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By: Susan Kuklin. Call of Action  Roy and his friends Richie and Demetrius all decided to catch a ride from a friend from school to a party at cedar.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Susan Kuklin. Call of Action  Roy and his friends Richie and Demetrius all decided to catch a ride from a friend from school to a party at cedar."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Susan Kuklin


3 Call of Action  Roy and his friends Richie and Demetrius all decided to catch a ride from a friend from school to a party at cedar Lake. Demetrius and his friends didn’t know Kevin Gardner that well but still decided to accept the ride.

4 Departure  Roy and his friend Rickie and Demetrius gets picked up by Kevin and travels down a dirt road to a party they were all suppose to go to at cedar lake. Accepting this car ride triggered Kevin being in control of where Roy and is friends could go.

5 Threshold crossing  Roy starts arguing with Kevin telling him that he wants to get out he car and walk. They finally stop the car on the long dirt rode and Kevin Gets out the car and Roy shoots him while Rickie and Demetrious remains in the back seat in terror of the car the boys keep the body laying on the dark dirt rode and drive off back to town.

6 Initiation  Demetrius Rickie and Roy had to come up with a plan to tell the police when Kevin's body had been found. They cam up with a plan to take his car to take his car stereos out the car sale them then sale h is car somewhere at a chop shop in Birmingham.

7 Road of Trial  Demetrious admits to his sister that he shot and killed Kevin. He said he would take the blame for his death.  Rickie and Demetrious came up with a plan sell Kevin's car at a chop shop down in Birmingham.  Rickie testifies that he later took a trip to Demetrious grandmothers house in the cedar lake area to see if Kevin's body was still present.

8 Supreme ordeal  Roy gets sentenced to death row at the age of 16 years old. Being found guilty of capital murder. Demetrious and Rickie were found insistent of not being the ones who picked up the gun and shot and killed Kevin Gardner.

9 Threshold crossing  Roy gets taken by ten or more police officers down a long extended hallway out the courtroom. They put him in tightly chained handcuffs and chains. From there he gets escorted to a police car to the state prison about 5 hours away from the courthouse.

10 Return Roy gets assigned to his cell and lives the rest of his life on death row then gets his sentenced reversed and was shifted to a general maximum- security prison where spent the rest of his time.


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