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Class 3 Teachers: Mrs Reynolds/Mrs Gardiner TA’s: Mrs Jones Mrs Tosney Mrs Tosney Mrs Duffin Mrs Duffin Mr Banks Mr Banks.

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1 Class 3 Teachers: Mrs Reynolds/Mrs Gardiner TA’s: Mrs Jones Mrs Tosney Mrs Tosney Mrs Duffin Mrs Duffin Mr Banks Mr Banks

2 Essentials Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. Please make sure your child’s clothes are labeled.

3 Curriculum Maths: Place value and number; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division (mental and written); fractions; decimals; geometry; position, direction and movement; measuring (length, mass, volume, capacity and perimeter) ; statistics, coordinates, translation and reflection; algebra and sequences. Be eXceptional! English: Myths and Legends; Stories by significant authors; Biography and Autobiography; Comparisons and descriptions and Journalistic writing.

4 Curriculum continued… Topic: Ancient Greeks Science: Working Scientifically PSHE: Learning 2 Learn: Readiness RE: Hinduism Computing: Plan the creation of a mobile APP

5 PE Tuesday and Thursday Please make sure all items of PE kit are named. Provide Warm layers for colder weather. No earrings. Long hair tied up.

6 Homework My Maths homework is set on a Monday to be completed by following Sunday. Spellings will be set on Friday’s and tested the following Friday. English homework will be online. Set on a Friday on two weekly cycle.

7 How you can help you child at home… Encourage your child to be independent. Read regularly (both with and to your child). Set high expectations – e.g. Expect names to be written with a capital letter and writing to be done neatly. Refer to Non-negotaibles in school. Maths: play board games, count out pocket money, tell the time, use measuring when baking practice times tables. Encourage them to ask questions but don’t always give them the answers – let them work it out or find out.

8 Communication Blue home/school My Maths book for homework communication. The end of the day is the best time for sharing information unless it is relevant to that day. Working together is key.

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