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Norse Culture and Its Influence on the World Background for all squads.

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Presentation on theme: "Norse Culture and Its Influence on the World Background for all squads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norse Culture and Its Influence on the World Background for all squads


3 Our dates are roughly 790-1066. The earliest recorded Viking raids begin in the 790s and the Normans conquer England in 1066. 790-1066 basically bookend the Viking Age.

4 What areas are we talking about?

5 The Vikings mostly lived in present day Scandinavia. However, they were highly mobile, so they sailed all over the place.

6 What’s going on in the rest of the world between 790-1066? 9 th Century The 9 th Century is considered the Dark Ages in Europe. Charlemagne is crowned Roman Emperor. China persecutes Buddhists.

7 10 th Century Regarded as a low point in European history. Byzantine Empire reaches its height. Rise of the Toltecs and collapse of the Maya.

8 11 th Century Great Schism takes place between Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. Normans invade Britain. Song Dynasty rules China.

9 790-1066 is 760 years after the death of Jesus Christ. 570 years after the fall of the Chinese Han Dynasty. 453 years after Constantinople is made the capital of the Roman Empire. 339 years after Attila the Hun defeats the Romans. 220 years after the birth of Muhammad.

10 790-1066 is 96 years before the birth of Genghis Khan. 149 years before King John signs the Magna Carta. 259 years before Tenochtitlan is founded. 284 years before the beginning of the Italian Renaissance. 432 years before Columbus “discovers” America.


12 Vikings lived in and settled Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Danelaw, Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Shetland, Orkney, Faroe Island, Iceland Greenland, Vinland


14 The Vikings sailed most of the North Atlantic. They made it all the way to Baghdad and Constantinople. They made it all the way to Newfoundland, Canada.

15 Viking Ships Science: How were Viking ships made to go fast? How were they built to be light? Social Studies: How were they used in exploration, raids, and warfare? English: What roles do Viking ships play within the poetry and sagas? How did ships help spread Viking literature? Fine Arts: How can we see the Viking ship as a piece of art? How is it decorated? How was it used for funerary purposes?

16 Oseburg

17 Oseburg http://

18 Gokstad



21 knarr

22 Faering


24 Viking Religion Pre-Christian and Christian Norse Mythology

25 The Norse believed in nine worlds. Humans lived in Midgard. Asgard was heaven. Hel was hell.



28 Christian Vikings The Christianization of Scandinavia began in the 8 th century and was basically complete by the 12 th century. Often, Vikings agreed to “be” Christian because their king said they should be.

29 Viking Expansion The Vikings sailed all over the place, but they only settled certain areas. We are mostly interested in England, Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland.

30 Expansion to England The Vikings sailed from Norway to Dorset, England in 789. They attacked the monastery at Lindisfarne in 793. The Vikings repeatedly raided this monastery until the monks fled in 875. England was backward at this time. When the Vikings came to a farming village to settle, there was little anyone could do about it.

31 Some of the Vikings who came to England came as raiders. Some came with their families and livestock. After a while, the cultures assimilated.

32 In 1066, the Normans invade England and defeat the Vikings. The Normans take over England. But the Normans were from France.

33 The Vikings had been to France, and the Normans had Viking blood. Your materials argue that 1066 was a case of one Viking culture throwing another Viking culture out of England.

34 Iceland Naddoddr was looking for the Faroe Islands, but he got lost and drifted to Iceland. The first Scandinavian who deliberately sailed to Iceland was Floki Vilgerdardson. He named it Iceland.

35 Norwegian Ingolfur Arnarson maintained the first permanent settlement in 874. Iceland is the best example of Viking culture today because nobody lived in Iceland before the Vikings.

36 Greenland The Vikings colonized Greenland beginning in 986. Inuits were already in Greenland, and they were much better adapted to the environment. The Viking population reached a height of 5,000, and they stayed for about 500 years.

37 The Vikings arrived in Greenland during a global warming phase. When the planet began to cool, the Vikings left.

38 Vinland (a.k.a. North America) Bjarni Herjolfsson came here in 985. He was headed for Greenland, but got blown off course. Vikings explored Newfoundland, Canada for about one generation, but they never permanently settled.

39 Leif Eriksson was responsible for at least one trip to North America. They left behind huts and cooking utensils.


41 Viking Jewelry




45 Arm rings


47 Viking hoards

48 Viking Coins

49 Stave Churches


51 What did the Vikings sound like? Beowulf.Readings/Prologue.html Beowulf.Readings/Prologue.html This is Beowulf, which is Anglo-Saxon. This language would be approximate to the Vikings.

52 And if you’re wondering why we’re stuck with this topic, here’s my theory.

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