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Reform of Decentralization in Mexico. Context in Mexico w Rapid process of decentralization w Driven by political democratization federation was always.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform of Decentralization in Mexico. Context in Mexico w Rapid process of decentralization w Driven by political democratization federation was always."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform of Decentralization in Mexico

2 Context in Mexico w Rapid process of decentralization w Driven by political democratization federation was always there on paper short-circuited for decades by 1-party state w Lack of coherent plan for decentralization w Lots of resources transferred to states and municipalities sometimes with large responsibilities

3 Context for Bank’s work w Broad ESW before loan international comparisons laid out long-term strategy options short-term agenda as first steps w Work first on Federal policy as framework for state behavior set incentives for autonomous states contrast to state adjustment loans first in Argentina and Brazil

4 Key Problems in Mexico for the short term w Moral hazard in borrowing by states effective federal guarantees of state debt history of bailouts banks did not worry about state creditworthiness w lack of transparency and accountability for decentralized resources w Weak institutions -- coordination at federal level management at subnational levels

5 Agenda for the medium and long term w increase subnational revenue raising w reduce dependence on transfers especially for marginal resources w increase state authority to manage programs, especially in education All these require hard budget constraint on borrowing and fed. transfers -->short term

6 DAL Policy Matrix : Debt w End federal guarantees for (new) state debt w Differential capital risk weighting to reflect creditworthiness -- credit rating agencies w require states to publish fiscal data in order to get good capital risk weighting w Tighten rules for lending by federal development bank to states

7 DAL policy matrix : budget and institutions w End discretionary transfers by executive w Publish distribution of federal resources w make TA available to states and municipalities w set up federal Decentralization Committee and technical secretariat w publish info. on state pension liabilities w performance agreements -- 2 pilots

8 Initial reaction to reforms w Credit rating agencies feeding frenzy pressure on states to improve financial image w End of (executive) discretionary transfers in budget ad hoc transfers to states put in the budget by Congress

9 Next steps w National Fiscal reform w Fiscal Adjustment by key states

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