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Possessive Adjectives Defining What Belongs to Whom.

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive Adjectives Defining What Belongs to Whom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive Adjectives Defining What Belongs to Whom

2 What is a Possessive Adjective? In Italian, possessive adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify. Possessive adjectives are also sometimes preceded by a definite article.

3 Rules regarding article usage The definite article is not used before a singular, unmodified noun referring to a family relationship. For example: mio fratello The definite article is used when the noun is plural. The definite article is also used when the noun is modified by another adjective. For example: il mio amico americano The definite article is also used when the possessive adjective is loro.

4 Masculine Forms of Possessive Adjectives EnglishSingular Plural Myil mioi miei Your (fam.)il tuoi tuoi Hisil suoi suoi Heril suoi suoi Your (form.)il Suoi Suoi Ouril nostroi nostri Your (fam.)il vostroi vostri Theiril loroi loro Your (form.)il Loroi Loro

5 Feminine Forms of Possessive Adjectives EnglishSingular Plural Myla miale mie Your (fam.)la tuale tue Hisla suale sue Herla suale sue Your (form.)la Suale Sue Ourla nostrale nostre Your (fam.)la vostrale vostre Theirla lorole loro Your (form.)la Lorole Loro

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