analog inputs..12 digital I/O lines..2 analog outputs..1 counter. AnalogDigital 1 3232 1717 1616

28 1.Open the Labview program, in the Block Diagram select functions, express input then select the DAQ Assistant icon.

29 2.Select “Analog Input” so as to input your analog data to the computer and Labview.

30 3.We have 16 physical input channels from ai0 to ai15, select a channel like ai0.

31 4.Select your input voltage setup

32 5.Now make the connections and select test then Run to see the input voltage.

33 Example

34  Temperature ( o C) = Vout * (100 o C/V) Convert from Dynamic Data

35 XY Graph

36 LM35 Thermistor PT100














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