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Narnarayan shastri Institute Of Technology By:: TOPIC: RENEWABLE & NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES…

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Presentation on theme: "Narnarayan shastri Institute Of Technology By:: TOPIC: RENEWABLE & NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narnarayan shastri Institute Of Technology By:: TOPIC: RENEWABLE & NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES…


3 RESOURCES A resource is anything we get from the environment to meet our needs and desires. It may be any useful information,material or service. Thus, any part of our natural environment,such as land,water,air,minerals,forest, wildlife,fish or even human population that man utilise to promote his welfare are regarded as natural resources. The five basic ecological variables:energy,matter,space, time and diversity are sometimes combinedly called natural resources.

4 CLASSIFICATION OF RESOURCES:  Natural resources can e broadly divided in two categories: I.Biotic (or living) Resources: eg:Forest,Fish,Wildlife,Agriculture,etc. II.Abiotic(nonliving) Resources: eg:Land,water,minerals,etc. Furthermore,the natural resources can be divided into two types accordingly to the availability.

5 Which can be recycled Which cannot be recycled


7 RENEWABLE RESOURCES Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished in a short period of time. ● Solar ● Geothermal ● Wind ● Biomass ● Water

8 Renewable Resources Renewable resources are those that are replenished through relatively rapid natural cycles. Examples : 1)Oxygen in the air,which is replenished through photosynthesis. 2)Fresh water which is replenished through water cycle. 3)All biological products(Food,Fish,Timber etc.)which are replenished through natural cycles. 4)Solar energy is also considered as renewable as on a human time scale it is inexhaustible.

9 NON RENEWABLE RESOURCES A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption.

10 NON RENEWABLE RESOURCES NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES: {a}Non-Renewable resources that can be recycled. {b}Non-Renewable resources that cannot be recycled.

11 Non-Renewable Resources that cannot be recycled: The includes all non-energy mineral resources which occur in the earth’s crust. Example: 1)Ores of copper,aluminium,mercury and other metals. 2)Deposits of fertilizer nutrients such as phosphate rock and potassium. 3)Minerals that are used in their natural states such as asbestos,clay,mica,etc.As this deposits are mined,5they are not replaced and hence such minerals are considered non-renewable.

12 Non-renewable Resources that can be recycled: Resources that exist in a fixed quantity in earth’s crust and thus theoretically can be completely used are called non-renewable resources. On a time-scale of millions to billions of years such resources can be renewed by geological process. Non-renewable resources that cannot be recycled are those mineral energy resources,namely,fossil fuels that presently supply better than 90% of our energy and uranium that is used for nuclear power.


14 DESTRUCTION: Renewable resources though renewable but it may be possible that rate of utilization is more than rate at which is being renewed. Example: i.In many developed countries,diversed old growth forest is being replaced by single species tree plantation with much less diverse second growth forest and wild life diversity. ii.Thousands of life species become extinct each year because of human activities. CONSERVATION: Conservation is sustainable use of natural resources. It is derived from two latin words ‘con’(together) and ‘servare’(to keep or guard) thus the meaning ‘to keep together’. The true aim of conservation is 1.Preserevation of quality of environment. 2.To ensure continuous and balanced cycle of harvest and renewal.

15 Measures………… Stopping deforestation and increasing afforestation. Vertical development of cities so that less land is used for accommodating more number of people. Rain water harvesting, construction of check dams etc. Recycling and reuse of resources whenever possible. By optimum use of resources. Using more and more solar energy as it can be considered inexhaustable. Development of new technologies to use alternative fuels like hydrogen gas,natural gas etc. Forest and wildlife resources can be conserved by forming National park,Sanctuary and enacting strict laws.

16 References Wikipedia. Mahajan Publication.(B.R.SHAH & SNEHAL POPLI)

17 Thankyou.

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